I purchased the WD EasyStore personal back up. I was running out of room on my laptop hard drive. I want to move some files to the external drive using drag and drop. I do NOT want to use it to back up my computer. I also want to be able to use the files from the external EasyStore.

I am currently looking for a portable and wireless external hard drive that I can use to transfer data/documents/ etc onto. I want to use this external hard drive mainly for work but, also for when I travel.

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I would like to use the external hard drive to store documents/photos/videos/data etc from tablets (that uses Andriod), smartphones (that uses Andriod) and laptops (compatible with Windows software). I also want one that has long-term reliability (that can last me years) so, having a large storage capacity is important for me. In addition, if there is access to a 3.0 USB port, SD card slot that would be great. Any additional features to the hard drive would be a bonus.

Here is my question please: I have two external drives always attached (both Western Digital 4TBs). Is there a way MalwareBytes can scan an external drive? I figure just checking them once should be enough if I stop everything 'at the barn door' going forward but I worry on what might be on the external drives before I wised up and purchased MalwareBytes.

No worries - I appreciate the help. What you said is a bit Greek (or maybe geek, LOL) to me but it sounds like you are saying I don't need to worry about it - that somehow, if I ever copy something to an external hard drive, that MalwareBytes will automatically check the external drive at same time? So no need to worry about scanning them. If correct, no need to respond. Again, I appreciate the input!

... it sounds like you are saying I don't need to worry about it - that somehow, if I ever copy something to an external hard drive, that MalwareBytes will automatically check the external drive at same time?

That is not correct. Malwarebytes for Mac does not currently scan any external drive under any circumstances. My interpretation of what @1PW wrote was that it does check any files being copied to an external drive for malware and will notify you about any such detections.

Thank you for the correction! Then the only way to 'scan' files on external drive is to first copy them all to my laptop. They will be scanned as they are copied and then I'll know they're clean and can copy them back. Is my logic sound? Much appreciated - the both of you. :-)

That sounds like a big waste of your time to me, but I have no idea what this external drive or drives are being used for. Files on an external drive almost never represent an actual threat to you or your Mac. Doesn't sound as if you are talking about a backup drive, but in such cases deleting files from a backup are likely to corrupt it's index and make the backup unusable and worthless.

I use external drives as primary storage devices, and I work with documents directly located on them; they are not stored on the Mac's internal drive. 1) Are you saying that using a file this way, even if infected with malware, cannot pose a threat to the Mac? 2) Do I understand correctly that Malwarebytes cannot scan those files? TIA Flaxx

Further, Mac malware is not likely to get onto your machine through an external drive. Almost all Mac malware is something you would have to download and manually open. In rare cases, malware could be something that infects your Mac via a vulnerability in something like a web browser. Another possible but unlikely scenario is receiving a malicious file via e-mail. None of these would involve an external hard drive.

Thank you for the detailed response. I was able to follow your example. I also found that it was partially my fault. I connected the Hard Drive after i opened ArcPro. Due to how ArcPro refreshes directories (e.g. its not dynamic when you hit add data, you have to manually refresh the directory hitting the button. In my case, I closed and reopened ArcPro while the drive was connected and it updated the directory cache and saw the drive.

Hi, I am the maintainer of the flatpak for RawTherapee. Did you mount your external drives using the file manager? If so, can you try mounting them via the command line using the mount command and see if they appear?

To play your PS5 games, you need to copy game data from your USB extended storage back to your PS5 console storage. To do this, go to your games home and select Game Library. From the Your Collection tab, you can find the games that are only saved on your USB extended storage drive labeled USB Extended Storage. Highlight the game you want to copy back, press the options button, and then select Copy. You can play PS4 games directly from USB extended storage.

When you want to temporarily stop using your USB extended storage drive, or you want to use your drive on another PS5 console or PS4 console, make sure your console's power indicator is completely off before disconnecting the USB extended storage drive from your console.

You can format a drive when you no longer want to use it as a USB extended storage drive for your PS5 console. When you format the USB extended storage drive, all game data saved on the drive is erased.

I had a 500GB external hard drive which contain virus. When I attach it to my PC the McAfee detects it and ask for a scan. After 3 hours of scan my all data is disappeared that was around 250GB. I can still see my hard drive is half full while checking the property. Also a scan i found the name of those files. But when I opens it in explorer I hardly find any files. I have even tried to check it in windows command mode(dir) with no luck. I have also check it with other PC with no anti virus (McAfee) but shows the same result.

I have tried the option which you have mention. I got 3 tabs when i click to open them they keeps on loading and after an hour of waiting I put it of. Is that the only solution available. I was thinking for some recovery program to get my hidden data. As I have already mention the I can see my external hard drive is showing some 250GB full. Suggest me should I use any such program or shoule wait for mcafee to load completely.

I've been using an external hard drive for my photography, and it's been working fine for the last 3 weeks, connecting reading/writing, everything the way a drive should work. Well, yesterday, it stopped connecting. I plug it into a windows computer and it shows up there, so it's not damaged. I haven't reformatted this drive in any way, it is still registered as exFAT so I can use it on both windows and Mac. But, it will not show up on my Mac. I have tried different cables, different USB-C hubs, USB-C to USB- A adapters, but as I said it is being recognized on a windows computer, so the cables are fine.

If you need to use an adapter with the drive to connect to your Mac, then are you also using this adapter on the Windows system? Even if you are, you may need to try another adapter and even a different cable.

Did you receive this drive new and was it already formatted as exFAT? It is usually best to use Disk Utility on macOS to erase the whole physical external drive as GUID partition and exFAT in order to minimize problems. Windows systems may format exFAT with file allocation sizes which are not compatible with macOS. Personally I always erase every brand new drive even if it ships from the factory with a file system I will end up using anyway because you never know what may be hidden on the drive or whether the factory file system is good.

If so, then try booting into Safe Mode to see whether macOS will see the drive. If Safe Mode works, then it most likely means you have some third party software installed which is interfering with the normal operation of macOS. Usual culprits are anti-virus apps, cleaning/optimizer apps, and third party security software....none of which are needed on a Mac.

if you run the first aid it will only checks if there are any errors bugs on your external hard drive it will not erase your data . have you figured out the problem by now? I have similar problem as you my external hard drive was mounting ok afew days ago , it doestnt work any more on ventura 13.3.1 . I have tried mounting it on other Mac lapotps external hard drive works fine

"Seagate External Hard drive not being recognized anymore, not sure what to try next.: what worked for me at the end was I went to setting>>login item >>allow in the background >>disabled most of the softwares . Then rebooted my laptop and the external hard drive finally showed again

I have a 1TB external hard drive made by Seagate which I use for Time Machine backups. It is not showing up as mounted, and doesn't show up in a graphical interface anywhere in the system at all. On my desktop, I do not see my drive connected, and it doesn't show up in a Finder window under the devices sidebar tab. Doesn't show up in Disk Utility either (actually Disk Utility won't even load/launch at all while my drive is connected). I ran "diskutil list" in Terminal, and my drive did show up there. I also tried "diskutil mount /dev/disk2s2" in Terminal to try to mount my hard drive from the command line, but Terminal would freeze up almost immediately. I also plugged my drive into a Chromebook and the Chromebook could read every file on my drive. I have already checked the cable and the connectors on each end, and that's not the problem. I can safely assume that this is a problem with my personal MacBook Pro or with my drive only. Re formatting my hard drive is an option I would like to stay away from, although it is somewhat feasible. I've already tried resetting the SMC and the PRAM, along with re-installing a new copy of macOS via Recovery boot mode, and none of that worked. I have tried almost everything, and it looks like I'm gonna have to re-format my drive. But before I do that, does anyone have any other suggestions I could try? e24fc04721

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