Recently I've been playing osu for a while and discovered galaxy collapse. it's a banger song I can't lie to that but the topping to the cake of that song is the slow to fast part, I'm looking for songs that have a similar feel to that slow to fast part as I find myself getting excited for that part to drop.

For years, I've absolutely fucking hated galaxy collapse. I've hated the song. I've hated the map. I've hated everything surrounding galaxy Collapse. This map has ruined my life. The entire map is just the first half flipped. The second diff is just the same map with a different ending and space stream. something so much. I've pushed everyone out of my life because all can think about is this damn map. I'm thinking of releasing myself from this never ending pain. My wife just filed for divorce. My kids hate me and refuse to talk to me. I can't talk to women because they always leave after| talk about galaxy collapse. My parents disowned me. My siblings absolutely hate me with a burning passion. 2638 people have a restraining order against me. My life has lost all meaning. This is not a joke but a genuine cry for help. My dad beats me every fucking day in my 40s with galaxy collapse playing in the background. Please fucking help.

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I'm watching Carl Sagan's Cosmos at the moment and it is absolutely blowing my mind. In one episode he talks about how matter started to accumulate and condense slowly to form stars and that it was spinning chaotically for a long time before it formed our Sun and the planets. In another episode he talks about the origin of the universe and how after a gigantic explosion great clouds of matter started to bind together to form galaxies. So I started to wonder, can the same process as the formation of our solar system happen on a larger scale with the galaxies? Will they spin and get denser for another trillion years until their mass reaches its peak and they will form super huge, galaxy sized, suns? I'm not sure if I'm wording this correctly, so do let me know if it sounds completely retarded.

The (U, V, W)-velocity vectors for 221 well-observed dwarf stars have been used to compute the eccentricities and angular momenta of the galactic orbits in a model galaxy. It is shown that the eccentricity and the observed ultraviolet excess are strongly correlated. The stars with the largest excess (i.e., lowest metal abundance) are invariably moving in highly elliptical orbits, whereas stars with little or no excess move in nearly circular orbits. Correlations also exist between the ultraviolet excess and the W-velocity. Finally, the excess and the angnlar momentum are correlated; stars with large ultraviolet excesses have small angular momenta. These correlations are discussed in terms of the dynamics of a collapsing galaxy. The data require that the oldest stars were formed out of gas falling toward the galactic center in the radial direction and collapsing from the halo onto the plane. The collapse was very rapid and only a few times 108 years were required for the gas to attain circular orbits in equilibrium (i e., gravitational attraction balanced by centrifugal acceleration). The scale of the collapse is tentatively estimated to be at least 10 in the radial direction and 25 in the Z-direction. The initial contraction must have begun near the time of formation of the first stars, some 1010 years ago.

Second, my understanding is that a spiral galaxy is formed when matter is pulled together by gravity, and then some of the kinetic energy is converted to other forms of energy (mostly thermal energy) due to the friction and inelastic collisions that result from matter interacting with other matter as it is pulled by gravity. The net angular momentum has to be conserved, however, and it is within a certain "plane of rotation" does the matter collapse into. This explains why spiral galaxies are flat.

My question is, if #2 is true, why would elliptical galaxies come after spiral galaxies? Wouldn't elliptical galaxies collapse back into spiral galaxies by the exact same reasoning why spiral galaxies form, or at least into flat disk-shaped galaxies?

Using data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey - II Supernova Search, I compare the properties of thermonuclear and core collapse supernovae host galaxies. The supernovae sample is truncated based on efficiency calculations based on Sloan's magnitude limits. Sloan's 5-band photometry and redshift data is fitted to Spectral Energy Distributions created by the PGASE.2 code. The color magnitude difference between the two types of host galaxies is found to not be significant with consideration to the statistical errors. The galactic stellar mass distribution does not prove to be different between the host galaxy types. The star formation rate is greater for core collapse supernova host galaxies than their thermonuclear counterparts. The relation between these properties proves to show no significant difference among the host galaxy types. Future instrumentation, such as the LSST, or enhancements to Sloan's telescope may provide a larger sample with reduced statistical errors. e24fc04721

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