From reaching Gen Z to leveling up your social selling game, this guide has all the insights you need to create a well-informed social strategy now and in the future. It also covers the latest trends in digital advertising and internet use. Sell more, reach the right audience, and boost engagement by staying in the know.

It's also worth noting that today's organizations are in different places on the road to digital transformation. If you are feeling stuck in your digital transformation work, you are not alone. One of the hardest questions in digital transformation is how to get over the initial humps from vision to execution. It creates angst: Many CIOs and organizations think they lag far behind their peers on transformation, when that isn't the case.

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Leaders need to be fully aware of this reality as they frame conversations around digital transformation. For advice from Swift on how to speak to this topic without getting burned, read our related article, Why people love to hate digital transformation.

"Today, with a vast portion of the workforce now remote, employee experience of digital technology has gone from "nice to have" to "the only way work gets done. Consequently, it's getting the problem-solving focus it likely long deserved."

In the area of government IT, for example, more government agencies are on the verge of realizing the cloud model's full potential - beyond cost-cutting to using cloud for strategic advantage, notes Dave Egts, chief technologist, North America Public Sector, Red Hat. "Deloitte recently released a list of nine technology trends transforming government, and one, in particular, will be key to enabling the future of technology in government: The cloud as an innovation driver," Egts says.

"When determining how well digital transformation investments are performing, it's best to take a portfolio view and not a project level view," says Cecilia Edwards, partner with digital transformation consultancy and research firm Everest Group. Just as a mutual fund manager or venture capital firm would look at overall performance to determine how well things are going, digital transformation leaders must take a holistic view of digital change efforts.

This is particularly important so that the underperformance of one particular project doesn't reflect negatively on the overarching efforts of IT. It also builds tolerance for the necessary risks that must be undertaken to achieve real digital transformation.

The need to have an intimate familiarity with customers, what they like and the platforms they live on, is critical. As technology and customer expectations mature, brands need to be alert to the rising trends so that they can provide the optimal user experience for consumers. These top five trends below comprise a critical component of the modern digital marketing strategy. Here is what you should know to make it a part of your organization.

Customers use this technology to gain rapid answers to their questions, often while on the go. Brands that want to thrive need to make sure that they have prepared their content and digital strategies for these trends as well.

To glimpse what is really happening beyond the trends and averages, McKinsey conducted a survey of more than 20,000 European consumers from April 28 to May 20, 2020.1The survey was conducted across 17 European countries (Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom), asking consumers about their online activity in ten different industries: banking, insurance, grocery, apparel, entertainment, social media, travel, telecommunications, utilities, and the public sector. We sought to understand the nature of the increased digital activity, including which sectors had benefited in which countries, sales conversion rates, and satisfaction levels. We also asked survey participants whether, as the pandemic recedes, they will continue using online services to the same high degree and whether they will continue using the same provider.

The survey makes clear that the surge in the adoption of online services is no temporary phenomena: over 70 percent of respondents said they expected to continue using digital services with the same frequency as they do now or even more often. But here, too, industry performance differs (Exhibit 5).

Across industries, 48 percent of those who said they were not currently using digital channels said they preferred call centers. That means phone or other assisted channels will still play an important role, even as companies look to expand their digital services. Some companies that initially struggled to offer all their services or products online during the pandemic set up phone hotlines instead, and they intend to keep them (and improve them) for the time being. Moreover, sectors such as insurance and telecommunications still depend on sales agents to a large extent, so many sales agents who were once on the road are now operating from call centers.

I am the President of Coughlin Associates and a storage analyst and consultant. I have over 40 years in the data storage industry with multiple engineering and management positions. I have many publications and six patents to my credit. I am also the author of Digital Storage in Consumer Electronics: The Essential Guide, the second edition was published by Springer. Coughlin Associates provides market and technology analysis (including reports on several digital storage technologies and applications and a newsletter) as well as Data Storage Technical Consulting services. I publish a Digital Storage in Consumer Electronics Report, a Media and Entertainment Storage Report, and an Emerging Memory Report. I am active with SMPTE, SNIA, the IEEE and other professional organizations. I was the founder and organizer of the Annual Storage Visions Conference (, as well as the Creative Storage Conference ( I was general chair of the Flash Memory Summit for 10 years and am currently the program chair. I am also a Fellow of the IEEE, IEEE President Elect in 2023 and a member of the Consultants Network of Silicon Valley (CNSV). For more information about me and my publications, go to e24fc04721

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