The game follows the adventures of Jaster Rogue, a young agricultural worker living on an isolated planet, who becomes involved in a galactic conflict, and learns the fate of the entire galaxy lies in his hands. At the time of its release, Rogue Galaxy was the largest game Level-5 had ever developed, both in terms of the number of staff working on it and the length of production (over three years). Both Level-5 and Sony had strong expectations for the game, hoping it would challenge the RPG market dominance of the Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest franchises.

Voiced by: Yutaka Aoyama (Japanese); Ben Diskin (English)

A lizard-like alien known as a Granshee. Regarded as the greatest hacker in the galaxy, he is a former scientist who devoted his life's work to the spaceship manufacturing megacorporation Daytron.[22]

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The party manages to acquire the three Key Pieces, and Jaster places them on the pedestals, transforming the Tablet into a massive three-dimensional puzzle structure. Seed begins an incantation and sets about manipulating the structure. However, he proves unable to solve the puzzle and transforms into a massive beast. He attacks the party, but Jaster unleashes a ferocious power, defeating him. Jaster then uses his power to solve the puzzle, opening the gates to a labyrinth. Deego speculates Jaster may be a descendant of the Star King, an ancient king who ruled the entire galaxy 50,000 years ago.[33] After opening the labyrinth, a confused Jaster returns to normal, and the crew enter.

Mariglenn returns to its former self, and Kisala says goodbye to Freidias. When they return to their own galaxy, the group finds Mariglenn has reappeared. They visit and the Mariglenndians appoint Kisala as their new queen, much to the disappointment of Dorgengoa and Jaster as they are told to never see her again because they are commoners to them. As Jaster and Monsha discuss the newly established galactic peace, Kisala is inaugurated as the new queen. Meanwhile, Simon returns to his family, Lilika returns to Bukaqua, Deego reunites with Angela, Steve returns to work with Dr. Pocacchio, Jupis resumes his scientific research, and Zegram remains on the Dorgenark. Later, Dorgenoa tells Jaster they are returning to Mariglenn to get back Kisala. The game ends with a narration saying the crew made off with their "ultimate treasure" in what was their very last heist, implying that they succeeded in getting Kisala, but are on the run from Mariglenn.

In an August interview with Famitsu, Hino explained the gameplay involves the player travelling the galaxy and visiting various planets, each of which has its own unique visual theme. He claimed the total volume of areas to explore in the game would surpass any RPG to date. Originally, he had planned to feature a "virtually uncountable number of planets", which would be procedurally generated as the player explored them, but this concept was later modified to a smaller number of planets, each with multiple locations. He revealed a major selling point of the game to be no loading times between exploration and combat, or when moving from one location to another, something which had never before been accomplished on a disc-based RPG, and something which had been a long-time personal goal of his. He also went into detail about the backgrounds of Jaster, Kisala, Zegram and Lilika, and he explained the basic combat system (a hack and slash system using three party members, with the player able to issue commands to the two NPCs), the Revelation Flow system, and some basic information about the Factory system.[40]

We play as Jaster Rogue, a farmer who discovers that the birthmark on his face marks him as the chosen one. We disguise ourselves as a galaxy renowned bounty hunger in order to join the crew of Dorgenark, a band of misfits opposing the local evil empire, on our quest to defeat the ultimate evil threatening the galaxy.

The story begins with Jaster Rogue, a young boy who was abandoned on the planet Rosa as a child. He was raised by a Priest named Raul, who is like a father to Jaster. His long time dream is to travel around space and be a space pirate. One day a huge monster comes and attacks the town; a man known as the Desert Claw, the best Bounty Hunter in the galaxy, shows up and helps Jaster defeat some monsters that outnumber him. After the battle, Desert Claw spots two pirates from the crew of Space Pirate Dorgengoa. He gives Jaster his weapon, the Desert Seeker, one of the Legendary 7 Star Swords, so the pirates will mistake him for Desert Claw. They soon help Jaster defeat the boss monster (the Flaming Alchemist: Mark XIII Salamander) that him on his crew.

Jaster then opens the gate to a labyrinth containing the secret to Eden. While in the Rosa labyrinth, Jaster and Kisala discover that Kisala is actually the princess of Eden, known as Mariglenn. When the party leaves the ruins they see Valkog attacking the town Jaster grew up in. Raul, Jaster's foster father, tries to stop the attacking ship but is killed, but before he dies gives Jaster an artifact connected to Eden/Mariglenn. After this they go into the Kuje desert on Rosa to continue their journey. In the Kuje desert they discover the town of Johannaburg. The party discovers that Johannaburg was frozen in time by a women named Johanna in order to protect it from a plague killing its villagers. In the town they meet the ghost of the women Johanna, who turns out to be Jaster's mother and also a descendant of the Star King. Jaster then fights his mother in order to unlock his own powers and wins. Afterwards, the Jaster and the others run into Desert Claw again, who turns out to be Jaster's father and that his real name is Mizel. Mizel describes how he came to Johannaburg and Johanna and that they fell in love and had Jaster. However, after giving birth, Johanna died from a disease, and Desert Claw left Jaster with Raul in order for Jaster to find his own destiny. Mizel knew that Jaster would be the one to bring peace to the galaxy and save it. He tells them to continue to Eden to find the way to save the galaxy.

The fact that the game always seems to have something new available for players is great, and it contributed to making me want to keep picking up the controller. I've already mentioned that as the game went on, I learned basic actions. As part of that I learned about weapons, and how weapons gain experience. Later, I learned that a maxed-out weapon is eligible to be combined with others; and the number of apparent combinations available is staggering. (I'm sure I only got a fraction.) For me, it was addictive to max out and combine as many weapons as I could. When I thought I had it all with weapons, I then learned that there is a reward for obtaining weapon recipes and combining a certain number of these recipes. At a point in the game where I thought there weren't any new features available, I learned about the Factory, an item creation system that is like a basic logistic puzzle, based on obtaining blueprints from characters throughout the galaxy.

Like Final Fantasy VII, Rogue Galaxy also has a malicious world-shattering entity, but the similarities end with a supposedly feminine archetype. Whereas JENOVA seemed rather vague except through her influence of arch-villain Sephiroth, the entity in this game is a hungry and malicious being who thrives on the idea of absorbing other life. (To go into more detail is to spoil the story.) And of course there is an entire galaxy at stake, rather than a single planet. The storyline is woven masterfully throughout the game, as all aspects of the plot and secondary character arcs deftly slide through and around the main storyline much like the heroes' spaceship maneuvering to avoid enemies.

Rogue Galaxy is the story of Jaster Rogue, a good-natured young man who's just trying to make ends meet hunting beasts on his dusty little home planet. He longs for more excitement in his life, and he gets it when one day he has a run-in with an enigmatic man who seems to be a highly experienced bounty hunter. Then, a case of mistaken identity lands Jaster a seat on the Dorgenark, a space pirate ship (complete with sails and everything) that's traveling the galaxy in search of experienced crew. The first space pirates Jaster meets include Steve, who's basically an even kinder, gentler C-3PO, and Simon, a squat little alien-looking guy with a rocket launcher and a thick Scottish brogue. He'll be joined by numerous other characters later on the game, ranging from a downtrodden, dogface warrior to a no-nonsense tribal warrior woman. The characters are likable but somewhat one-dimensional, and the plot makes stabbing attempts at comic relief amid what's a fairly standard anime-style boy-goes-to-space storyline. Rogue Galaxy has an imaginative look and expressively detailed characters, and the quality of the voice work is quite good, all of which makes the story sequences fun to watch even when they're predictable. One nice touch is how most of the story cutscenes are rendered using the game's 3D engine, so your characters will appear differently in them depending on which weapons and outfits you have equipped.

Rogue Galaxy features some other optional gameplay elements that may well draw you in or away from the main quest. For instance, you can catch different bugs called insectrons during your adventures throughout the galaxy and then pit them in tactical chesslike tournaments against other players. There's also the subtext that Jaster is a bounty hunter, so you'll sometimes get to take on special challenges during battle that earn you coins toward better hunter licenses, and repeated victories will also raise your standings against all those other make-believe interstellar bounty hunters out there. Some bonus dungeons, as well as an entirely new water planet scenario, have been added since the original Japanese release of this game and are there waiting for those who want to soak up more and more hours from this one. It'll likely take you close to several dozen hours just to finish the main quest, and there's still more to do after that. e24fc04721

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