I am trying to load layers from a geopackage into ArcGIS Pro v2.3 to perform some geoprocessing. When I add the layers to the map they appear in the table of contents, but do not display on the map canvas. When I try and open the attribute table I get an error, "Shape integrity error" (error image below). I fixed the geometry of the layers and tried again. This still resulted in the same error. When I tried to open the data in ArcMap 10.5.1 everything worked fine - the layers loaded, rendered, and the attribute table was viewable. Accessing the data also worked perfectly in QGIS 3.4. Is there a way to get geopackage data to display in ArcPro? I can geoprocess in other environments but for publishing services to AGOL I would prefer to have the ability to use ArcPro to publish data stored in a geopackage due to the more flexible and complex symbology options available in ArcPro versus ArcMap.

I get the same error trying to read a geopackage file created by another person in QGIS 3x. ArcMap 10.6.1 will give me a longer more detailed error message, and then show me the table but not the polygons. QGIS can use it fine, and convert it to a shapefile that ArcGIS can read.

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When writing data from ArcGIS Pro into a geopackage the symbology is not preserved within the geopackage. It is possible to save symbology information within geopackages but it seems that's currently not supported by ESRI.

I would like to propose the implementation of this functionality as a feature in ArcGIS Pro to increase the support of the geopackage format.

@JonathanNeal Correct me if I am mistaken but the alternatives you mentioned are all proprietary esri formats. Geopackages are open-source and platform-independent. Many of esri's customers are government entities that are dedicated to providing data to all users, not just esri users, so having the ability to include symbology in a geopackage would be a very valuable improvement.

@JonathanNeal Thanks for the follow-up. In my experience, kml/kmz formats do not handle the complex symbology that is used with geologic maps (e.g., dashed lines, lines with ornaments, etc.). Admittedly, I am not that experienced with the geopackage format but they do appear to be a superior format to kml/kmz. While Google Earth is a powerful visualization tool, it is not a true GIS application. Geopackages are compatible with open-source GIS apps like QGIS and provide significantly more functionality.

GDAL metadata, from the default metadata domain and possibly othermetadata domains, is serialized in a single XML document, conformantwith the format used in GDAL PAM (Persistent Auxiliary Metadata).aux.xml files, and registered with md_scope=dataset andmd_standard_uri= in gpkg_metadata. For the dataset, thisentry is referenced in gpkg_metadata_reference with areference_scope=geopackage. For a layer, this entry is referenced ingpkg_metadata_reference with a reference_scope=table andtable_name={name of the table}

Simple translation of a single shapefile into GeoPackage. The table'abc' will be created with the features from abc.shp and attributesfrom abc.dbf. The file filename.gpkg must not already exist,as it will be created. For adding new layers into existing geopackagerun ogr2ogr with -update.

You didn't specify the version but I can't reproduce the no geometry problem in FME Desktop 2016.1.0.1. Reading a gpx and writing to a dynamic geopackage writer results in correct geometry tables for Track & Trackpoint and an unknow geometry table for metadata.

A GeoPackage [geopackage] is a platform-independent SQLite [sqlite] database file that contains GeoPackage data and metadata tables.GeoPackages, as described by the GeoPackage Encoding Standard [GPKG1_2] are designed to be extensible, including support for additional data types.This document defines the Related Tables Extension (RTE) for the GeoPackage Encoding Standard.

The GeoPackage Related Tables Extension (RTE) defines the rules and requirements for creating relationships in a GeoPackage [geopackage] data store between geospatial or attributes data tables and other tables that contain or reference related content such as attributes or media.Geospatial data tables (such as features or tiles tables) contain location information and/or geometries.Conceptually, this extension is similar to the OGC Table Joining Service Interface Standard [OGC-TJS-IS].

A GeoPackage [geopackage] is a platform-independent SQLite [sqlite] database file that contains GeoPackage data and metadata tables.GeoPackage is designed to be extensible, including support for additional data types.

Currently I'm trying to correctly open a geopackage file, I've put the link below.

 Zenodo Identifying Hot Spots in Rural Community Resilience in Scotland - databaseDatabase of nearest resilience infrastructure from each Scottish postcode, commissioned and funded by the National Centre for Resilience. Data are in geopackage format, which is curated by the open geospatial consortium. The data format can be read...

Geopackage internally uses a different tile numbering systemthan osmdroid or anything else based on the slippy tile format (z/x/y)thus a support library is required in order to chop up, rearrange,and transform whatever is in the geopackage database intosomething more usable.

The format also defines an optional gpkg_metadata table may containmetadata in encodings for which MIME types exist (with a default of text/xml) based on any authoritative metadataspecification, such as ISO 19115, ISO 19115-2, ISO 19139, Dublin Core, CSDGM, DDMS, NMF/NMIS, etc. The GeoPackage interpretation of what constitutes metadata is broad. It also includes UML models encoded in XMI, GML Application Schemas, ISO 19110 feature catalogues, OWL and SKOS taxonomies, etc. A GeoPackage that contains a gpkg_metadata table is required to have a gpkg_metadata_reference table toassociate metadata in the gpkg_metadata table with data in the feature, and tiles tables. The two tables are intended to provide thesupport necessary to implement the hierarchical metadata model defined in ISO 19115. Metadata values can be associated with the entire geopackage or to a table, column, row, or table cell (row/col).

Second please Author if you copy the content from other, reference the original. Without your post is just a rip-off (plagiarism). And this copy is a bad copy, you reduced hard acceptable arguments against the shapefile to totally wrong arguments (e.g. no 3d support, a shapefile supports 3d in opposite to geopackage).

I think this very much depends on the use case and the environment one is working in. I think that a general shift towards FOSS software and corresponding standards can be noticed. On the other hand, you are right that ArcGIS is really widespread in many areas. I basically just work in QGIS, R (sf) and Python (fiona), and I find geopackage to be a much more usable format compared to shapefiles. If I have to share the final product and someone is not happy with a .gpkg, it can easily be converted to .shp in a final step before sharing the file.

After a recent twitter exchange with a friend and colleague of mine who expressed frustrated shapefiles for additional reasons (truncated field names), but was also was very happy with using the geopackage (.gpkg) format, I realized it was probably worth typing this up and getting it out there. e24fc04721

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