The chorus emphasizes the need for freedom and independence. The line "All we have to do now is take these lies and make them true, somehow" suggests a yearning to break free from the constraints of their past and create their own truth. The repeated phrase "I don't belong to you, and you don't belong to me" highlights a desire for autonomy and rejecting societal expectations or attachments.

The repeated mentions of faith in the sound and having freedom represent a need for personal agency and finding a sense of purpose and fulfillment. It seems that the narrator has discovered their true identity and wants to live authentically, refusing to let anyone or anything hold them back.

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I think that the song is about how we all have different ideas of what freedom is and how it can be interpreted in many ways. The song is also about how we all have different ways of expressing ourselves and how we should all be free to do so.

In his book, Smith criticized the British colonial system as a textbook example of the detrimental effects of tariffs, bounties, and other restraints on trade. In arguing in behalf of "hand's off" government policies toward the economy and against mercantilism, Smith discussed the economic irrationality of Britain's colonial system, which provided bounties for the production of such items as pitch, tar, rosin, turpentine, hemp, masts, yards, and bowsprits, while imposing a host of prohibitions on the production of steel, hats, woolen goods, and many other products in North America. In many respects, Smith presented in 1776 the economic counterpart to the Americans' revolutionary ideology, envisioning a kind of economic freedom and prosperity that would be as attractive to millions of future American immigrants as the ideals of political freedom and equal rights.

Document:The most perfect freedom of trade is permitted between the British colonies of America and the West Indies, both in the enumerated and the non-enumerated commodities. These colonies are now become so populous and thriving that each of them finds in some of the others a great and extensive market for every part of its produce. All of them taken together, they make a great internal market for the produce of one another.

All around me here they loom in twilight. Their muted colors gone in late October, they rise against the sky in splendid starkness. Yet on the ground lie rotting leaves, symbols, maybe, of the harsh reality that drives one beyond the greed of men, who, believing promises of politicians, spurn freedom for the safety of cities. [End Page 33] 2351a5e196

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