I've got an app in my company's gallery that I've updated 11 times, so in the gallery it says "version 11". I noticed when I click on that area, it brings up a window that shows all 11 of the apps I've uploaded over time, with options to make them the published version & to download. This confused me since each time I update the app I get a warning saying the app will be deleted, which is what I want.

So for this app, I have a 800MB file within it, which would mean that on my gallery server I have 11 versions of an app that each contain at a minimum 800MB of data. I've recently been told by support that this is as it's intended, and if I want to get rid of the all the different versions, I should deleted the app entirely and start anew. This of course would change the URL to the app, requiring the updating of documentation and redistribution of that documentation to over 100 users. And I lose the number of times the app has been run, which doesn't work for me.

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Thanks John, that would be great! Unfortunately due to IT policy & other factors, I was not able to get a shared drive/or have it connect to our gallery servers. My choices were either to have the hard copy file within my app/workflow or to load that file to a DB. I did try the DB originally but it added a TON of time to the workflow process time.

The Azure Compute Gallery lets you share your custom VM images with others in your organization, within or across regions, within a Microsoft Entra tenant, or publicly using a community gallery. Choose which images you want to share, which regions you want to make them available in, and who you want to share them with. You can create multiple galleries so that you can logically group images. Many new features like ARM64, Accelerated Networking and TrustedVM are only supported through Azure Compute Gallery and not available for managed images.

Create an image definition in a gallery using az sig image-definition create. Make sure your image definition is the right type. If you have generalized the VM (using waagent -deprovision for Linux, or Sysprep for Windows) then you should create a generalized image definition using --os-state generalized. If you want to use the VM without removing existing user accounts, create a specialized image definition using --os-state specialized.

On the back end, NextGEN offers a complete WordPress gallery management system with the ability to batch upload photos, import meta data, add/delete/rearrange/sort photos, edit thumbnails, group galleries into albums, and more.

On the front end, the free version of NextGEN provides three main gallery styles (slideshow, thumbnail, and imagebrowser galleries) and two album styles (compact and extended), all of which come with a wide array of options for controlling size, style, timing, transitions, controls, lightbox effects, and more. Learn more about NextGEN WordPress Gallery Plugin features.

INTRODUCING NEXTGEN GALLERY PRO. NextGEN Plus and NextGEN Pro are premium WordPress gallery plugin extensions for NextGEN Gallery that add new photo gallery displays, lightboxes, ecommerce, proofing, and pro support. Learn more about NextGEN Plus and NextGEN Pro photo plugin features.

Envira Pro

 Photo Gallery by Envira is the lite version of the popular Envira Pro plugin that comes with all the features you will ever need including albums, tags, social media integration, gallery templates / gallery layouts, deeplinking, pagination, e-commerce, image proofing, and tons more. Click here to purchase Envira Pro now!

In version 7.0, gallery pages display images and videos in eye-catching layouts and styles. Gallery pages have specific designs intended to match your template. In this guide, you'll learn how to add a new gallery page and add images and videos to it.

Use tags and categories to organize content and display images and videos in different groups. Tags and categories won't appear in the gallery itself, but you can use the tag cloud block, archive block, summary block, navigation links, and text links to filter content and help visitors find images by category.

You can use blocks to pull gallery page content from your existing page and display it elsewhere on your site. This is a great way to display images in different formats, highlight categories, or provide a visual link to your gallery page.

Gallery pages are designed to display images and videos only, so you won't see any insert points for adding blocks. To feature additional content with a gallery, we recommend replacing your gallery page with a layout page and using a combination of text blocks and gallery blocks. This approach offers greater flexibility to achieve the design you want.

You can tell if you're viewing the gallery in its index form if /#/ appears in the browser address bar. To view the gallery page in its standard form, delete /#/ in your browser address bar.

If you added a physical location in your site's Business Information settings, images uploaded to your gallery page will automatically include this location. This information doesn't display on your gallery page and you can manually remove it from the image's Location tab.

Since updating X theme recently, my envira gallery plugin has stopped working. I get this fatal error message when trying to view my gallery page (which has nothing else on it besides the envira gallery)

I have also tried deleting envira and re-installing, re-creating my galleries to be much smaller than the original, and it still will not load. No page with any envira gallery on it will even save or refresh. Everything was working fine until the latest update to X so it makes me think its something to do with that. The gallery itself is no bigger but all of a sudden it wont save or load.

Besides the point above I should mention that the Envira gallery is working with no problem in at least 3 installations that I have and many other customers that use the plugin, so it is 100% a problem on your installation or environment.

I suggest that you press more on your hosting service provider and ask them to check their error log to find the new error which is causing the blank page and follow up on the necessary server settings updates to accommodate with the prerequisites of the plugin.


My website/portfolio makes use of gallery sections to display 3 thumbnails as well as the project title and the director's name. 

I am very happy with the way this works on desktop but it looks really messy on mobile. 

I was hoping to find out whether there was a way to add custom code to display the galleries using different settings on mobile. 

This is how it displays on desktop with 3 thumbnails side by side: 

On mobile it turns into a mess like below: 

I would instead prefer it to scale the thumbnails down but retain the layout of 3 thumbnails side by side, like an instagram grid.

I want to setup gallery on my own version of app inventor locally. I set the galleryEnabled to true but i get "Gallery Not Properly Configured" error. is there any document i can refer to setup gallery?

This library is being fully rewritten for next Angular versions from original abandoned library written by ukasz Gaka. I maintained full compatibility with the original library at the api level. -galka/ngx-gallery

I installed Evernote for my Mac yesterday and went to create a note. I clicked "Template Gallery" and the template gallery does not seem to load. The spinning circle next to "search templates" just perpetually spins. I have tried clicking the spinning circle and nothing happens. I have also closed and opened the app multiple times and have given it a day to "fully download" and nothing has remedied the issue. I am also on the latest version of Evernote with the below version information:

I did everything that you said and the templates still are not loading. I did a full uninstall using AppCleaner, restarted my computer, downloaded/reinstalled the app directly from the website, and logged back in as per your instructions. I am still getting the spinning wheel with no template gallery loading ?

Wonder Grid Gallery is the best WordPress portfolio plugin to showcase your images and videos. The plugin supports images, YouTube, Vimeo, HTML5 videos, PDF documents, WordPress posts, WooCommerce products, WordPress custom post types and custom HTML codes. You can define multiple categories, add category buttons or selection and create a WordPress gallery with category filter. The gallery is fully responsive, works on iPhone, iPad, Android, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera, Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge.

The WordPress Grid Gallery supports images, YouTube, Vimeo, HTML5 videos, PDF documents, WordPress posts, WooCommerce products, WordPress custom post types and custom HTML codes. You can add all kinds of contents and create a mixed content WordPress grid gallery.

You can define multiple categories, add category button or dropdown selection to the gallery and create a WordPress gallery with category filter. You can also customise the CSS style of the category filter, define default category, use URL parameter to open a specified category on page load.

With the WordPress gallery plugin, you can add a load more button or pagination buttons to the WordPress gallery to lazy load extra images. You can view the online demo: WordPress Gallery with Load More Button and WordPress Gallery with Pagination Buttons.SEO Friendly WordPress GalleryThe WordPress gallery plugin was built with SEO in mind. You can use title text or manually define alt text for the images in the WordPress gallery. If the images are added from WordPress Media Library, the plugin will automatically load the defined alt text.

The plugin features a wizard style user interface, which makes it extremely easy to use. You can also easily insert the created gallery to your page, post or theme with the provided shortcode or PHP code. e24fc04721

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