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The episode starts with Bean reading a cookbook and his chair is in bad shape. Bean smells something and he realizes his food is overcooked so he runs to the kitchen and opens the window to let the black smoke out. While hanging her clothes, Wicket sees the black smoke coming from Bean's kitchen so she goes upstairs. Bean then puts the saucepan in his bedroom and he continues reading the cookbook. He pours his food to his plate, and his food is an overcooked mush. Wicket then bursts in and facepalms because of the disaster Bean made and Bean says he has to start again. Since Bean isn't going anywhere, Wicket tells Bean that he can stay in for delivery, shocking Bean; the item being delivered is a recliner. Wicket leaves so Bean has to wait for the delivery. Bean continues cooking his food while he's sleeping then the doorbell rings. His chair snaps and a spring pushes him out of the chair. Bean goes downstairs to answer the doorbell and Bean signs the clipboard for Wicket's chair. But the deliveryman takes the clipboard back from Bean because he's not Mrs. Wicket.

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So Bean sees Wicket's laundry and he tells the deliveryman he'll "go get her". Bean gets Wicket's laundry to disguise himself as Wicket. The deliveryman gets infatuated at "Wicket" but he snaps out of it and he shows "her" "her" chair. Bean says in the lounge in his normal voice, shocking the deliveryman, so he says it again with a high pitched voice. But Bean tells the deliveryman to put it in the upstairs lounge instead. Bean returns to his room and he sees his open closet with his clothes so he hides his clothes and closes his closet just as the deliveryman is at the door. Bean removes a beach photo of himself but it's screwed to the wall so he can't pull it out. The pen falls to the floor so Bean gets it and draws on his beach photo so the deliveryman won't know who he really is. The deliveryman brings the chair to his room and he asks Bean if he can take out his old chair in which Bean says yes. Bean tells the deliveryman to just leave it outside Wicket's room and the deliveryman leaves.

Bean takes the brochure out of the recliner and gets a pillow on the floor to put them on his old chair to make Wicket think his old chair is hers. He returns to his room and his food is overcooked once again. So he opens the window to let the black smoke out. His food is an overcooked mush once again. The doorbell rings again, annoying Bean, so he answers it. It's the deliveryman who is well-dressed and he gives him a flower, having fallen in love with "her". Bean takes the flower and closes the door and the doorbell rings again. Bean answers the door and the deliveryman asks "Wicket" if they cam go out to which Bean shakes his head. He asks Bean if they can go ice skating to which Bean still shakes his head. The deliveryman then asks Bean if they can eat lunch and this time Bean says yes. They eat out at Restaurant La Cuisine where they sit on their table. The waiter arrives with bread and asks for their order; the deliveryman orders salad and Bean orders one of everything but he then orders two of everything instead, shocking the waiter. Bean and the deliveryman fight for the bread and he slaps his hand so he can let go of the bread. Bean eats the whole bread while the deliveryman only eats a crumb. The waiter gives Bean soup of the day but Bean has no spoon. Instead of asking for a spoon, Bean takes the teaspoon for the mustard but it's too small so Bean takes the straw of a girl while the deliveryman is drinking his water. Bean uses the straw to drink the entire soup. The waiter then arrives with garlic bread in which Bean eats it and lets out a huge burp, disgusting the deliveryman.

Later, Bean eats a shrimp on a glass from the glass instead of using a spoon or work, while making a mess. The deliveryman, seeing his clothes dirty, leaves to go to the restroom. Bean gets the second shrimp on a glass when the mop head used as a wig falls off. He goes to get the mop head when the waiter unknowingly kicks it to the kitchen. The deliveryman exits the restroom and Bean sees spaghetti bring served to the same girl so Bean pulls the table cloth to make the spaghetti fall on his head. The deliveryman returns and asks Bean if he has done something to his hair to which Bean says yes, and he eats a fallen meatball. The waiter then serves Bean two of everything which are ribs and steak and serves the deliveryman salad which is only small. Bean eats lobster and the deliveryman eats his salad and the waiter serves Bean a slice of pie in which Bean says the whole pie. The deliveryman continues chatting while eating salad and the waiter serves dessert for two which is ice cream. But Bean tells the deliveryman off and takes the ice cream for himself. The other customers look at Bean in confusion. The deliveryman asks the waiter for the bill. The waiter gives them the large bill and two candies; Bean takes the first candy. The deliveryman looks at the bill (the bill reveals the server's name is Arnie) and says he had only this and Bean had everything else.

Bean takes the second candy and the deliveryman pays for his food so Bean has to pay for his; Bean gets shocked when he sees his large bill. He empties his purse and there's no money inside. So Bean runs to the men's restroom and a man gets angry at Bean, thinking that he's a woman. Bean asks the man what's his problem in his normal voice and he leaves to the women's restroom when he realizes his "mistake". A woman enters the restroom and screams when she sees Bean who removed his disguise. Bean exits the restroom where the deliveryman is talking to Arnie who is asking for the payment that he didn't have everything else. Bean then makes a run for it. The deliveryman goes to the women's restroom and the woman inside screams and the deliveryman tells Arnie she's gone. Bean escapes from the restaurant so now the deliveryman has to pay for everything else.

Bean returns home to put Wicket's clothes back to the laundry basket when a taxi arrives. Wicket arrives and asks Bean where's her chair and Bean points to her his old chair. And Bean says that it didn't look like the chair in the picture. Bean relax in his room with Wicket's recliner. The doorbell rings so Bean looks out the window and it's the deliveryman. The deliveryman asks for Mrs. Wicket to which she says she's Mrs. Wicket but the deliveryman says she's not Wicket to which she says she is. The deliveryman then says Wicket is the one who lives upstairs with the new chair. Wicket furiously calls Bean and Bean realizes his lie has been exposed so Bean panics. Wicket and the deliveryman furiously burst in to Bean's room and Wicket tells Bean that's her chair and Bean says he can explain and Wicket furiously tells Bean to put her chair downstairs now. Wicket and the deliveryman are having cake and coffee and Bean puts her chair in her room. Bean attempts to push the chair back up, without any success.

This time the Mini is even more special. It has a lot of new things that you can do. You can customize the colour of the car and add some awesome decals to it. There are even more power-ups that you can use. This time you will be able to craft some that will help you on each run.

Along the way, you will encounter special situations, like delivering goods on time or safely carrying valuables. This requires you to be able to steer carefully and sensitively to ensure that the cargo is not damaged or lost.

Your new adventure begins again but will bring you many new experiences. You will travel around the streets with an exciting man on this journey. He is seen as a person who brings laughter to everyone; you will feel it. And Mr Bean will accompany you on the trucks transporting all goods. He created his own name-branded trucking company hoping to make a living. So you will go with him on many cargo trips in the familiar green car. Together with Mr Bean began to take on transport duties on the delivery roads full of laughter.

Uptodown es una app store multiplataforma especializada en Android. Nuestro objetivo es proporcionar acceso libre y gratuito a un gran catlogo de aplicaciones sin restricciones, ofreciendo una plataforma de distribucin legal accesible desde cualquier navegador, as como a travs de su app oficial.

As a delivery worker for a prestigious shipping company, Mr. Bean will roam from the countryside to the city to complete all assigned tasks. Each item, no matter how bulky or uncomfortable, will be brought to the place where it needs to be safe, without any chips or drops on the way.

When the item is successfully delivered, you will close the contract, receive a bonus, and gain more experience points. With money in hand, you can use it to upgrade your hidden mini car. Change the paint color to make it look newer. Changing wheels helps to run faster, a better grip on slippery roads. And changing the roof of the car will help you store goods, and keep the boxes better. The more money you have, the more you upgrade your car and the more advantages you have in the delivery process.

Join Mr Bean in his ultimate delivery adventures, as he picks up delivery quests around the world and travels through multiple terrains. Get on the famous green car and freely customize them to better suit your preferences. Give it interesting upgrades to allow yourself to easily get through the challenges and enable amazing rides for our goofy Mr Bean.

Just like with the classic mobile game of Totally Reliable Delivery Service, Mr Bean Special Delivery introduces Android gamers to a hilarious and laughable delivery adventure with our goofy characters. But instead of the classic 3D graphics and ragdoll characters, this new game from Good Catch will certainly impress Android gamers with its cartoony experiences and our authentic Bean character. 006ab0faaa

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