Our 12-bed, Level IIB Special Care Nursery provides advanced medical care and exceptional family support in a warm and caring environment. In fact, many parents come to think of our staff as part of their extended family and stay in touch long after their baby has gone home.

Try not to think of this question as "either/or" or "all-or-nothing"! How you feed your babies is a personal decision. Breastfeeding will help you stay healthy, and breastmilk is best for newborns. Here are some things to consider with feeding twins.

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All new parents need some help. But with newborn twins, extra help is vital! You may have family, friends, or neighbors who are available. A local support group for parents of multiples may also volunteer some time. Or you may decide to hire someone, if you are able to.

In the U.S, about three of every 100 pregnant women give birth to twins or triplets. And by many accounts, twin pregnancies are on the rise. Still, even experienced moms may not know what to expect when they bring home newborn twins.

"It's hard enough with a single baby, but when you have newborn twins, things have to be on a schedule," Walker says. "You want to get the babies on the same feeding and napping schedules. They will eventually learn to adapt."

She recalls that breastfeeding her newborn twins felt like she was balancing two bobbing heads. The solution? "I breast-fed one and bottle-fed the other," she says. "I would sit down on the floor, breastfeeding one infant while the other lay on a pillow in front of me or on my side with a bottle. The whole feeding experience would take me 45 minutes total."

Newborn twins are more likely to be born early and underweight. "Preemies often have more respiratory issues because their lungs may not be as developed as babies born at term," pediatrician Alan Rosenbloom says. This doesn't mean that both premature newborn twins will have respiratory issues. "If you have two premature twins born at 32 weeks and one needs a breathing tube, this twin may be more likely to have respiratory issues down the road than a twin who had slightly more mature lungs and only needed some oxygen via a nasal cannula."

Research shows that one baby will dirty as many as a dozen diapers a day. For twins, this will mean 24 dirty diapers a day, and as much as $140 to $160 per month for disposable diapers. For many families, this causes a significant drain on their finances, with some people in the U.S. spending nearly 14% of their disposable income on diapers. If buying disposable diapers will drain your monthly budget, there are a number of diaper banks throughout the country. Check out the National Diaper Bank Network for a location near you.

Baby Twins - Newborn Care is a fun baby care game! Regular care games usually have only one baby! In Baby Twins - Newborn Care, you're in for double the trouble! Cute boys and girls are waiting for you to take care of them! Snacks, a bubble bath, painting, playing, solving puzzles, and decorating the room! Can you do all these activities perfectly? Try this game! Have fun!

Caring for one newborn is overwhelming enough, so it can seem downright impossible when you add a second baby to the mix. But with patience and some time-tested tricks and tips, you can successfully care for infant twins and maintain your sanity.

Some mothers that plan on nursing may find it easier to pump since both babies will need to eat at the same time. If nursing both babies at the same time, try and plan to have help. An extra set of hands helps in case the baby stops latching and needs to be placed back on. If you are bottle feeding, make sure you have plenty of bottles cleaned and ready to go for the day. With newborn twins you may need up to 15 bottles to get you through one day.

The post-birth recovery period comes with many challenges and uncertainties, including lack of knowledge about baby care basics. A surprisingly large number of parents suffer from sleep deprivation and struggle with carrying on with their day-time jobs because the newborn needs constant care and feeding throughout the night.

This is where your newborn care specialist comes in. The baby specialist takes care of your baby, the postpartum doula takes care of you so you can take care of your baby. Watch this short video that goes over the differences in terms of hiring a baby nurse vs. a postpartum doula.

Stephanie Heintzeler knows just the right qualities to look for in a newborn care specialist as she has worked with expecting and new parents for over 20 years. A former midwife in Germany turned doula, she constantly gets questions regarding birth support, classes, baby specialists or postpartum doulas so it was only natural to add baby nurses to the NY Baby team. She hand picks and does a background screening on each newborn specialist herself, ensuring they have the following qualifications.

Not all newborn care specialists with a certificate may turn out to be the right choice for you, simply because your expectations may be different from what they are capable of offering. Hence, clearly communicating your expectations before hiring them, as well as making sure that they are comfortable with and capable of meeting your needs is a must.

While the average full-term baby weighs about 7 pounds (3.17 kg) at birth, a premature newborn might weigh 5 pounds (2.26 kg) or even considerably less. But thanks to medical advances, children born after twenty-eight weeks of pregnancy, and weighing more than 2 pounds 3 ounces (1 kg), have almost a full chance of survival; eight out of ten of those born after the thirtieth week have minimal long-term health or developmental problems, while those preterm babies born before twenty-eight weeks have more complications, and require intensive treatment and support in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU).

As important as this care is for your baby's survival, her move to the special-care nursery may be wrenching for you. On top of all the worry about her health, you may miss the experience of holding, breastfeeding, and bonding with her right after delivery. You won't be able to hold or touch her whenever you want, and you can't have her with you in your room.

You may be ready to return home before your newborn is, which can be very difficult, but remember that your baby is in good hands, and you can visit her as often as you'd like. You can use your time away from the hospital to get some needed rest and prepare your home and family for your baby's homecoming, and read a book for parents on caring for preterm babies. Even after you've returned home, if you participate in your infant's recovery and have plenty of contact with her during this time, the better you'll feel about the situation and the easier it will be for you to care for her when she leaves the special care nursery.

Fee: $20 per person or $35 per couple

Grandparents can learn about their role in the birth of a baby and new trends in child care. Topics include bathing and cord care, breastfeeding, introducing solid foods, car seat safety and safety in the home.

Siblings can learn how to prepare for the arrival of a newborn brother or sister. Topics will include the importance of washing hands, why babies cry, ways siblings can help at home, how to play and bond with babies and fun time with crafts. Please have children bring their favorite stuff animal and a photo of themselves as a baby to the class. The program will conclude with a pizza party and big brother/big sister certificates. For a schedule and to register, please call 908-522-5200.

This class is held at Overlook Medical Center only.

Fee: $50*

Topics include breast milk production, skin-to-skin care, positioning and latching, how long and often to feed, and how to tell if the baby is getting enough milk. Partners are welcome.

*Fee is waived for those who are attending any of our one-day child birth classes.

Becoming a parent and welcoming one baby is a life changing event. The news of two heartbeats in the womb typically fills us with excitement, anticipation and worry. Many thoughts may flood our minds when having twins: Will our babies be healthy? How will we nurture and care for twin babies? How to feed two babies at once? What if they're identical and I cant tell them apart? How can we possibly run after two toddlers? How can we be fair and even-handed when dealing with sibling squabbles?

Parenting twins presents a multitude of joys and challenges. It means welcoming two new family members when you were initially anticipating one. It also means having two babies to feed, burp, put to sleep, diaper, play with, coo at, worry about, and, of course, love. Parenting twins in the early years is wonderful and can also be physically and emotionally exhausting. However preparation, parenting, education and the loving support of family and friends can help you understand how to best care for your twin babies and yourself.

The fact that twins have been together since conception presents many advantages for the siblings. For example, twins often learn to sleep through noise and movement and quickly understand they must wait to have their needs met. Twins may exhibit less separation anxiety because they have a constant companion. The bond that twins form creates comfort as they move through many of life's transitions together such as being left in the care of babysitters or entering the world of child care. In the early years of infancy, toddlerhood and early childhood, twins can benefit from this ability to learn from each other.

Bringing a baby into your family is a unique experience. In fact, every birth is different and special. Let our expert team at UAMS Health take some of the worry out of your delivery and put yourself and your baby in our care.

Term Newborn Hospital Medicine is an essential component of neonatal care, focusing on the medical assessment and management of infants born at full term (generally considered those born between 37 and 42 weeks of gestation). When a baby is born, it undergoes multiple evaluations to ensure it is adapting well to life outside the womb. Physical exams, metabolic screenings, and hearing tests are standard to detect any immediate health concerns that could arise after the baby is born. e24fc04721

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