The Power Rangers use their powers to defeat the forces of the Orgs led by one Master Org. As Cole was fond of animals, he was shocked to discover that the Orgs were heartless creatures. As the series continues, he finds the truth about his real parents: his parents, Richard and Elizabeth Evans, were professors at Turtle Cove University along with a family friend, Viktor Adler. When they were sent to the jungle for research, they discover the remains of the original Master Org which a jealous Adler consumes in order to exact revenge on Richard, who had proposed to Elizabeth before he could. However, Adler goes insane and kills both Richard and Elizabeth. For a while, their newborn son, Cole, was also presumed dead.

The Power Rangers use their powers to defeat the forces of the Orgs, monsters created from human pollution, led by one Master Org. As Cole was fond of other animals, he was shocked to discover that the Orgs were literally heartless horned monsters. As the series continues, he finds out the truth about his real parents, Richard and Elizabeth Evans, who were professors at Turtle Cove University, along with a family friend, Dr. Viktor Adler, who was secretly in love with Elizabeth. When they were sent to the jungle for research, they discover the remains of Master Org, in which a jealous Adler consumes in order to exact revenge on Richard, who had proposed to Elizabeth before he could. However, the seeds drive Adler mad and he ends up killing both him and Elizabeth. For a while, their son Cole, who was only two years old at the time, was presumed dead as well.

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In an attempt to defeat the rangers, Master Org releases Zen-Aku, a wolf duke-org who sealed away by the ancient warriors, the predecessors of the Wild Force Rangers, 3000 years ago. Zen-Aku,however is soon to be revealed as Merrick Baliton, a member of ancient warriors who defeated the original Master Org by using the powers of cursed wolf mask. The rangers break the curse, returning Merrick to his human form, allowing him to join the team as the Lunar Wolf Ranger. Zen-Aku is later revealed to have been freed from the curse and attempts to repossess Merrick, but is defeated.

During the annual team-up episode, a trio of powerful half-mutant, half-org monsters called Mut-Orgs travel back in time from the year 3001 to join forces with Master Org and clash with Wes Collins and Eric Myers, the Red Time Force Ranger and Quantum Ranger, prompting the Wild Force Rangers to come to their aid. Wes and Eric contact the other four Time Force rangers in the future and they travel back to aid them, along the previous season's villains Ransik and his daughter Nadira. Ransik, who has reformed, reveals that he was the one who freed the Mut-Orgs and works with the rangers, stripping the three monster mutant powers and weakening them enough for the rangers to destroy them. Ransik is also stripped of his own powers during the battle, turning him into a normal human.

Eventually Duke Orgs Jindrax and Toxica learn of Master Org's human origins and turn on him, awakening the Org General Mandilok to overthrow him.Shortly after during a battle with Cole, Master Org is stripped of his powers. Mandilok takes this opportunity to kill the now powerless Dr.Adler. Mandilok then proceeds to take control of the Org forces. Meanwhile, the rangers befriend an amnesiac boy named Kite who has mysterious powers. Kite is revealed to the reborn Animus, the ancestor of the Wild Zords who was destroyed by the original Master Org 3000 years ago. Mandilok attempts to turn Animus against the rangers by showing him the destruction and pollution humans have caused over the last 3000 years, and appears to be successful as Animus takes away the Ranger's Wild Zords. However Animus revealed he was only testing the rangers and returns to aid them and gives them back their Wild Zords.

Soon after, the original Master Org, reawakened and reborn in Dr.Adler's body after his death, returns to exact his revenge, destroying Mandilok and kidnapping Princess Shayla to use her powerful necklace to create the powerful Org Heart. Though the Rangers rescue the princess with the aid of the reformed Jindrax and Toxica, Master Org uses the Org Heart to transform into a powerful new form that can regenerate from any attack. Using his new powers, Master Org easily destroys all the rangers' Zords, stripping the rangers of their powers, and brings the Animarium crashing down to Earth. The rangers, though now powerless, refuse to give up and make a final stand against Master Org, this cause not only the Wild Zords that Master Org destroyed to be revived, but for the 77 other lost Wilds Zords to return and restoring the rangers' powers. The rangers together with all 100 Wild Zords destroy Master Org and the Org Heart, ending the threat of the Orgs once and for all.

Up on the Moon, Venjix (still not that one) gives a fiery General Hux speech to his Cog minions, telling them about how they were forced to hide among the starts after the defeat of King Mondo. But now the powerful Serpentera at their disposal, they have the means to rebuild the Machine Empire and have their revenge on the Power Rangers. All to the awkward-looking cheer of the super-imposed Cog legions.

a book of whatever that pertains to power rangers. this is for when i can't write, and i have an idea that's stuck in my brain, and i need to write it down. if i'm not updating my stories, i'm right here.

Power rangers are forces of good, shining warriors who bring hope and light, fight with honor and strike heroic poses. However, they couldn't always save people thanks to their honor and rules, the enemies don't mind fighting following them and take advantage of it. But what if a new group of rangers appeared who are colder and more brutal to protect people, they will bring the ice age upon their enemies, they are the Power Rangers Dino Winter. 17dc91bb1f

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