Sometime before 8000 B.C., the gods were happy once. Every god except for Ken. His insatiable desire for conquest led him to find new places where he could be feared and loved. Ken, his sister, Lynn, and the other gods crossed into the mortal world from Peace and wars intensified. More and more human started arriving in Limbo, a slow trickle became a flood. Lynn thought it was unfair and saw the poor souls lost to wander in the darkness forever and took pity on them. She found a mother and child who died for no reason, and she thought, since the gods had taken away their happiness, she should ferry them across into Peace. Since they colonized their world, she settled them in theirs. When Ken found out, he cursed her. If she was so interested in helping humans, he would force her to do it for all eternity, never to return home. Always reaching the shore, but never able to actually set foot there.

Circa 3000 B.C., a village at the base of the Caucasus Mountains worshiped a group of gods that lived high atop one of the mountains, guarded behind a threshold that mortal men could not pass. One of the gods loved a mortal women that bore a child with divine blood. Ben, attempting to save his lover, stole the fire that the world would come to know as magic. Having failed to save Ashur, he gave the magic to his village, though they turned on him and in their lust for that power, monsters were born, along with many of the world's ills.

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Sometime after the 11th Century, Ken came to his daughter, Jen, seeking her favor. With the creation of Malivore, a creature that could make the world forget someone ever existed, Ken became afraid as he was the ultimate death sentence for a god since they are only as powerful as people's belief in them. Jen created sarcophagi so that he and his family could sleep until Malivore's destruction. With the exception of Jen, they have slept ever since. While examining the enchanted sarcophagus, Professor Vardemus concludes that there's blood scrawled in multiple languages speaking of the gods, but the gods of a dozen, or maybe more, different cultures.

The full extent of the gods powers and abilities are unknown. Furthermore, it is unknown if the abilities extend collectively to all gods, across different cultures, or their offsprings, or if they vary from one individual to the next. Additionally, both Jed and Aurora have referred to Ben as a "demigod," though no separation, if any, has been made.

That leaves us with two chapters. One describes some vampire-related mortal cults, while the other is about designing your own cult. Of course, that cult you design might be a cult made up of vampires, but it seems much more likely to be used to create a blood cult for a vampire to prey upon (aka, How To Be An Osiris).

Anyone else slightly irritated by the bar that fills up every time you do pretty much anything then forces you to stop what you're doing and fight an insanely tough vampire? The thing is massive and impossible and yhe only way I have found to kill it is to lead it to a safehouse and stand in the UV light.

Whether for power, salvation, or transcendence, all Kindred cults wallow in blood. They shed it in sacrifice, demand it of their followers, and exalt in it in unholy baptisms proclaiming their divine glories. These cults dedicated to blood gods are among the most insidious, damning sects of Kindred, and tonight they approach their apex of power.

Vampires are a type of undead creatures that have existed on Earth for as long if not longer than homo sapiens have. Most current vampires trace their lineage to a distant common ancestor, the vampire god Maacah. They are known as walking corpses, however it is more apt to refer to them as a disease, or at least beings with an illness. This has caused a mass amount of hysteria especially in Europe, with some finding it reasonable to watch over recently dead corpses and accuse those with less power of being vampires. This is despite the fact that a lot of royalty, especially at the time, were infected with a form of vampirism, and most likely knew of it.

The biology of a vampire is completely dependent on what species was infected by the vampirism, as their general body structure and biological processes is the same as their non-vampire counterparts. The differences are mostly superficial in nature, having smooth pale skin, darker hair, crimson eyes, and literally unaging physique. A lot of vampires have been described as beautiful in appearance, but this is because they've found themselves in some form of nobility, so they're able to indulge in their appearances. The major difference is a sharper pair of canine teeth used for puncturing skin and allowing the consumption of blood.

Since they're technically deceased, they are able to survive without components that would be vital for living beings. They lack body heat and a heart beat and don't require oxygen, water, or otherwise edible food. As most vampires are unable to gain vitamin D from the Sun, they're required to consume blood to gain their required amount. Despite this, even vampires who are able to walk around in the sunlight still choose to only drink blood.

While many of the well known weaknesses are prevalent among vampires, not every weakness will apply to every vampire. As the species itself is ancient, some species of vampire have evolved beyond these weaknesses.

Vampires generally choose to gather into groups, referring to themselves as "families" or broods. While there are notable exceptions, grouping up allows for them to hide and hunt more effectively. Broods can be found among other nobility and politicians of the respective region, being ruled by a count or countess. Broods generally choose to stay segregated from each other, however they do occasionally meet up to discuss the politics of the vampire world.

One more reason for why this rivalry started is due to the fact that werewolf and other werebeasts' blood are actually poisonous to vampires. This is shown by vampires recoiling after even have a sip of a werewolf's blood. Also, it is completely impossible for a vampire to become a werewolf (or the other werebeasts) and it is extremely rare for a werewolf to become a vampire.

It is noted that there are hybrids of werewolves and vampires which means that there are likely unions of both rival species though no one have found one yet. A werewolf-vampire hybrid is not the same with a werewolf becoming a vampire.

Vampires didn't come into being until the disease Vampirism did, originally just an ordinary virus that evolved beyond being a mere infection. This gained the attention of the deity Maacah, who modified the disease into his liking and implemented the disease into some early humans, making the first vampires.

However, they were quite different from the ones of the present. Originally, they were much weaker, disorganized and fewer in number compared to those of the present day. Some even didn't treat as actual vampires due to this.

The Vampire Gods were originally wealthy biotech entrepreneurs from Aevum Therapeutics. They partnered with the Redfall General Hospital in 2015 to set up their first clinic in Redfall. They set up various blood drives and human trials to conduct research and experiments into longevity and life extension. The entrepreneurs eventually discovered a scientific way to induce Vampirism and transformed themselves. They subsequently became the most affected by the experiments and established themselves at the top of the vampire hierarchy as their "gods". With their newfound power, the Vampire Gods took over Redfall to consolidate their power. Their leader, Black Sun, blocked out the sun and pushed back the water from the shores of the island to prevent anyone from escaping or interfering with their plans.

Vampire Gods can be battled once enough Vampire Underboss skulls have been collected. Unlike all other vampires, they vary in size and have tremendous durability, strength, and access to terrifying abilities. Should the player kill enough vampires in the town of Redfall, the Vampire Gods will become angered and send The Rook to attack them.

The Old Gods have a complicated relationship with the Creators. Cronus claimed to be a Creator but this is never confirmed and it is believed to be false. It is believed the Creators birthed the Old Gods. But Chernabog claims to come from a time before them, especially since the Creators are technically alien gods.

Gods are a race of powerful, ageless beings that are commonly worshiped by mortal inhabitants of certain realms. There are several, distinct pantheons of gods, such as the Greek Olympians or the Norse pantheon. Every god in a pantheon fills a certain role, such as the God of War or the God of Light. Despite being worshiped by humans, the plurality of them are cruel, petty, uncaring, and only concerned with themselves and their entertainment. Some of them are neutral or indifferent to humans, and a few of them act in humans' favor like Prometheus - the titan who taught humans how to use fire. The thing that discriminate gods from other races is that each god governs a certain aspect of nature in a specific area.[1]

Gods are known to be petty and jealous of anyone rumored to be better than then, example to that when Aphrodite cursed a woman because she was rumored to be more beautiful than her[2] and when Athena shunned and cursed her priestess after the latter was raped by Poseidon and that was also because of jealousy. Gods regard other creatures as an 'objects' for their entertainment and they are known to go to any length to achieve their goal without care who or what will be ruined in the process, like when Persephone cursed Adonis to be with her after his death.[2] There are many serial rapist among gods like Zeus, Thor, Odin, Sif, Poseidon,...,etc. Some Gods are even known to enjoy human flesh and ask for human sacrifices. According to Scathach, Gods are cowards who fear anything that can permanently killl them. 17dc91bb1f

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