I use a Mac & use Pages (not Word) and Numbers (not Excel). I rarely share Dropbox documents, I use Dropbox as a way to access/read documents when I'm not using my Mac; either on my iPad (using Dropbox app) or another computer via the Dropbox website. I would like to be able to edit Pages & Numbers documents using the Dropbox app but have never found a way to do so. I just have a Personal/Basic account.

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Yes, I have Pages & Numbers on my iPad. But my documents are stored in my Dropbox folder/app. My understanding was that items in the Dropbox folder/app could only be opened in Dropbox. If there's a way to open the docs in Pages & Numbers, I'd love to know how to do that.

Thank you so very much! I have been trying to find a way to make Dropbox more functional for my purposes for many, many years. Have asked repeatedly if there was a way do edit my docs in Dropbox & this solution was never mentioned to me. Can't thank you enough!

The DALLE editor interface enables you to edit images by selecting an area of the image to edit and describing your changes in chat. You can also provide a prompt with your desired edit in the conversation panel, without using the selection tool.

Great news here! One caveat though is that this function is not yet available on Custom GPTs though, namely, there is no way to impaint a generated image in the custom GPT (see example screenshot where the impainting function is missing when enlarging the picture). Does anyone know whether this is on the roadmap?

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I'd like to see if you have content that goes out that is rescheduled to go out again for those that did not open the first time around, that you're able to make edits to the content. I found an error in something that originally went out, however, I'm unable to make the edit and have the content go out only to those that did not open the first time around. I'd have to do another blast.

@AhrenT8 Thank you for the feedback. Currently there is no option to edit the Resend to Non-Openers mailing after the original campaign has sent. But I understand how this feature could be useful. I have opened your idea up for voting.

It would be very helpful to be able to edit blasts before re-sending -- to change the date of resend, correct a typo or edit the subject. This topic is still open after two years? How much feedback does it to take to implement this?

I absolutely agree! That's how I found this thread...I sent first wave with a dead link, and would like to fix it before the second wave goes out. How can this not be there? And when do you think it might be? I see this tread dates back to at least August of 2018

hello, I have a sheet in which I am the owner and I have a person whose email address is only appearing in the dropdown. Normally, I would edit via the pencil, but in this instance the name field is greyed out. I've not encounted this before. Any ideas on how to change this?

So I double clicked on the contact column and selected the pencil next to the email address which opened up the same Edit Contact window you have displayed above. I can edit the e-mail address fine but not the name. It may be because there was no name initially added when the contact was added. I don't actually recall the expected behavior for this but there is a solution for you to get around this.

You will need to basically go to the contact column and then add the contacts name in the search window. Click to 'add to list' (see image below) From the contact list you can go to the name you just entered then click on the pencil icon to open the 'Edit Contact' pop up window. There you can add the email address. Click 'Save' and you will see the e-mail added. Then go back to the contact list and delete the entry with just the email address. You will want to update the contact cells that had just the email and replace it with the updated contact you created with both the name and email.

Note that this name won't appear in other sheets, it will be sheet-specific. If you want to update the contact name across your personal account, that's where you'll need to go into "My Smartsheet Contacts".

After going into My Smartsheet Contacts and clicking "Add", I am seeing that when typing in new contact info into the Contact dialog box, I am unable correct / edit any typo in the name or email address. In other words, I am unable backspace or delete any typed characters. I also am unable to add any additional spaces. I can however enter new characters, but this does nothing to correct any misspellings, and actually makes the problem worse.

The only thing I can do to correct a mistyped name or email address is to close the Contact dialog box and start over. I am experiencing this over and over again, many times, and can replicate the problem repeatedly, and would be happy to demonstrate it to any SS support person.

I am having the same issue Christos described above, where they were unable to edit in the My Smartsheet Contacts dialog box. In addition to closing out, I also had to refresh my screen in order to clear the dialog box, as simply closing out and re-opening My Smartsheet Contacts did not clear the dialog box.

Another issue I'm having is that I have successfully edited a contact's name in My Smartsheet Contacts, but their name is still not being displayed in my Smartsheet column (only their email address). I have refreshed the page, logged in and out of Smartsheet, and restarted my computer, with none of them having any effect on this issue. I'm experiencing this issue with a few contacts, but not all.

I just want to offer a standard 30 minutes meeting duration and don't want the options of 15 or 60 minutes to show. I don't want to confuse my leads. Is there a way to edit meeting duration? I checked the meeting advanced setting but nothing comes up.

Hi, also having this issue I bought the team subscribtion because I wanted to work with my partner on some GPTS and I can do it with the Team but I need to edit the GPTS builder everytime in order to allow different members of the team to work on it, it would be great to have the possibility of specifying multiple builders for a GPTS

I don't really use Strava for routes, but today I tried to save a route I took, and share it with others.

But I left from my house and I want it to only pick up where the trail starts.

There's no way to trim off that piece unless I go into my Strava post, and trim the ride itself which I don't want to do.

This idea of saving routes, and sharing is pretty broken if you can't edit the data.

 I won't be trying again until this is fixed

When you are creating a route from an activity, you actually can edit the route and trim off parts at the start and end. It is a little tedious, but it seems to work. Once you click "save route" from the menu in your activity, the next page should show the route creator page. If you zoom into the start of your activity, you should see the green dot for the start (finish flag would denote the end). You can click on the green dot and drag it along the route to where you actually want the "route" to start. It will edit the route information to remove that portion. You may have to do this with the end of the ride too if you finished at home and don't want that portion included either.

As an example, I track an indoor cycling on my Garmin watch which doesn't connect to the bike to get the distance, watts, speed, etc. Garmin allows me to enter these details on the phone app. However the additional information is not synched back to Strava, and I can't add the distance either. If I want to track these details I have to create a second activity and it just messes all the stats.

1) I understand the frustration there. My GPS tracks often get messed up when I'm open water swimming, due to the watch being underwater. For above-water activities, GPS is quite good these days, and if you're ending up with GPS glitches it's probably a device issue rather than strava issue.

Of course I understand your desire to fix the GPS track after the fact, if it does get messed up. I'm slightly doubtful that this would become a feature, because strava depends on the integrity of GPS data. Technically they could definitely create such a tool. It could function the same way as the route builder: you point and click to create a GPS track, but in this case it gets saved as an actual activity rather than a route. If they were to add such a feature, I think they would need to exclude those activities from all segments and achievements to be fair.

There is a 3rd party tool that allows you to do this: _Timestamps_To_GPX.php I haven't ever used this particular tool (I've used one of their other tools to combine two files into one activity), and it does look like it is a fairly intensive process to recreate a GPS track.

2) I hate when I forget to unpause! In one sense, this is similar to the above answer. I don't think strava will let us simply "fix" the missing portion of the GPS track, again because that messes with the data integrity for segments. You could potentially use the above 3rd party tool to fix something like this. I think that would be ethical, so long as you were simply filling in a gap that did not put you on a top 10 segment list. If you're willing to omit the "straight line" portion of your activity and just want to clean up your map, you could split the activity into two parts, and crop out the line. If you frequently forget to unpause a ride, you might consider using the autopause feature if your device has one.

This change would allow a user to edit and then approve activates which have been uploaded to Strava via an API before they are posted. For me it is a annoyance to go and find the find the activities which either I do not want to post and deleted or change the name or description of the activity after it is posted. I think there are 3 things which I would like to see for this. 152ee80cbc

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