Currently there are two focus banners with a featured 6-star on each - Carleen and Uriel. You can't get those 6-stars by pulling in mainstay banner. I think they will add them to mainstay banner in future, but I am not sure.

Also low rarity characters feel good, some 3-stars are even seem strong IMO. There are also 3-stars with interesting and unique skills - like Leah, who can return your team to a start point in the end of turn.

Download Game Alchemy Stars

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Sith alchemyTechnical informationAlternate name(s)Force alchemy[1]AlignmentDark side of the Force[1]Historical informationInventorAncient SithAffiliationSithJe'daii Order[1][Source]

Force alchemy,[3] better known as Sith alchemy, was a science that referred to a number of areas under the Sith. It encompassed any power or technique which used the Dark side of the Force to permanently alter an item or living being. It is rejected by the Jedi as an act of treason against the Force's will.

A power related to elemental manipulation and metallurgy, Force alchemy was an ability practiced by some members of the Je'daii Order on the planet Tython. Taught at the Temple of Science, Anil Kesh, practice of alchemy required leaning into the dark side of the Force, but was deemed a permissible skill for study by the Je'daii Council. Despite this, some Je'daii questioned its practice and found it to be perverse or heretical. Je'daii Master Dam-Powl viewed her student Lanoree Brock's talent to genetically manipulate cells from her own body and create life, a skill called the alchemy of flesh. This skill could be used on any bit of flesh and used to manipulate other flesh, such as when Ranger Brock used skin particles to sear the memory of another person, erasing their memories by pushing the skin dust up into his brain.[1]

While the Sith species practiced Sith alchemy long before the Exiles arrived on Korriban, it was the Exiles who perfected it, one of their best being Sorzus Syn, using the knowledge to create the Leviathans that they acquired during the Hundred-Year Darkness.[4]

Sith alchemy was primarily used to enhance the strength of weapons and armor (such as the famous Sith swords), or to genetically engineer and enhance alien species, making them more dangerous and easier to control by the Sith Lords. More sinisterly, Sith alchemy was capable of waking the dead in servitude to the Sith. Korriban zombies, and possibly Sith undead, were creations of this branch of the art.[5] They are also known, in the Sith language, as the Tsaiwinokka Hoyakut - the reanimated dead.[2]

Naga Sadow wrote many texts concerning the art of Sith alchemy.[4] These were studied by Seviss Vaa, whose experiments were responsible for the Behemoth from the World Below.[6] Certain xenobiologists suspected that the predators of Yavin 8 and the native Melodies may have been products of Sith alchemy.[7]

While he was on Yavin 4, the Sith Lord Exar Kun used alchemy to create terrifying creatures twisted by the dark side's influence. Around this time, the Sorcerer of Tund Karnak Tetsu practiced Sith alchemy.[8]

Darth Plagueis was a master of this dark art.[9] Plagueis' apprentice, Darth Sidious, later wrote a book about Sith alchemy entitled The Creation of Monsters, and was responsible for the creation of such monstrosities as Shadow Droids and chrysalis beasts.[4] He claimed that Darth Vader was partially an alchemical creation. Darth Sidious may have also utilized the mask ability to hide his true, corrupted features.[10]

During the time of the Galactic Civil War, the Sith spirit Valik Kodank taught the Dark Jedi Thaum Rystra how to utilize Sith alchemy. Rystra used his knowledge of the subject to carry out investigations inside the Room of Change in the Temple of Pain, and he experimented on the pirates Blaschowwa, Kamtis Bonai, Vobin Sobos and Desvin Tor'thal.[12] ff782bc1db

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