This 'unofficial' Forum is dedicated to the Clavia Nord Keyboards, including the Nord Stage, Nord Electro and Nord Piano. Discuss any issues around Nord's keyboards, share your favorite patches, samples, and music. We are not affiliated with Clavia!

From what I understand, there would be trademark issues if a digital piano maker uses an acoustic piano makers name without permission and that would probably involve a licensing deal of some kind. Of course, not a problem for a company like Yamaha or Kawai who makes and samples their own pianos to say they sampled a certain model under their brand,

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I would dare say that except for Yamaha and Kawai for reasons stated above, most digital pianos sample the same brand of German-built piano. Sometimes they'll sample different ones and say German Grand, Japanese Grand, etc. to give you a clue but not always. (I'm leaving out sample-based virtual instruments and plug-ins here, because they nearly always say who they sample.)

In the end, Brad and Scott are right. If you like it, you like it, if you don't you don't. [boy, that sounds much better than it reads!] I wouldn't let it bother me nor prevent me from buying a keyboard if I liked it but I didn't know what piano they sampled. Even if I did know what they sampled, that doesn't mean I like the particular piano they sampled, as they can all sound a bit different due to a variety of factors.

One more thing - the PX-5S has one sample set that the acoustic pianos are based on. All the variations available are due to deft programming and the the amazing programmability of the PX-5S. So underneath it all, it's the same one with a lot of great options.

If you read the description of the new Grand Hybrids, you will see that, indeed, the only brand name mentioned is the one that Casio has some sort of official relationship with. The other pianos brands are referred to as "Hamburg" and "Vienna" - but if you know your pianos its pretty easy to figure out what ones they are talking about. 

"Casio has developed a new AiR* Grand Sound Source that enables beautiful sound and rich reverberation just like a grand piano. It provides the sound profiles of three grand piano styles with a long history: the Berlin Grand, which is known for its elegant clear sound and a reverberation that gives each performance rich melodic color; the Hamburg Grand, which delivers gorgeous power and strength with plenty of string resonance; and the Vienna Grand, which provides a calm and stately sound with rich bass and beautiful tones when the keys are played softly. Of the three, the Berlin Grand sound was developed in collaboration with C. Bechstein, a piano maker with a history of over 160 years. As a result, the new models have moved beyond the realm of conventional digital pianos, demonstrating a commitment to nuanced sound creation."

But anyway each track is monophonic, it can only play one sample at a time. But you got 8 different tracks and they can have different samples and settings. So yeah you can create a kit with 8 totally different sounds and access them all at the same time.

I have decided to start looking for a new electric piano. Has anyone else noticed that these stereo piano samples on just about every keyboard available sound like hell when played thru a mono system or is it just me?

My local store keeps sending me home with different boards to try out and I have the same results as I to with the ones I own. The pianos are very uninspiring when played back thru a mono system which I do often when playing clubs with a house system. What can sound stellar in stereo just plain sucks in mono. Doesn't anyone make good mono samples that would be compatable with mono monitor systems?

Hi, I went through the same situation as you. The underlying problem is this, the piano samples in most electronic pianos are not so large. The only way to get a great acoustic piano sound is to buy a sampler and load in a large piano sample.

I own a Yamaha GranTouch 1 which you wouldn't take on a job - too big to move easily, and that piano has a 30 meg sample. I use a Roland A-80 as my keyboard on jobs and have that hooked up to an Akai 5000 with William Coakley's Perfect Piano Vol 3. The sample I use is either 56 or 63 megs (I don't remember). It sounds excellent. The bottom line is - you got to get a sampler and buy a CD-ROM for the best piano sound.

Sorry but I have to disagree. The sample SIZE has nothing to do with this problem. The fact is that depending on how the stereo piano was recorded, its mono-compatibility could suffer. Larger piano samples do give you a better representation of the instrument, but don't help its mono compatibility.

I wouldn't guess that the QS8 has a mono sample. Not saying it doesn't. You would know Dave. But, my QS8 sounds terrible in a mono system. If it has mono samples they are not the better ones. Hmmm.... maybe I should go thru and check out some of the samples that I didn't like in stereo in mono.

Mono sounding aside, these newer compact pianos are pretty cool. The Yamaha P80 sounds awesome, the Roland RD150 has really nice keys and better action than the P80 imho. The Yammie is a little too heavy handed for my organgrinder's fingers, but a classical guy would probably love it.

I am very interested in this discussion about mono piano sounds.I have tried my Kurzweil K2500 and a Kurzweil KME61 on gigs and I have a difficult time with them in mono.I find that I have to make them very loud in an attempt to try and hear them clearly. I think they suffer from sort of phase problem.

I find that the Kurzweil K2500/2600 pianos sound pretty good in mono, with the exception of middle C and the fifth above it, which, stereo or mono, has a dull 'thunking' sound to it that really detracts from the richness of the overall sound. The rest of the scales sound nice.

I record in stereo, but most of my work gets broadcast over the radio in mono, because the radio station my show originates from broadcasts in mono. Even so, the pianos sound pretty good if I avoid middle C.

The Yamaha P120 and P90 "stage piano" do not have any mono piano samples, so if you don't plug it into a true stereo system live you get a rather thin, edgy, attack only type sound in mono. It's a dilema

So I am thinking thin mono Bose PAS won't be suitable and that I may have to go with a pair of Bose 802s or a pair of Italian FBT 10" powered cabinets to keep the piano in stereo and avoid the phase cancelation that stereo piano samples get when put through mono.

So I am thinking thin mono Bose PAS won't be suitable and that I may have to go with a pair of Bose 802s or a pair of Italian FBT 10" powered cabinets to keep the piano in stereo and avoid the phase cancelation that stereo piano samples get when put through mono.

Find your best mono piano sound then kick it up a notch with some reverb. The reverb provides extra body to the sound for a fat, fuller stage sound. I've done this many times in the studio for saving a track on the DA88's. I am very pleased with the finished sound. In fact good enough sounding that it makes you think that their is a single mic pick-up on the piano. I have Alesis and Roland sounds to play from.

I agree some piano sounds sound really good in stereo, some sound really bad when played in different positions of the keyboard. I hate some stereo sounding piano sounds that shift from one side to the other when cording. I try to avoid those sounds.

I wish there was mono piano in my Yamaha P120, P90 and P250, then I could use the new wonderful sounding Bose PAS. The P250 has one in it's XG section but it's pretty useless. With the Yamaha P series you have to have a stereo amp or it's bust.

I recorded a song at the beginning of the year that used the Noire Pure - Dark preset. When I had it mixed/mastered by a 3rd party, they boosted the mid-high frequencies because otherwise, the piano would be impossible to hear behind other instruments that are strong in the low-mid and mid-range frequencies.

I decided to remaster it on my own, replacing the Dark preset with the Pop Piano preset because it's a bit brighter and fuller. As happens with mixing/mastering, the mid-high and high-range frequencies are boosted both for the individual piano track, and the overall mix. That's when I started to notice an issue.

I was happy with the mix when all instruments are playing, but when I start at the beginning when it's just the piano, I started to hear a strange sound that reminded me of hearing MP3's from the dial-up internet days when they were super compressed, and we could hear strange artifacts in the upper frequency ranges. It appears to come from the mid-high frequency range of 1khz-5khz.

I went back and turned off any effect that was on (EQ, compression, noise, stereo widening, pedal, mechanisms, resampling, etc.). I then applied my EQing in Cubase directly to the instrument track instead of the exported WAV I make for mixing, lowered the surrounding frequencies, and turned up the volume. I could clearly hear "whooshing" sounds as if the high end was up when the piano strings were sounding out, but slowly cutting the high-end frequencies as the strings got quieter, distorted and digital sounding.

I've not been able to figure out where it's coming from other than the raw samples. I can't figure out precisely which frequencies that "whooshing" sound is coming from, so I can't isolate and suppress the noise. If I try to decrease the volume to just that range, it counters whatever improvements I've made using EQ, and sounds muddy.

I switched to a different grand piano NI plugin outside Noire, and played exactly as gently as I did before. There's no noticeable "whooshing" sound issues with playback. Everything indicates this is not a system issue. Unless there is a problem with NI's own Komplete Audio 2 interface when using Noire, the plugin samples seem to be the source. I'm not sure how else to reproduce this issue. ff782bc1db

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