I'm Ross! Each weekday morning I send out an email newsletter called Good Morning, RVA. My goal is to get you everything you need to know to have intelligent conversations with the folks you encounter throughout the day. I make Richmond's news interesting and give you an easy way to collect your thoughts on what's happening around town. Plus, there are jokes!

The economic future for CAM is bright, it seems. The political reaction in Germany and Europe is lagging behind though. As we have often demanded [17,18], the adequate and obvious political reaction should be publicly supported research programs, ideally in the form of a European research institute or, failing this, national dedicated public research programs. It is a political scandal that on the one hand more than half of the German population is using CAM approaches such as homeopathy, and on the other hand regulatory bodies, critical and other researchers, politicians, and the media lament about the lack of scientific evidence. Who, if not public funders, should have the monetary stamina and the political interest to serve the public demand?

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When I hear this from employees, I believe what they are really telling me is that their manager is not offering them any respect. By failing to say 'Good Morning' managers are saying "you are not important to me" or worse "you don't really matter" and this feels to employees not only like a lack of respect but it feels like you are not affirming them on a fundamental level. Failing to communicate here is really communicating. Some of you may find this trivial or even ridiculous, but I can tell you I have heard this sentence at least a hundred times in my career. People want to be acknowledged and the higher you go in an organization as a leader the more people cue off of your actions and inactions. We all want to feel that we matter and when situations are intense, employees are ultra-sensitive to how their managers relate to them. Salutations in the morning - the start of the work day - is like a vitamin that helps start a healthy day. It takes less than 5 seconds to deliver and, trust me, it will help you dissipate any lingering ill will that may be brewing or festering in your work environment. Is failing to say 'Good Morning' the reason manager employee relations turn sour? No, but it will quickly accelerate a strained relationship into a bad one.

The News 10 team were more than happy to bring Juliet and her family to the station and have them shadow Liz for the morning. They spent time in the weather center as Liz built graphics and got her weather segments ready.

"When he first got in the league, he wasn't our starter, but the way that he walked around the locker room, the way that he approached the game, he always approached every game as a starter," Jenkins said of Love. "So we know that he's a good player and just ready to go on Sunday or whenever we play. In OTAs, I've seen a lot of good things from Jordan, a lot of leadership -- he stepped up as a leader a lot -- so I'm very excited for his future and ready to play with him."

SECRETARY RICE: Well, first of all, I think we ought to congratulate the Iraqi people on an extraordinary day. They came out in huge numbers. They came out from the Sunni community which had boycotted the elections in January. You saw people taking a blind relative to the polls, little children celebrating with their ink-stained fingers. And so this is a great day for the Iraqi people. But I think what it means in practical terms is that Iraqis are demonstrating that they believe their future is with the political system. And even people who have tended to be skeptical of the politics, maybe have even rejected it, voted yesterday and that will be a message to violent people that the future of Iraq is one that can be -- where differences can be resolved politically and peacefully. 

QUESTION: The President has given a series of speeches, four speeches in recent days on Iraq, and I've read them. The two most important quotes, I think: "We will not leave until victory has been achieved; As Iraqis stand up, we will stand down." So does this election represent a realization of either of those goals? 

SECRETARY RICE: Well, it certainly represents a fundamental realization that Iraqis are going to take control of their future and they're going to take control of it. They are taking control of it in a way that is going to be peaceful and based on politics. Now, they still have a long way to go. They've got a long government formation process ahead of them, but they also have a difficult security situation. That's why the United States and the coalition is still there. That's why we are training Iraqi security forces. But you know even there, yesterday when you looked at the pictures of the elections, you saw Iraqi security forces in the streets, you saw Iraqi security forces at polling stations. These people are clearly determined and committed to a future of democracy and some have paid for their lives with it. Others may still. But they made a huge step forward yesterday. 

QUESTION: But what frustrates people, I think, is that there is no definition in those statements by the President, no benchmarks, no specificity of what something like this election may mean in terms of getting troops home or in terms of reducing the massive amounts of money we're spending there. 

SECRETARY RICE: The reason that yesterday was so important is that Sunnis who have largely been the -- at least the basis of the insurgency, the insurgency has really taken hold in those regions -- Sunnis went out in large numbers and voted. They told -- even some of the most radical and hard-line leaders told their people, go out and vote. These people are making a choice for peace and that means that the time is coming in which this insurgency will have no foothold, in which it will be defeated, defeated by Iraqis and in which we can fully come home. 

QUESTION: One other quick issue. There's a story in The New York Timesthis morning that the President authorized eavesdropping on people inside this country without warrants. Number one, is it true? Number two, did you know about it? Number three, can you justify it? 

SECRETARY RICE: Well, Charlie, I'm not going to comment on a newspaper article on intelligence activities. But I can tell you that the President -- everything the President could do to protect the country he did, but he did it within the law and he did it with a healthy respect for the civil liberties that are the core -- at the core of who we are and what we represent. This is a President who was faced with new and difficult circumstances, but he always behaved within the law and with the respect for civil liberties. 

QUESTION: If we had the NSA eavesdropping on people inside this country without warrants, are you saying that's within the law? 

SECRETARY RICE: I'm not going to comment on intelligence activities, but the President has acted lawfully and those who are engaged in our intelligence activities act within the law as well. 

QUESTION: Madame Secretary, I wish you a happy holiday. Thanks for being with us. 

SECRETARY RICE: Thank you very much, Charlie. Happy holidays to you, too. 


In an interview with Hot 97's Angie Martinez last year, he said he knew he'd marry Ciara the first time he met her. He and Ciara reenacted that first meeting, and made fun of Future's future-seeing, in Ciara's "Body Party" video.

Supervisor Spiegel had the privilege of attending the "Good Morning Corona" event, where special guest Corona Mayor Tony Daddario graciously shared legislative updates and tantalizing previews of future projects in Corona.

How will universities respond to a Supreme Court ruling on admissions? The court said yesterday that Harvard and the University of North Carolina may not use race as one factor in deciding who to admit. This affects other schools, including the 64 different colleges and universities that are part of the State University of New York system. John King Jr. is that giant system's chancellor. He's on the line. Good morning.

The future continuous tense, also known as the future progressive tense, is a verb tense that shows an ongoing action in the future. It is the future version of the present continuous tense, which uses a similar construction.

Although the future continuous tense is often confused with the simple future tense, there are some key differences between the two. The future continuous tense is usually used with a specified period of time, whereas the simple future tense can be used with or without an exact time.

The future continuous tense also shows more certainty than the simple future tense does. We use the future continuous tense for actions we know will happen, but we use the simple future tense for actions that are less likely.

Like all other continuous tenses, you cannot use the future continuous tense with stative verbs like want, need, love, or hate. Use the simple future tense with stative verbs instead.

The future continuous tense is formed with the words will and be plus the present participle of the actionable verb. Unlike most other verb tenses, you do not need to conjugate any verbs to match person, number, or gender.

In a situation involving multiple future actions and one action interrupting another, use the future continuous tense for the action being interrupted, and use the simple present for the action that interrupts. e24fc04721

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