Adding to the complexity, you can also supposedly get your Java version info from Control Panel > Programs > Java > About. For me, that shows Version 8. That's despite java -version showing version 11.0.15. And it doesn't change even if I point my JAVA_HOME to JDK 11.

Note that this answer is also helpful. In my case, that helped me determine that I have java.exe and javac.exe at C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Oracle\Java\javapath and C:\Program Files\Common Files\Oracle\Java\javapath. For best results, it seems like you should delete these from your Path variable if you're using a non-Oracle version, such as openjdk.

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Depending on which one I have listed first in my Path variable, I get different results when i run java -version or java --version. The former seems to work when Java 8 is listed first; the latter when Java 11 is first.

EDIT: Just out of a sheer curiosity I checked whether it has been always like that and it turned out it actually has. java -version goes to stderr in JDK 1.1.8 and also in JDK 1.2.2, however the outputs of java.exe without any parameters do not.

Short of it is - java used for builds is, in most cases, unrelated to java used for controller/agents. You can use the Tool system to install right versions of JDK as needed. That said, I was under impression that Jenkins did not yet support 17 for running Controller/Agent (you can use it for builds though)

A label can be assigned to an agent. The label can be used the represent the availability of a specific tool version on that agent. Labels could be java8, java11, and java17 to indicate that those Java versions are available on the agent. Labels could be linux, windows, macOS, FreeBSD, or OpenBSD to indicate the operating system hosting the agent. Labels could be git-1.8 or git-2.36 to indicate the specific version of a tool that is installed on the agent.

This java Path will be used to start the jvm. (/mycustomjdkpath/bin/java ) If empty Jenkins will search java command in the agent

Expressions such as key or {key} may be declared in the java Path and will be expanded to values of matching keys declared in the list of environment variables of this node, or if not present, in the list of global environment variables.

(from SSH Build Agents plugin)

Go to advanced settings of environment variables and edit the path variable. whichever version of java you want just move up that versions path above all other environment variables of other java versions.

I was facing the same issue. Later I found that the culprit was Java 8.Earlier I installed java 8 but now there is no folder for java 8 and my JAVA_HOME set to jre7 but still I was facing above issue.

But you need to setup very high version JDK for it as actually IDEA want us use self contain java but the version is very higher than the one which developer usually used. So it will contain one JDK version which is suitable for IDEA and add one ENV property like %IDEA_JDK% and point it when you install IDEA.

I have to use both jdk 7 and jdk 8 on my windows 10 pc.Although %JAVA_HOME% is defined as jdk8, java -version command shows jdk 1.7 andI cannot run jdk8 required applications like Eclipse Oxygen.C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Oracle\Java\javapath is removed from path variable on system environmentand also java.exe, javaw.exe and javaws.exe files are deleted in System32.Java version value in System registry is 1.8.Solution is very simple.Just delete the JAVA_HOME value in system environment and then define it again.

For me on win 10, javac -version showed java7 and java -version showed java8.Doing "where java" on command prompt showed java at three locations. I had to remove Java from C:\Windows\System32, Remove entry of "C:\ProgramFile\Oracle\Java\javapath"and "C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java" from path variable, keep only Jdk7 entry in path variable worked after two hour long struggle.

From Java version 8 onward the installer is adding 'C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath' to the PATH variables. So you can remove this and use your own path variable pointing to the desired java version bin directory.

I am using jdk 1.8.0_65 in my jira instance and my current database postgres(9.2.23) and jira version 7.3.6 , so i want to update jdk 1.8.0_161 and while updating java is there any pre-requisition to be followed and let me know if it is there any conflicts?

That version of Java should be fine with Jira 7.x versions. The only other consideration I would have about upgrading java like this is to learn if you happen to have any custom site certificates stored in your java keystore directory. These are necessary if either Jira is terminating SSL, or Jira has to connect directly to another SSL site, either for application links, a secure mail server, etc. And upgrading Java by installing it to a new path tends to break these. I would recommend reviewing Connecting to SSL services. It is possible that you might have to repeat the steps to import these certificates after the java upgrade, but only if your Jira site is configured to connect to another site/service that is using SSL.

It isn't going to work long-term at all, as Java9 and up don't even have java webstart. The non-Oracle Java8 doesn't have it anymore, either. You really need to figure out how to standardize on the native client launchers for everything.

You are correct, this would actually be the correct course of action (but it still doesn't use the version of java specified for the gateway). Interesting though, does the native client use a different pipeline when launching the designer (I'll admit I don't know much about how java operates)? I noticed that when I launch the designer from the webstart using Java 10 that it produces serialization errors with regards to gateway scripts; however when launching through the native client and using Java 10 these errors do not occur.

When using sonar cloud plugin for azure devops with a hosted agent (win 2019) Machine specs the default (1.8.0) java version is used. But other versions are also installed on the same agent (see machine specs)

The warning itself is also weird in that the requirements of sonarqube scanner states that it is supported sonar qube requirements and that java 1.8 is still supported until december 2020. I do agree that it would be nice if this warning can be suppressed.

As i do agree that sonarcloud should fix this, I have also created a feature request on the Microsoft side for letting us choose what the default java version should be feature request choosing java version on hosted agend.

Hello together

Yesterday I installed the Insight Agent on the Rapid7 Insight Collector and today I saw that this server has many java related vulnerabilities. It turned out that with the installation of the collector application, apparently outdated java lib is included.

Has anyone else noticed this? If so, how do you deal with it?

For me, this finding is a bit embarrassing, as we push the patching of Java from our side. But we use systems that also work with outdated Java components.

Best regards


So I cloned the project, checked out the v9.3.30.v20211001 tag, performed a Maven build, copied up the jetty-distribution ZIP into the solr/server directory and unpacked it. I backed up 'lib' and 'start.jar' and effectively replaced them with the files from the new build. The new build had additional files, but I only copied the ones that already existed in the ASIE/Solr distribution. And I copied the non-Jetty files from the old 'lib' to the new one (metrics, javax).

GanttProject 3.0 will come with bundled Java runtime which will make this process more smooth. Meanwhile, you can try running ganttproject.bat which works with any vendor, provided that java executable is reachable from the user PATH variable (a set of folders where windows searches for executable files). I hope that most vendors put their java.exe into a folder which is registered in PATH.

Maybe you can try to check the java settings on your system. Try to run:

update-alternatives --display java && update-alternatives --display javac && update-alternatives --display jar && update-alternatives --display javaws && java -version

On Windows, Click on the Windows Button > Click on My Computer > Properties > then Click on Advance system Settings, a pop up dialog box will appear, then > click on Environment Variables. At this point you are given two displays 1. On User Variables the other On System variables, under the System Area, Click on ADD NEW, then set Variable name as JAVA_HOME and for the Variable value (go to Computer, C:/program files/java/jdk7.... then copy the url of the folder and paste, then click ok.

Haven't beem able to get my java working for hours. Now uninstalled all my javas and installed JDK 7. Wrote the variables values and names and nothing worked. So tried putting java URL at end of pass like said above. So am I missing something or what happened.

This is on splunk 8.0.1, ITSI 4.4.1 on a linux machine running this java version:

 openjdk version "11.0.6" 2020-01-14

 OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 11.0.6+10-post-Debian-1deb10u1)

 OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 11.0.6+10-post-Debian-1deb10u1, mixed mode, sharing)

@sebastianboelling you can install multiple java versions on your VM and use environment variables (like JAVA_HOME) to signal which one an environment should use. For development, our team has also leveraged a tool called jEnv which can help you manage multiple java installs.

My question here, suppose we have later version of java like java 11 or later version installed on the node and we have to upgrade Apigee. In this case, do we have to downgrade the java to 1.8 while doing upgrade? 0852c4b9a8

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