To figure out the lore of PvZHeroes, we need to look at the overall lore of the whole PvZ franchise and establish a timeline. Reasonably, we can place the first game as the very start of the PvZ timeline, mainly because it's before everything got incredibly confusing. Next in terms of release we have PvZ2, however garden warfare can be determined as coming first, since as you may have noticed, PvZ2 messes with time in an incredibly large number of ways, and GW is noticeably absent of any of it. PvZ2 is then followed by garden warfare 2, made possible by all the time destabilization of the events of PvZ2, and then, finally, we have PvZHeroes, which comes after GW2. Theoretically, either could have come first, but we can definitively prove GW2 came first by Rose's flavor text, which proves that someone or something attempted to nerf her before the events of PvZH, which is referring to her loss of 25 health in GW2, brought about by prayers to the gods from the zombies that were made into reality.

So to start off, we have to take a look at where it all began. Plants vs Zombies initially looks like it has a shallow frame plot to justify the presence of plants fighting zombies on both of your lawns and your roof, but when you look deeper, you'll actually see that that is exactly what it is and they explain literally nothing whatsoever. But, there is some things we can learn from this game. First and foremost, the I, Zombie mode shows that both plants and zombies were made by the same company, Bloom and Doom Seed Co. This isn't entirely relevant at the moment, but it will make more sense later when we look at PvZ2. Second, we establish the main antagonist of the games and leader of the zombie faction, Crazy Dave. "Now hold on there Justini," I can hear you saying, "isn't Crazy Dave the leader of the plants? He helps you out a bunch and sells you stuff to help you!" While that initially appears to be the case, digging deeper proves otherwise. Crazy dave tries his hardest to get you killed while still trying to seem like he's on your side so he can manipulate you into getting yourself killed. Just look at the stuff he does in the game: He makes you buy seed packets, seed slots, pool cleaners and roof cleaners, potentially life saving materials, with money that he has literally no use for because there's no way there's a functioning economy during a zombie apocalypse. Additionally, one of these seed packets (gold magnet) is a trap that doesn't help you fight the zombies at all, thus potentially tricking you into getting yourself killed by metal wielding zombies. Furthermore, he gets you to do a lot of very questionable activities while underhandedly sabotaging you, such as making you kill zombies in melee range with a hammer, roll wall nuts at zombies instead of using them for protection, and breaking potentially dangerous vases at melee range with a mallet instead of simply leaving them be. After you defeat zomboss, he undeterredly locks in three of your seed packets, preventing you from performing the optimal strategies and potentially getting you killed. Finally, he also gets you to help the zombies invade your home by making them practice, with the only reward being the money that you shouldn't need to get his stuff anyway. He is undoubtedly, 100%, on the side of the zombies. He even steals a taco, the only item of food you ever find in the game, and eats it while only giving you a diamond that you do not need nearly as much as sustenance in a zombie apocalypse. And don't say "oh, well you have all these plants you can eat", because those are clearly both harmful to eat (for the projectiles, they all explode on contact with anything) and sentient (for the plants themselves) so it would be sheer idiocy and/or cruelty to eat either.

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So then, where does that leave Zomboss? Well obviously, it leaves him as the clear sidekick to you on your journey, and there's a plethora of evidence towards that as well. First and foremost, he doesn't send in zombies that could destroy you right away. If he was the true antagonist, he would just send in a couple gargantuars after you repel a few waves and just be done with it. However, he doesn't. He sends the zombies in in a pattern that is always beatable, and sends them in with seed packets so you can repel the next wave and money so you actually have the potential to pay off Crazy Dave for the life saving supplies. The progression of difficulty is just Zomboss playing the facade of trying to stop you while giving you enough time to prepare. He's also the only potential character that could be voicing the "the zombies are coming" that you hear at the start of every level. He warns you about the zombies, because he is your hidden ally.

What this doesn't explain is Crazy Dave's motivations, however. Zomboss can be explained as a human (look at that brain, he's clearly not a zombie) who disguised himself as a zombie and tricks them into failing so he can help save other people. Crazy Dave, however, is an enigma. It's possible that his motivation could simply be malice, or complete insanity, but I suggest a much deeper reasoning. Dave started the zombie apocalypse by releasing the zombies from Bloom and Doom seed Co. so he could be the only human left and therefore not have to share his tacos with anyone.

So now we get into the meat of the story. Dave drags you along a time travel adventure for a taco, further cementing his malice towards you and trying to get you killed. The big question is, why exactly are there zombies in the past, and for this we can go back to my theory about Crazy Dave. Crazy Dave built a time machine to go back in time and start a zombie apocalypse before civilization could develop any means to stop it, which is why the zombies date back as far as Ancient Egypt, and at the same time explains the presence of plants that far back. Crazy Dave was likely pressed for time, since a company as large as Bloom and Doom seed Co. that creates both sentient plants and a ton of zombies of varying sizes would have to have a good security system, and he was forced to take whatever packets he could find, a lot of which were for plants. As far as the changing cultures go, zombies have proven to have rudimentary intelligence, which still explains the advancement of technology and culture during that time, or perhaps it may have been influenced by something else, such as Crazy Dave providing them time appropriate weaponry, the human culture surviving and spreading to zombies gradually through their turning, or Zomboss inventing stuff to prove his intelligence and be able to command the zombies in each time period and stop them from immediately overwhelming you. Who knows, the important thing is that Crazy Dave started the apocalypse, which also manages to explain the vague hints Zomboss gives about the true side of Penny the time machine and by extension Crazy Dave. Zomboss eventually realizes Crazy Dave's true motivations of tacos, and gives him one in order to stop him, but the damage has already been done and the time stream is way out of whack.

So now we have a bit more plot development. The time stream is way screwed, which leads to the presence of Rose from the past, Citron from the Future, Deadbeard from the age of pirates (the past), and Z-mech from the future. It also shows an alternate dimension of gnomes that bears literally no relevance to the plot but is interesting nonetheless, since they align with neither the plants nor the zombies. Anyway, that's about it for lore. New plants, new zombies, and more charade fighting with nothing at stake.

Now, you may be wondering why this is after garden warfare when this supposedly explains where super brainz came from due to the hero-tron. And my response to that is first and foremost that the lore of PvZH follows a pattern, and that pattern is not consistent with the absence of so many characters from GW2, namely a lot of the heroes being missing and the absence of anything beyond the first set. So then, where did super brainz come from you may ask? GW2 explains it. He was made in a laboratory, NOT zapped by some random ray that turns stuff into heroes. The hero tron is a cover up made by crazy dave to hide his dealing of steroids to Grass Knuckles, Spudow, Chompzilla, and The Smash, likely in exchange for tacos of some sort. This is shown by most of the heroes lacking any form of heroic power granted from the hero tron, other than those given steroids. Green Shadow is just a peashooter from GW2 with a mask, as shown by the mask being in GW2. Solar Flare is just a Fire Flower from GW2 with a mask on, Wall Knight is just a wall-nut with armor that could easily have been developed by Citron, Captain Combustible is a torchwood with a mask that doesn't even have anything to do with the hero-tron, Citron and Rose are from the future and past respectively and were in GW2, which was before this game chronologically, we already established super brainz was made in a lab and not by the hero-tron, Z-mech came from the future in GW2, Electric Boogaloo is just a dancing zombie with an even bigger afro to create static electricity, Professor Brainstorm is just a smart zombie, Immorticia is a witch, likely from the past just like Rose, Impfinity simply has a cloning machine strapped onto him, Rustbolt is some random zombie in a mech, Brain freeze is a yeti in a mask with ice powers that as established could have been from any number of things since magic is real, and Neptuna is a zombie in a mermaid costume with on octopus on her head. None of these have anything to do with the hero-tron aside from Crazy Dave's insertion of them into the narrative. It's all propoganda to make Zomboss look bad while drawing attention away from his selling of steroids, predominantly to plants to sabotage them in the long run, further cementing him as the antagonist. He even helps zombies out if they give him tickets. Why would anyone not on the side of the zombies do that, unless to be a double agent, which Dave can't be because he's declared to be on the side of the plants. 17dc91bb1f

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