This joint Technical Alert (TA) is the result of analytic efforts between the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). This alert provides information on Russian government actions targeting U.S. Government entities as well as organizations in the energy, nuclear, commercial facilities, water, aviation, and critical manufacturing sectors. It also contains indicators of compromise (IOCs) and technical details on the tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) used by Russian government cyber actors on compromised victim networks. DHS and FBI produced this alert to educate network defenders to enhance their ability to identify and reduce exposure to malicious activity.

IOCs related to this campaign are provided within the accompanying .csv and .stix files of this alert. DHS and FBI recommend that network administrators review the IP addresses, domain names, file hashes, network signatures, and YARA rules provided, and add the IPs to their watchlists to determine whether malicious activity has been observed within their organization. System owners are also advised to run the YARA tool on any system suspected to have been targeted by these threat actors.

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Who can place one: An extended fraud alert is only available to people who have had their identity stolen and completed an FTC identity theft report at or filed a police report.

What it does: Like a fraud alert, an extended fraud alert will make it harder for someone to open a new credit account in your name. A business must contact you before it issues new credit in your name.

When you place an extended fraud alert on your credit report, you can get a free copy of your credit report from each of the three credit bureaus twice within one year from when you place the alert, which means you could review your credit report six times in a year.

What it does: An active duty fraud alert will make it harder for someone to open a new credit account in your name. A business must verify your identity before it issues new credit in your name.

Today, the AMBER Alert system is being used in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Indian country, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and internationally in 31 countries. As of December 31, 2023, 1,200 children were successfully recovered through the AMBER Alert system and at least 180 children were rescued because of wireless emergency alerts. There are 82 AMBER Alert plans throughout the United States.

Alerts are available for any length of text, as well as an optional close button. For proper styling, use one of the eight required contextual classes (e.g., .alert-success). For inline dismissal, use the alerts JavaScript plugin.

Alerts are available for any length of text, as well as an optional dismiss button. For proper styling, use one of the eight required contextual classes (e.g., .alert-success). For inline dismissal, use the alerts jQuery plugin.

If you have received a text and/or email alert message recently and are seeking additional information, we are currently obtaining and confirming information from first responders. Every alert tool used by the university provides you information and will often provide recommended actions for you to take. Please, follow the recommendation you have received and reserve any calls to the University of Missouri Police Department for reporting injuries or an additional emergency.

New Yorkers can subscribe for NY-Alert to receive critical information and emergency alerts on what is happening in their area. NY-Alert contains critical, emergency-related information including instructions and recommendations in real-time by emergency personnel. Information may include severe weather warnings, significant highway closures, hazardous material spills and other emergency conditions.

DSHS is issuing this health alert to provide awareness to healthcare providers and ask them to be vigilant for people with signs and symptoms of avian influenza A(H5N1). Suspicion for avian influenza A(H5N1) should be heightened for people who have had contact with animals suspected of having avian influenza A(H5N1).

Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEAs) are short emergency alerts authorities can send to any WEA-enabled mobile device in a locally targeted area. Alerting Authorities who are authorized to send WEAs include state, local, tribal, and territorial public safety officials, the National Weather Service, the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children and the President of the United States.

The Emergency Alert System (EAS) is a national public warning system that allows the president to address the nation within 10 minutes during a national emergency. Other authorized federal, state, local, tribal and territorial alerting authorities may also use the system to deliver important emergency information such as weather information, imminent threats, AMBER alerts and local incident information targeted to specific areas.

Alerts campus to a confirmed significant emergency or dangerous situation involving an immediate threat to health or safety on campus. Accompanied by emergency sirens, to alert people who are outdoors.

A key trait of the alert pattern is that it should not interrupt the user's experience of the app.Alerts should not be confused with alert dialogs (ARIA), which are intended to interrupt the user to obtain a response.Use the Material UI Dialog component if you need this behavior.

(Note: This import alert represents the Agency's current guidance to FDA field personnel regarding the manufacturer(s) and/or products(s) at issue. It does not create or confer any rights for or on any person, and does not operate to bind FDA or the public).

o AMBER Alert broadcasts have a unique audible signal and vibration. It is intended to indicate the urgency of the message and make the alert accessible to people with hearing or vision-related disabilities. The message will contain a limited number of characters and provide basic information.

o Once law enforcement has been notified about an abducted child, they will decide whether or not to issue an AMBER Alert based on their AMBER Alert program's criteria. They will provide the geographic area where the alert should be issued as well as any available information about the child, abductor, or suspected vehicle used in the abduction.

o Once issued, the alerts are distributed by broadcasters and transportation agencies. They are also sent to NCMEC which redistribute the alerts to a network of secondary distributors that includes internet service providers, digital billboards, truckers, and others.

o The Wireless Emergency Alert program is operated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency. It distributes notifications from authorized federal, state, local, and tribal government agencies that alert customers with capable devices of imminent threats to safety or an emergency situation. The messages are intended as a supplement to the existing Emergency Alert System, which broadcasts alerts over radio and television.

o In addition to AMBER Alerts, the program includes National Weather Service, Presidential, and imminent threat alerts. If you own a capable mobile device, you will automatically receive these alerts when you are in the geographic area where an alert has been issued.

o Because the alerts are sent on a special wireless carrier channel called Cell Broadcast they are not affected by congestion on the voice or SMS text channels. The alerts are transmitted simultaneously to all mobile devices within range of the cellular carrier towers in the affected area. The system does not need to know your mobile number and it does not track your whereabouts; it simply broadcasts the alert, and any mobile devices that can "hear" the alert will display it to the user.

o To determine if your mobile device is capable of receiving the alerts, visit and look for a link for your wireless service provider where you will find a list of mobile devices that will receive the alerts on their network. Also, be sure to ask for a capable device the next time you acquire a new mobile device.

o If a wireless device is set to vibrate only, users will not hear the audible signal from a Wireless Emergency Alert message. For additional information about adjusting the volume of a specific device or opting out of receiving the alerts, wireless customers should contact their individual wireless service providers.

o If you are notified through a Wireless Emergency Alert message that there is an AMBER Alert in your area, you can consult local media or visit or for more detail about the AMBER Alert.

When creating an Alert instance, users must pass in an Alert.AlertType enumeration value. It is by passing in this value that the Alert instance will configure itself appropriately (by setting default values for many of the Dialog properties, including title, header, and graphic, as well as the default buttons that are expected in a dialog of the given type. To instantiate (but not yet show) an Alert, simply use code such as the following: Alert alert = new Alert(AlertType.CONFIRMATION, "Are you sure you want to format your system?"); Once an Alert is instantiated, we must show it. More often than not, alerts (and dialogs in general) are shown in a modal and blocking fashion. 'Modal' means that the dialog prevents user interaction with the owning application whilst it is showing, and 'blocking' means that code execution stops at the point in which the dialog is shown. This means that you can show a dialog, await the user response, and then continue running the code that directly follows the show call, giving developers the ability to immediately deal with the user input from the dialog (if relevant). JavaFX dialogs are modal by default (you can change this via the Dialog.initModality(javafx.stage.Modality) API). To specify whether you want blocking or non-blocking dialogs, developers simply choose to call Dialog.showAndWait() or (respectively). By default most developers should choose to use Dialog.showAndWait(), given the ease of coding in these situations. Shown below is three code snippets, showing three equally valid ways of showing the Alert dialog that was specified above: Option 1: The 'traditional' approach Optional result = alert.showAndWait(); if (result.isPresent() && result.get() == ButtonType.OK) { formatSystem(); } Option 2: The traditional + Optional approach alert.showAndWait().ifPresent(response -> { if (response == ButtonType.OK) { formatSystem(); } }); Option 3: The fully lambda approach alert.showAndWait() .filter(response -> response == ButtonType.OK) .ifPresent(response -> formatSystem()); There is no better or worse option of the three listed above, so developers are encouraged to work to their own style preferences. The purpose of showing the above is to help introduce developers to the Optional API, which is new in Java 8 and may be foreign to many developers.Since:JavaFX 8u40See Also:Dialog, Alert.AlertType, TextInputDialog, ChoiceDialogProperty SummaryAll Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods TypeProperty and DescriptionObjectPropertyalertTypeWhen creating an Alert instance, users must pass in an Alert.AlertType enumeration value.Properties inherited from class javafx.scene.control.DialogcontentText, dialogPane, graphic, headerText, height, onCloseRequest, onHidden, onHiding, onShowing, onShown, resizable, resultConverter, result, showing, title, width, x, yNested Class SummaryNested Classes Modifier and TypeClass and Descriptionstatic class Alert.AlertTypeAn enumeration containing the available, pre-built alert types that the Alert class can use to pre-populate various properties.Constructor SummaryConstructors Constructor and DescriptionAlert(Alert.AlertType alertType)Creates an alert with the given AlertType (refer to the Alert.AlertType documentation for clarification over which one is most appropriate).Alert(Alert.AlertType alertType, String contentText, ButtonType... buttons)Creates an alert with the given contentText, ButtonTypes, and AlertType (refer to the Alert.AlertType documentation for clarification over which one is most appropriate).Method SummaryAll Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods Modifier and TypeMethod and DescriptionObjectPropertyalertTypeProperty()When creating an Alert instance, users must pass in an Alert.AlertType enumeration value.Alert.AlertTypegetAlertType()Gets the value of the property alertType.ObservableListgetButtonTypes()Returns an ObservableList of all ButtonType instances that are currently set inside this Alert instance.voidsetAlertType(Alert.AlertType alertType)Sets the value of the property alertType.Methods inherited from class javafx.scene.control.DialogbuildEventDispatchChain, close, contentTextProperty, dialogPaneProperty, getContentText, getDialogPane, getGraphic, getHeaderText, getHeight, getModality, getOnCloseRequest, getOnHidden, getOnHiding, getOnShowing, getOnShown, getOwner, getResult, getResultConverter, getTitle, getWidth, getX, getY, graphicProperty, headerTextProperty, heightProperty, hide, initModality, initOwner, initStyle, isResizable, isShowing, onCloseRequestProperty, onHiddenProperty, onHidingProperty, onShowingProperty, onShownProperty, resizableProperty, resultConverterProperty, resultProperty, setContentText, setDialogPane, setGraphic, setHeaderText, setHeight, setOnCloseRequest, setOnHidden, setOnHiding, setOnShowing, setOnShown, setResizable, setResult, setResultConverter, setTitle, setWidth, setX, setY, show, showAndWait, showingProperty, titleProperty, widthProperty, xProperty, yPropertyMethods inherited from class java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, waitProperty DetailalertTypepublic final ObjectProperty alertTypePropertyWhen creating an Alert instance, users must pass in an Alert.AlertType enumeration value. It is by passing in this value that the Alert instance will configure itself appropriately (by setting default values for many of the Dialog properties, including title, header, and graphic, as well as the default buttons that are expected in a dialog of the given type.See Also:getAlertType(), setAlertType(AlertType)Constructor DetailAlertpublic Alert(Alert.AlertType alertType)Creates an alert with the given AlertType (refer to the Alert.AlertType documentation for clarification over which one is most appropriate). By passing in an AlertType, default values for the title, headerText, and graphic properties are set, as well as the relevant buttons being installed. Once the Alert is instantiated, developers are able to modify the values of the alert as desired. It is important to note that the one property that does not have a default value set, and which therefore the developer must set, is the content text property (or alternatively, the developer may call alert.getDialogPane().setContent(Node) if they want a more complex alert). If the contentText (or content) properties are not set, there is no useful information presented to end users.Alertpublic Alert(Alert.AlertType alertType, String contentText, ButtonType... buttons)Creates an alert with the given contentText, ButtonTypes, and AlertType (refer to the Alert.AlertType documentation for clarification over which one is most appropriate). By passing in a variable number of ButtonType arguments, the developer is directly overriding the default buttons that will be displayed in the dialog, replacing the pre-defined buttons with whatever is specified in the varargs array. By passing in an AlertType, default values for the title, headerText, and graphic properties are set. Once the Alert is instantiated, developers are able to modify the values of the alert as desired.Method DetailgetAlertTypepublic final Alert.AlertType getAlertType()Gets the value of the property alertType.Property description:When creating an Alert instance, users must pass in an Alert.AlertType enumeration value. It is by passing in this value that the Alert instance will configure itself appropriately (by setting default values for many of the Dialog properties, including title, header, and graphic, as well as the default buttons that are expected in a dialog of the given type.setAlertTypepublic final void setAlertType(Alert.AlertType alertType)Sets the value of the property alertType.Property description:When creating an Alert instance, users must pass in an Alert.AlertType enumeration value. It is by passing in this value that the Alert instance will configure itself appropriately (by setting default values for many of the Dialog properties, including title, header, and graphic, as well as the default buttons that are expected in a dialog of the given type.alertTypePropertypublic final ObjectProperty alertTypeProperty()When creating an Alert instance, users must pass in an Alert.AlertType enumeration value. It is by passing in this value that the Alert instance will configure itself appropriately (by setting default values for many of the Dialog properties, including title, header, and graphic, as well as the default buttons that are expected in a dialog of the given type.See Also:getAlertType(), setAlertType(AlertType)getButtonTypespublic final ObservableList getButtonTypes()Returns an ObservableList of all ButtonType instances that are currently set inside this Alert instance. A ButtonType may either be one of the pre-defined types (e.g. ButtonType.OK), or it may be a custom type (created via the ButtonType.ButtonType(String) or ButtonType.ButtonType(String, javafx.scene.control.ButtonBar.ButtonData) constructors. Readers should refer to the ButtonType class documentation for more details, but at a high level, each ButtonType instance is converted to a Node (although most commonly a Button) via the (overridable) DialogPane.createButton(ButtonType) method on DialogPane.Skip navigation linksOverviewPackageClassUseTreeDeprecatedIndexHelpJavaFX 8Prev ClassNext ClassFramesNo FramesAll ClassesSummary: Nested | Field | Constr | MethodDetail: Field | Constr | MethodCopyright (c) 2008, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 0852c4b9a8

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