kucing (plural kucing-kucing, first-person possessive kucingku, second-person possessive kucingmu, third-person possessive kucingnya)

From Proto Western Malayo-Polynesian *kut. The history of this term is unclear. Although kucing applies almost exclusively to domestic cats today, it may have had earlier applications to wild felines.

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Make this airy and crispy kue lidah kucing or known as katte tong in Dutch. It is one of the popular kue kering for Chinese New Year or Eid Mubarak celebrations in Indonesia. No cetakan or loyang needed. 

Following what I learnt from my vet about the researched and tested efficacy of misai kucing in assisting kidney health (yes, for cats too, not just humans alone), I managed to source the misai kucing plant from the nursery for only RM3 per plant.

The water decoction of leaves of kumis kucing, Orthosiphon aristatus (BL.) MIQ (Lamiaceae) which has been prescribed in Javanese traditional medicine (jamu) for the treatment of hypertension etc., was partitioned into a mixture of chloroform and water. The chloroform-soluble portion showed an inhibitory effect on the contractile responses on rat thoracic aorta smooth muscle stimulated with KCl beforehand, while the water-soluble portion showed no effect. The chloroform-soluble portion was separated to afford a new benzochromene [orthochromene A (7)], two new isopimarane-type diterpenes [orthosiphonone A (10), orthosiphonone B (11)], and two novel migrated pimarane-type diterpenes [neoorthosiphol A (12), neoorthosiphol B (13)], together with eight known compounds (1-6, 8, 9). Among those thirteen substances, it was found that a major constituent in the water decoction of leaves, methylripariochromene A (5), exhibited a continuous decrease in systolic blood pressure after subcutaneous administration in conscious stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRSP).

Kue lidah kucing (lit. 'cat tongue kue') is a small Indonesian biscuit (kue kering) shaped somewhat like a cat's tongue (long and flat).[1] They are sweet and crunchy. This cookie is a Dutch-influenced cookie due to the historical tie between Indonesia and the Netherlands.[2] In the Netherlands, this cookie is known as kattentong, and ultimately derived from European cat tongue biscuit.

Nasi kucing originated in the Yogyakarta, Semarang, and Surakarta areas,[4] but has since spread to Jakarta,[1] other parts of the country, and as far as Mecca, sold by Indonesian workers during the hajj.[4]

Nasi kucing consists of a small, fist-sized portion of rice along with toppings. Common toppings include sambal, dried fish, and tempeh.[3] Other ingredients can include egg, chicken, and cucumber.[4] It is served ready-made, wrapped in a banana leaf, which is further wrapped in paper.[3]

A variation of nasi kucing, sega macan (English: tiger's rice) is three times the size of a regular portion of nasi kucing. It is served with roasted rice, dried fish, and vegetables. Like nasi kucing, sega macan is served wrapped in a banana leaf and paper.[5]

Nasi kucing is often sold at a low price (sometimes as low as Rp 1,000 for nasi kucing[6] and Rp 4,000 for sega macan[5]) at small, road-side food stalls called angkringan, which are frequented by working-class people, or wong cilik, including pedicab and taxi drivers, students, and street musicians.[7] This has led to angkringan being considered the "lowest class of eatery".[6]

Orthosiphon stamineus (OS) or Orthosiphon aristatus var. aristatus (OAA) is commonly known as cat's whiskers or "misai kucing". It is an herbaceous shrub that is popular in many different traditional and complementary medicinal systems. Its popularity has been justified by the plethora of studies that have shown that the secondary metabolites of the plant has effects that range from anti-inflammatory and gastroprotective to anorexic and antihypertensive. As such, OS could also be a potential treatment for Central Nervous System (CNS) disorders. However, a cohesive synthesis of the protective actions of OS was lacking. This systematic review was therefore commenced to elaborate on the various protective mechanisms of OS in the CNS. The PRISMA model was used and five databases (Google Scholar, SCOPUS, SpringerLink, ScienceDirect, and PubMed) were searched with relevant keywords to finally identify four articles that met the inclusion criteria. The articles described the protective effects of OS extracts on Alzheimer's disease, epilepsy, learning and memory, oxidative stress, and neurotoxicity. All the articles found were experimental or preclinical studies on animal models or in vitro systems. The reported activities demonstrated that OS could be a potential neuroprotective agent and might improve CNS conditions like neurodegeneration, neuroinflammation, and oxidative stress.

Nasi kucing is a traditional Indonesian dish originating from Surakarta, Yogyakarta, and Semarang in Central Java. The dish consists of a small portion of rice that's topped with ingredients such as tempeh, dried fish, and sambal, or in some cases cucumber, chicken, and eggs. The combination traditionally comes wrapped in banana leaves. The name of the dish means cat's rice, referring to the small quantity of rice that's usually served as a part of the dish. Nasi kucing can be found at small roadside eateries or food stalls.

Our TikTok kucing hashtags analytics provide valuable insights into hashtag performance, helping you make informed decisions about which hashtags to include in your posts. With over 2.9 Million overall posts and 31.8 Billion overall views, the kucing hashtag has proven to be a powerful tool for TikTok creators.

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Kucing dan banyak hewan lainnya, termasuk sebagian besar anjing, dapat memantulkan cahaya dari matanya. Itu sebabnya mata kucing biasanya akan bersinar terang pada foto yang diambil di ruangan yang remang-remang atau bercahaya saat disinari dalam gelap oleh senter atau lampu depan mobil.

Spesies yang matanya bersinar telah berevolusi untuk melihat lebih baik dalam cahaya rendah karena mereka mencari makan atau perlu mencari pemangsa sepanjang malam, atau mereka melakukan sebagian besar perburuan mereka di waktu fajar dan senja. Faktanya, kucing peliharaan dapat melihat dalam kondisi yang hanya 16% lebih terang seperti yang dibutuhkan mata manusia.

Tapetum lucidum kucing terdiri dari sel-sel dengan kristal yang terlihat seperti cermin yang memantulkan cahaya kembali ke retina. Ini memberi retina kesempatan kedua untuk menyerap lebih banyak cahaya.

Tapetum lucidum kucing sangat istimewa karena senyawa reflektifnya adalah riboflavin,yang merupakan sejenis vitamin B. Riboflavin memiliki sifat unik yang menguatkan cahaya untuk panjang gelombang tertentu yang dapat dilihat dengan baik oleh kucing. Kandungan tersebut dapat meningkatkan sensitivitas retina terhadap cahaya rendah.

Itu karena semua cahaya yang memantul saat memantul dari tapetum dapat membuat apa yang mereka lihat sedikit lebih kabur. Jadi, seekor kucing perlu tujuh kali lebih dekat ke suatu objek untuk melihatnya setajam orang dalam tempat yang menyala.

Nesia Daun Kumis Kucing Leaves 50gr

In Indonesia and Malayasia, dried kumis kucing is misai tea leaves with various health benefits such as reducing kidney disease, urethra, bladder, stones in the urinary tract, precipitate, reduce gout, gallstone. And other conditions like asthma, eczema according to some tradition and bloggers. In other countries it is also called cats whiskers (orthosiphon artistatus, java tea from kidney tea plant, Yaa-nuat-maeo, kitty whiskers, Mao xu cao, pokok misai kucing, labiatea or lamiacea. You can drink the leaves as a tea.

Makanan kucing & anjing berbahan dasar serangga yang tinggi protein dan lengkap dengan nutrisi, vitamin, dan mineral. Diformulasikan untuk kesehatan pencernaan kucingmu yang lebih baik, Pawprints juga telah melewati standar nutrisi AAFCO

Orthosiphon aristatus is a medicinal herb found mainly throughout South East Asia and tropical Australia. It is known as pokok misai kucing in Malay. It is believed to have antiallergic, antihypertensive, anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties. It is used as a remedy for arteriosclerosis (capillary and circulatory disorders), kidney stones, diabetes and nephritis. 2351a5e196

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