The World Pirates were a formidable crew three decades prior to present history, as their captain being both their strongest member and a former prisoner in Level 6 of Impel Down. In the past, they were known for starting a campaign of massive destruction to both pirates, Marines, and even World Nobles alike that the World Government had formed an alliance between the Marines and other pirates who held a grudge against World. In present day, the Government would call upon all seven Warlords to face them. The combined strength of the crew officers can destroy a whole Marine warship in under a minute, while their captain alone can destroy two warships and a World Nobles' frigate at once in under 50 seconds.

The World Pirates were formed by Byrnndi World and his brother, Byojack, with the intention of freedom and having adventures. However, they clashed with many pirates and Marines, and eventually the World Nobles themselves. Because of their captain's campaign of terror, the crew became a recognized threat to the World Government itself. They eventually clashed with an Government-sanctioned alliance of pirates, whom held a grudge against World, and Marines lead by Vice Admirals Garp and Sengoku well as their respective fleets.

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Another feature was the pirate ship ride - an actual life-sized pirate ship. The ship, piloted by park personnel, cruised along a "river" through a barrage of cannon fire and "enemy" pirates shooting at the ship, while the pirates that were aboard the ship were firing back at them, protecting their passengers from harm.

Big sea full of islands to explore, can even go underneath the water, the whole Port Royal zone, a ship to sail and level up, like 10 minutes of CGI cutscenes? Was honestly shocked at how ambitious and crazy this world was, I'm surprised they didn't promote it more pre-release. Cannot wait to come back here once I get glide.

It was at least two stories high and I doubt it would pass any safety inspections now !!! But it was a wild fun place. They had some major concerts there - Led Zeppelin, Grand Funk Railroad ...... just a memory now.

May 23, 2015

I Remember 

by: judi ( 

When i came to florida pirates world was the first amusement park i ever was at and the steeple chase ride was my absolute favorite i remember riding it over and over and my other favorite ride was the wild mouse roller coaster i had so much fun there i wished it had never closed i am 68 now and if it was still open i would be riding the steeple chase and wild mouse yet today it was an awesome park 


Judi: you have just accomplished something I've never seen before: a paragraph that is one long sentence with no capital letters and no punctuation. Nevertheless, you got your enthusiastic message across loud and clear.

Apr 25, 2015

Pirates World in 1968 

by: Jolly Rodger (DJ) ( 

Pirates World was located on the north side of Sheridan Street a mile or two east of US1. 

I remember doing the radio commercials for Pirates World when I worked as a DJ at WIRK in West Palm Beach in 1968. Who better than a DJ named "Jolly Rodger" to do commercials for Pirates

"Arr, me hearties, meet me tonight at Pirates World. See pirates dueling in the streets", etc. I still have one of their radio commercials around here somewhere.

They were famous for having weekend concerts, local bands playing rock 'n roll there on weekends, along with their many rides.

Former Pirates World employees and park visitors enjoyed remembering all the fun times at Pirates World.

Jun 15, 2014

The Original Pirate 

by: Gary Young ( 

Yes, I was the first one that drove the Pirate boat around the Island when it opened. I was only 16 and because my Father had taught me well, how to pilot a boat they let me run the show. It was a free floating renovated schooner from Sweden or somewhere in those areas.

I would load the boat at the ramp and then pilot it our to the center where the pirates would board and scare the riders. It was a lot of fun and of course I was popular and made a big Ham of myself.

All went well, until I had to quit to go back to High School and they wanted me to train someone. Many tried and couldn't master the wheel. They were only hiring High School students in the park back then, not many adults.

Well, they made me let one guy have a go on his own with me on shore. I told them I didn't think he had the confidence to do it and sure enough he took out the dock with a loaded boat and about 50 people on the dock. After that they hired a licensed girl pilot.

We had a lot of fun there. There was a one armed man that we always chased with the golf cart. I got my girlfriend Tanya Ferro a job there and she did not approve of that at all.

Sep 12, 2013

Pirates' World, Dania, Florida 

by: Judy Uplinger Brannon ( 

I just looked on a couple other places and found this was actually located in Dania, near Sheridan Street and US 1 (Federal Highway).

They were quite high and some kids jumped from the top into the water below. Way too scary for us and it took a lot of nerve.

We were from Virginia driving a 65 Plymouth Sport Fury. This was the coolest of amusement parks.

Florida had lots of mystery houses and roadside places for us tourists to just stop and enjoy. The world didn't have gangs back then.

Especially cute local girls, performers, pirates, Hobie the old wise mechanic who let you do a round or two with him and his belt full of tools, lots of sun, concerts and Peg Hood. 

Peg collected burlap bags at the bottom of the giant slide and I would hand them out at the top as people came up the stairs.

Aug 05, 2016

Great Fun 

by: John ( 

As a kid, I went to Pirate's World many times. I was even secretly filmed by a camera crew and they used it as part of a commercial for the park. I also went to the Alice Cooper Concert, one of my first. Cool place

Aug 04, 2016

Barely remember 

by: Anonymous ( 

We moved to miramar, fl in 1966, I was 2 and do remember pirates world. I was probably 7 and the only thing I remember is the steeplchase horses.

Many of the best rock groups of the time would play. After a while, I switched from ride operator to Maintenance, and being a girl, that basically meant just walking around the park and stabbing whatever litter was on the street.

It was the best of times. Very dear to my heart are these memories. Met some incredibly cute guys there.

Mar 30, 2016

Pirates world 

by: KT ( 

Pirates World was on Sheridan St in Dania Beach East of US 1

Jun 19, 2018

Comments Before August 24, 2016 

by: Mike Miller 

Aug 05, 2016

Great Fun 

by: John 

As a kid, I went to Pirate's World many times. I was even secretly filmed by a camera crew and they used it as part of a commercial for the park. I also went to the Alice Cooper Concert, one of my first. Cool place

Aug 04, 2016

Barely remember 

by: Anonymous 

We moved to miramar, fl in 1966, I was 2 and do remember pirates world. I was probably 7 and the only thing I remember is the steeplchase horses.

Many of the best rock groups of the time would play. After a while, I switched from ride operator to Maintenance, and being a girl, that basically meant just walking around the park and stabbing whatever litter was on the street.

It was the best of times. Very dear to my heart are these memories. Met some incredibly cute guys there.

Mar 30, 2016

Pirates world 

by: KT 

Pirates World was on Sheridan St in Dania Beach East of US 1

Mar 09, 2016

I worked there! 

by: Diane Tisdale 

I remember when Pirates World was open when I was in junior high and a group of us kids were goofing around in the water fountain which ended up getting all of us promptly thrown out.

Several years later when I was a Senior at South Broward High, I was hired on as one of the dancers in the show called "Clown alley".

Jan 02, 2017


by: Rocky Bruce 

I was only at Pirates World a few times because we lived in the Bahamas. Went there for a couple of summers and by the time we moved back here it was almost gone. Saw a few concerts in the early 70's. Always heard about the rattle snakes but as a kid we were always in the woods all around there even before it was there and I have never seen one. Nurse sharks in the lake, maybe but a little far fetched I think.

I do know that a person I knew as a kid whose father was the builder and their family name was Zenobia. I remember going in there in the middle 70's after it closed and found the family name on a sign in the tilted house.

Nov 12, 2016

Urban Legend #1 

by: Mr Lumino 

The comments about "the snake coming out of the wooden horse and biting the child" show that urban legends never die. Like KFC dropping "Chicken" for the letter C because "it contains no real chicken anymore" or the "roller coaster going straight instead of making the turn"., this is the most infamous urban legend of all time. It started because parents didn't want their children going to "unsavory" amusements parks among other things. And if you say "it was in the paper!", show me the proof

Oct 17, 2016

60's - 70's 

by: deadsnake 

I grew up in S. Fl. Pirate's World was a blast. Between the rides and the concerts, there was always something to do. As silly as it sounds, the Steeplechase ride was a favorite of mine. I miss it a lot!

Aug 26, 2016

The good things in our lives 

by: Alan 

My wife and myself stopped by Pirates World on our way to Miami Beach in 1968. It qas a neat amusement park that charged one price for admission. If I remember correctly the slides were like grain storage containers and dark inside as you slid down on a burlap bag. They were quite high and some kids jumped from the top into the water below. Way too scary for us and it took a lot of nerve.

We were from Virginia driving a 65 Plymouth Sport Fury. This was the coolest of amusement parks.

Florida had lots of mystery houses and roadside places for us tourists to just stop and enjoy. The world didn't have gangs back then. A1A was a cool ocean road from Jacksonville to Ft. Lauderdale that had lots of places to stop and visit along the way. Disney came along and so did the end of the good old times and places.

As an older couple now we remember the earlier times when it you could travel cheaply, go out have a good time for a few bucks and not worry about getting into trouble or confrontations when you make a comment. Glad sites like this exist so us who remember can recall those places others can only think about. Like when they raced cars and drove on the beaches of Daytona and Jacksonville, motels with diving boards at the pools all the good stuff gone today.!!!!!

Jun 19, 2018

Comments Before June 24, 2018 

by: Mike Miller 

Jun 04, 2018

concert pics from 1972 

by: Donna 

Posting this again hoping someone can answer my question regarding location of concert. Thanks.

December 16, 1972 saw Deep Purple but cannot remember exactly where in the park the concert was held. Thought it was a metal building with long stadium style benches with the rest rooms under the seating. Thought we parked in a residential area and walked from the car about a block to the venue. Didn't even remember it was at Pirates World till I just dug out my old ticket stub. Thought I was at some makeshift temporary building type of thing in a residential neighborhood. That's how my mind remembers it. Any pictures of the building or an explanation of where the concerts were? Thanks

May 10, 2018

Fond Memories 

by: Ruth 

My Grandmother took my brother and me to Pirates World when I was 5 or 6. He was angry because he was 3 years old and was not allowed to drive the cars by himself.That place was great fun! I guess you could say I was pirate before Johnny Depp made pirates cool :) So sad that place went under like it did. I was too young to go to the concerts there, but some big name bands played there. I have an old picture of my Grandmother, brother and me in the cars. Loved growing up in South Florida!

Mar 18, 2018


by: Andy 

I work on Sheridan between State Road A1A and US 1. I was too young then but i always try to figure out where it was exactly..what current building would lead me to its original location?

Feb 20, 2018

Model T car ride 

by: Sam 

One of those miniature size Model T cars you could drive at Pirates World is for sale on eBay right now 152913011691 , it looks like the real thing and is located in Fort Lauderdale

Dec 26, 2017

Please Continue Commenting Feature 

by: Travis 

In spite of what "Anonymous" has complained about, many of us enjoy reading the memories of others who enjoyed Pirate's World.

Please don't let the Grinch steal Christmas!


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