The Git configuration file contains a number of variables that affectthe Git commands' behavior. The files .git/config and optionallyconfig.worktree (see the "CONFIGURATION FILE" section ofgit-worktree[1]) in each repository are used to store theconfiguration for that repository, and $HOME/.gitconfig is used tostore a per-user configuration as fallback values for the .git/configfile. The file /etc/gitconfig can be used to store a system-widedefault configuration.

This is a multi-valued variable, and an empty value can be used in ahigher priority configuration file (e.g. .git/config in arepository) to clear the values inherited from a lower priorityconfiguration files (e.g. $HOME/.gitconfig).

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[path]/etc/gitconfig file: Contains values applied to every user on the system and all their repositories.If you pass the option --system to git config, it reads and writes from this file specifically.Because this is a system configuration file, you would need administrative or superuser privilege to make changes to it.

~/.gitconfig or ~/.config/git/config file: Values specific personally to you, the user.You can make Git read and write to this file specifically by passing the --global option, and this affects all of the repositories you work with on your system.

You may see keys more than once, because Git reads the same key from different files ([path]/etc/gitconfig and ~/.gitconfig, for example).In this case, Git uses the last value for each unique key it sees.

It starts my editor with the path /home//.gitconfig. I think this is really weird. I have tried to create the .gitconfig file by creating it as sudo and then move the .gitconfig file from /root/.gitconfig to /home//.gitconfig and lastly chown it to my user, but that does not work either. Please help me..

The git config command is a convenience function that is used to set Git configuration values on a global or local project level. These configuration levels correspond to .gitconfig text files. Executing git config will modify a configuration text file.

Global level configuration is user-specific, meaning it is applied to an operating system user. Global configuration values are stored in a file that is located in a user's home directory. ~ /.gitconfig on unix systems and C:\Users\\.gitconfig on windows

System-level configuration is applied across an entire machine. This covers all users on an operating system and all repos. The system level configuration file lives in a gitconfig file off the system root path. $(prefix)/etc/gitconfig on unix systems. On windows this file can be found at C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Git\config on Windows XP, and in C:\ProgramData\Git\config on Windows Vista and newer.

The location of where git wants to read/write the global .gitconfig is an issue because the computers at our $Home directory on the network. Git apparently doesn't like this and throws an error every time I try to git clone or git init.

I decided to overengineer this solution by creating a .gitconfig that only applies in certain folders. This post documents how to enable multiple .gitconfig files to control how Git looks and operates in different directories.

First, a quick review: Git uses a series of configuration files to determine non-default behavior that you may want. The first place Git looks for these values is in the system-wide /etc/gitconfig file, which contains settings that are applied to every user on the system and all of their repositories. If you pass the option --system to git config, it reads and writes from this file specifically.

Turns out that what was keeping it busy is the Docker integration for WSL2.

I stopped the (Windows) process, and I was able to rm -R ~/.gitconfig from windows.

I then created the file ~/.gitconfig to prevent Docker from repeating this nasty behavior

The trailing slash in the error message makes it look as though .gitconfig is a directory. Do you have an application open - Linux shell, Windows Explorer? - with .gitconfig as its current directory? If so, close that application and try again. Or, reboot the host.

Git does not automatically create the global .gitconfig file during installation. This file is not created until it is written to for the first time. If you have never set a system variable, it will not be on your file system.

Run git config --global --edit to verify the preceding value has been written to ~/.gitconfig. If successful, you should see the preceding value (in addition to values that might already exist in the Git global configuration file). To exit, typically you would type :q, and then press Enter.

From the Happy Git with R section on making sure RStudio knows where your executable is, it looks like your setup is typical of Windows (so that's good). I'm not sure what the best suggestion is with respect to having your .gitconfig global be so, well, global (i.e. outside the user directory).

Here's the thread where Jenny explored this in usethis: Location of user-level git dotfiles on Windows opened 01:07AM - 31 Dec 17 UTC closed 01:22AM - 01 Jan 18 UTC jennybc From AppVeyor and my Windows VM, I gather that user's .gitconfig and .gitignore are typically not in what R regards as...

RStudio just shells out to Git, so it's not accurate to say that RStudio is looking in the wrong place. That is, RStudio is not explicitly looking anywhere for your gitconfig. It calls Git and, as a consequence, user-level Git config is found (or not).

I am not sure what you mean when you say "user-level" gitconfig. Do you mean local .git/config? If so then i am not sure (outside of rstudio) command line git is looking for a local config because if it was it wouldn't find a or field. Unless it looks, finds nothing, so defaults to global as defined in the link you sent.

But what is confusing is that the article also says

"When using the Windows command shell, batch scripts or Windows programs, HOME is %USERPROFILE% . The global config file will be read from %USERPROFILE%\.gitconfig" But that isn't the case since i can commit to github and my and are used

I believe this is the more conventional setup to which @jennybryan was referring, with "this specific place" being the current location of your global .gitconfig. Obviously it works for you, since it works in the shell, but many programs operate in a user-level environment. It's global to you as a user, not to the system.

From re-reading the Git on Windows article, it sounds you can have .gitconfig in more than one place: you're really stashing your username, email, credentials or ssh setup as a convenience. So, one option would be to just set up a user-level gitconfig.

For the most part, I will continue to type out the full command in these instructions. The only exception is that I will use the hist alias defined above, when I need to see the Git log. Make sure you have a hist alias setup in your .gitconfig file before continuing if you wish to repeat my actions.

The same is true if I add the identity locally to my respective GIT repo. So the problem seems to come from the interaction between VSCode the global .gitconfig Oracle Developer Tools for VS Code extension.

Disclaimer: although the title mentions GitHub, this cheat sheet is also applicable for the other major VCS platforms such as Gitlab and Bitbucket. Not using these? Don't worry, you can still make great use of this cheat sheet to level up your .gitconfig game (look at step n7).

If you have the correct email in your ~/.gitconfig, check that the settings have correctly propagated down to the repository level as well. To validate this, run the following command from your repo's directory:

In Setting Up Git, we used git config --global to set some default options for Git. It turns out that these configuration options get stored in your home directory in a plain text file called .gitconfig.

In Setting Up Git,we used git config --global to set some default options for Git.It turns out that these configuration options get stored in your home directoryin a plain text file called .gitconfig.

You should set username and email properties in your .gitconfig file, which are then associated with each commit you create. You can set those by executing the following commands:

.gitconfig is stored inside of your home directory ~/.gitconfig where you can take a look at how it looks or edit it manually. But those commands above will be sufficient for adding your name and email. 17dc91bb1f

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