By the end of 1928, all three Fail sisters will be dead -- expiring in reverse order, youngest to oldest, from a blunt object to the head, disappearance, and finally consumption. Tuneful songs and a whimsical chorus follow the story of Nelly, Jenny June, and Gerty as they live out their lives above the family clock repair shop near the Chicago River before their time unexpectedly runs out. A magical, musical fable where, in the end, the power of love is far greater than any individual's successes or failures.

The couple also discovered that nearly every job in the United States required a high school diploma. Without proof of completing high school in Myanmar, the couple decided to go back to school and get an American high school degree.

Download Game Love Story High School


I thought this was a pretty great game. I feel like it would be a no brainer to update it for full screen/ higher resolution support, throwing it on Steam, and making some money off of it. I like that it's not some one hour experience and that it takes it's time getting to the horror. I like the characters and felt like the puzzles were the right level of difficulty. The story was also engaging enough to make me want to keep playing.

My only "complaints" are pretty small, but I'll list them just in case the dev ever wants to come back to it one day.

-I wish I could name the MC. It would make you feel like you're the one the antagonist has a problem with, but I get that certain pictures and assets include the MC's name.

-Kyle and Maggie's portraits look too much alike. Between the same hair color and almost the same length, it made me not want to ask her to prom lol

-The antagonist's backstory is a little too tacked onto the end. I wish there were some clues for more of an "Ah-Ha!" moment or feel like a puzzle was coming together.

- The antagonist and their relative have a different hair color for their sprites and portraits and it was pretty noticeable.

-Let me skip on the game over screen. Some parts got a little annoying having to wait for that.

-I really, really wish there was a chance to save between the last "chase" sequence and the end. It made seeing the different endings tedious.

I think if certain things were added, this would go from great to amazing/masterpiece.

-A loop 0. A version of the loop that plays out events told later in the story from Kyle's perspective. Might take tweaking the story a little, but it would set up the ending better and give an opportunity to show the MC at their most self-absorbed and make you feel like the asshole by the end of the game.

-Change Maggie's role. What she did seemed a little weak and unimportant. I feel like she could do something that makes more sense for her character.

-Expanding prom night. Let me dance with my date. It would add more weight to the end. 

-Connect the tragedy at the school to the to the events of the game a little more. It makes sense thematically, but maybe we can see the story have some kind of impact on the antagonist leading up to their fall.

-Elevator key. Add a side quest on the first day that lets me get access to the elevator in the earlier loops to make navigating the school less tedious for thorough players. Maybe the quest changes with each loop, or I keep the key until the last loop.

-More character portraits. You kind of prepare yourself for anyone with one to play a larger part in the game. It made a certain someone too noticeable, but not through story telling. 

-Make prom night a little more humiliating for the antagonist. I felt like the part inside the gym could have been more dramatic. Maybe they see the prom king and queen being announced.

Thanks for the great game and thank you if you read this far down.

You'll be happy to know that I do intend to do a commercial remake of this game once my current project is finished - actually, said current project is primarily a way to fund a Prom Dreams remake lol. It will of course have massive graphical updates, but I also plan to include some quality of life changes similar to some things you suggested (e.g. a fast travel instead of access to the elevator key) and some story expansion with regards to the three love interests. This will probably not happen for a while, but my game pages will all be updated with more information when I actually get the project off of the ground, so I hope you look forward to it!

I literally made an account just to leave a comment on this game. I haven't had such good time playing a game in YEARS. I love the story, I love the false sense of security and how you aren't safe despite it being a cheerful day and lots of people around you. I also love the length. I spent over 12 hours on it because I wanted to throughly explore everything. The characters are amazing, the spooks are amazing, the writing. UGH. I wanna erase my memory of this game just to be able to relive it again. Great job!!! I'm looking forward to more games from you.

Rylie and I both started going to North Mason High School in 2013 as freshmen. We never spoke to each other even though our school had about 400-500 students. I remember first seeing Rylie (who was out) in our second-period science class. We sat two seats apart, and I remember thinking she was so cool. Sometime during that trimester, Rylie had a seizure and fell out of her chair into the middle of the aisle. I remember seeing her eyes roll back, and it was pretty scary then (but even scarier to think about that moment now that I have so much love for her).

Why I love it: This is one of those short stories for high school that engages all of my students. I love to ask them what they think the most dangerous game in the world is. I like to watch them figure out what is about to happen as we read through the story.

Why I love it: One of the classic short stories for high school about what can go wrong when granted three wishes. Students also love to know that there was a Simpsons episode based on this short story.

Why I love it: This story moves from the ordinary to the extraordinary. It highlights the mundane adult life while the main character escapes to fantastical situations, inspired by his surroundings. Bonus: The movie version that was released in 2013.

Why I love it: Fitzgerald was gifted in writing about tension in love. This story is about the tension between lovers from the North and the South. Read it for the story and the poetic language of Fitzgerald.

LeBron attended St. Vincent-St. Mary High School in Akron, Ohio. The couple started dating when Savannah was 16 while she attended a rival high school where she was a cheerleader and a softball player. LeBron saw her at a local football game and asked her to attend a basketball game and she obliged. The rest is history!

Early in the summer of 1973, singer David Lee Roth and guitarist Eddie Van Halen performed together for the first time. Playing in front of an audience of buzzed students from John Muir, Blair and Pasadena high schools in an east Pasadena backyard, this embryonic version of Van Halen, then called Mammoth, blasted out songs by Black Sabbath, Grand Funk Railroad and Cream, rattling windows and shattering eardrums while party attendees chugged keg beer.

When did you two move in together? When did you get engaged/married?

When I graduated from high school, I moved in next door to him. We had matching studios in buildings next to each other on the same street. Eventually we decided to attend the same school out of state, lived separately on campus at a new school where we only knew each other.

I married my highschool sweetheart this summer. We've been together for almost 10 years and engaged for 6 because we also wanted to get married when the time was right (and we were independent of our parents) but still make a real commitment. It's work, but it's work I love. My thought after two weeks was "Oh noooo! Why did I have to meet this great guy so early, now we have the rest of our lives to make it work, I don't want to screw this one up"

I'm not "married", but I've been with my high school sweetheart for 18 years! We've grown together and love and respect each other, which I think is the basis of our relationship. After 2 wonderful kids and moves, we still love each other very much. He's my best friend and soul mate. We were kids when we got together and we've become mature adults together. Love is what you make of it. We are friends, lovers and partners in all we do, from raising our kids to buying groceries. My life would feel empty without him and I know he feels the same. And like the author said, Luck, I think had a lot to do with us being together. When you find someone who loves you as much (if not more) than you do, then hold on tight to them, because it doesn't happen often. I love Noah and I know we will grow old together. I would not change anything about our relationship.

I married my high school sweetheart and we'll be married for 5 years in June. We dated for a year in H.S., broke up for a few months because we felt we "should" upon graduation, and then got back together at a Thanksgiving break. After a four year long distance relationship through college and a one-year engagement, we got married, after which I promptly "dragged" him off to England so I could attend graduate school.

I am 17 and just graduated highschool my boyfriend and i are celebrating our anniversary in two days and should be engaged within the month. this article meant a lot to me because so many people arent supportive of us getting engaged but we truly feel lucky to have found each other and there is no way we could let what we have be anything less than the rest of our lives. we talk about absolutely everything no matter how difficult and have more loyalty and respect in our relationship than i have ever seen in a relationship and this just reassured me (not that i need reassurance:p ) that we can do it and spend the rest of our lives happy because we have found something so special and will always be 100% invested in each other. thank you ff782bc1db

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