Consider this astounding fact. After the lynching of the Atlanta businessman Leo Frank in 1915 at the hands of a mob that believed he had raped a worker in his factory, it would be another 52 years until a Jew in America was publicly murdered for being a Jew. That happened in 1977 in St. Louis, when a neo-Nazi shot a few men at random outside a synagogue. It would then be another 41 years before the massacre at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh in 2018. In the intervening four decades, you could count on one hand the number of anti-Semitic killings in the United States. The fact that there were any such killings is awful, of course, but the point stands: American Jews of my age and younger simply did not feel themselves to be at any specific physical risk for being Jewish.

Even so, as the danger mounted, more secular and less easily identifiable American Jews could readily comfort themselves with the thought that their relative invisibility as Jews was still affording them some kind of protection. And, as they are often made uncomfortable by co-religionists who do place their faith at the center of their lives and (for example) send their kids to yeshivas the New York Times regularly defames, they could stave off any worries that this dangerous new targeting of Jews for being Jews might affect them personally.

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That changed during the 2010s, when the social-media landscape increasingly became fertile ground for resurrected conspiracy theories and long-discredited ideas that could be fed to young people who had not lived through the events they sought to pierce and knew no better. This we all knew from the social-media wars of 2015 and 2016, and the media retailing of the preposterous idea that Facebook had somehow hypnotized ordinary Americans into choosing Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton.

Though the American Jewish community was divided about its feelings both toward right-wing Israeli governments and efforts by haredim in Israel to control religious sites, this was simply a bridge too far for anyone but the most committed leftists and open anti-Semites. After all, the boycotting of Jewish-owned businesses was one of the first steps the Nazis took toward their eventual Final Solution. Organized Jewry mostly came together again to neutralize the danger of the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement. BDS efforts in corporate boardrooms and state legislatures were rigorously opposed and went nowhere, scoring only an occasional symbolic victory in some radical latte town or other.

Things were worse on campuses, to be sure. Student activists undertook disgraceful assaults on Jewish organizations and Jewish professors. But here, too, organized Jewry stepped up, hiring lawyers for these groups and people and strengthening Jewish life at Hillel houses and other organizations throughout American academia.

One night that first week, two Israeli artists in New York printed up hundreds of posters of the Israelis held hostage in Gaza and released the images they had created on the Internet so others could print them out and put them up. In a matter of hours, Jews and others traumatized by the events, and feeling helpless to do anything to help, swung into action. Thousands of the posters appeared on the streets of New York. And just as quickly as they went up, other people started to tear them down.

As the elite world reeled from their astoundingly tone-deaf and morally depraved performances, an interesting factoid bubbled out that added to the sense of alarmed disbelief among American Jews, especially those who had gone through elite institutions themselves. We learned that the Harvard University student body now has a Jewish population below 10 percent. This had been noted previously, by Tablet in 2018 specifically, but it did not make any real noise back then.

The very fact that the presidents who sat before Congress felt so little pressure internally or emotionally to say something when Israel and Jews came under attack after October 7, and showed themselves to be unsympathetic at best and heartless at worst when they did speak, is testimony to how unimportant the feelings or concerns of Jews are within the sociological landscapes they tend.

Put simply: Since October 7, Jews in America have found themselves targeted on college campuses, at the businesses they own and work at, at the shuls in which they pray, and in their homes and on the streets in a national onslaught that has no precedent in American history or American life.

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Hello! I created a new segment of profiles that are NOT suppressed and have received 0 emails over time. The list is very large and I am trying to figure out where these people are coming from and if it is ok to send an email campaign to them. They are not on my Main list which is rather confusing. I am fairly new to Klayvio and email marketing in general so I am struggling to understand these sort of things. Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance!

Another way you may be getting email addresses is through 3rd party plugins or apps you may be running that captures email addresses. Along the various tools like 3rd party popup tools, quiz or survey tools, helpdesk or onsite chat programs (and possibly others!) might be all adding email addresses (profiles) to your Klaviyo account.

The next step in figuring out if you have a bee problem is a perimeter check of the outside of your home. This means you will need to walk entirely around the house and look to see if bees are entering the house another way.

Hey Carla, If bees are getting inside your room, there may be an active beehive located in the attic or wall void of your home. The other possibility is that the bees might be entering through an open screen or door because they are attracted to a scent (like citrus, honey, or lavender scented bathroom spray). There are many other reasons why this could be happening. Your best bet is to seek out an on site inspection by a beekeeper, pest control operator, or entomologist, for a professional opinion and solution.

Hello Abra,

I have found multiple bees inside my home dead. Recentlly they are getting into the light and dying. They are sometimes alive as well inside of only my kitchen. I have found multiple alive on the windows in my kitchen. I have central heat and air so i pushed the extended tile on the ceiling up and 6 came out alive you can deff see them up above the ceiling. What can i do ?

Hi Jessica, If there is a bee colony in the attic, you should contact a bee removal or pest control company immediately. You may have a live bee hive inside the attic. That being said, there is also a chance that you might be attracting forager bees, especially if you are using citrus scented products. Often lavender, honey, and citrus scented items (like sprays, cleaners, and candles) will attract bees into your home. Your best bet is to immediately stop using these scented products. To be safe, we would also recommend hiring a bee removal or pest control company to do an inspection.

I have been living in my home for 30 yrs. For the first time in 30 yrs I am finding bees in my house. Some are dead, some are flying. These bees are in a family room that was once a bed room. There is an a/c in the wall, but again it has been there for a good 20+ yrs. There is no fireplace or chimney of any kind. It is next to the bathroom that does have an exhaust fan but I see no bees in the bathroom. I am only seeing them, I assume because it is cold out now and they want to get where it is warm. I see no hive anywhere in that room. I did not have this issue last year or any other of my 30 years in this house. I can not for the life of me figure out where they can be coming from. It is to cold for me to see them flying around out side ( 40 degrees for a high and usually windy). The bees are yellow jackets which I thought were ground nesters, This room is over a basement that is 3/4 of an open basement where the rest is a crawl space of sand covered with moisture barrier heavy plastic. We have set off 2 fog bombers to kill insects since there are many crickets and spider crickets down there.

Any help you can offer would be greatly appreciated since I fear what may happen come the spring, summer or fall when they decide to swarm!!!

Hello I live in a 2 story bungalow style house. Ive lived here almost 10 years no bees ever in my house. This year I started to have crazy amounts of yellow jackets outside my house. I set bee traps and sprayed around 100-200 yellow jackets. Now over the last 2months or so they have been getting inside my house. I selaed every window with weather strip tape siliconed vents ,pipes and wires outside. I have killed around 40 inside my house and there bigger than the ones outside.

Ive noticed 2 small nests outside my atttic vent. I sprayed them and dusted. Still getting them. In all parts of the house downstairs and upstairs. Im wondering if they managed to get into my attic possibly. My fiance is allergic and I have 2 girls 18months and 17years old.

I also noticed when I turn heat on I seem to get more is that because the warm air is drawing them out of attic possibly or maybe they are in my vents or crawlspace?

Hi Gina, My daughter had bees swarming outside her home about 10 days ago, she thinks they gained entrance through a wall vent. Her daughter has gone into her bedroom where there are dead bees over the floor, does this mean they are under the floorboards and are they all dying

There could be a hive in the wall. You can try to put your hand against the wall and see if you feel any unusual heat or vibrations. If you have a chimney you might want listen inside the fireplace and see if you hear any buzzing. When in doubt call your local bee specialist. Hope everything works out. ? Please stop by with any updates if possible. 152ee80cbc

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