All fonts included with Creative Cloud can be used on mobile on iOS13.1 (and newer) apps that support Apple's custom font APIs. Search for your favorite font families or discover new ones with just a few swipes.

Basically, you can only use fonts available on Adobe Fonts, if you want them to show up in the mobile Xd app. A lot of google fonts are also available on Adobe fonts. Unfortunately, Merriweather Sans isn't one of them.

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You can add your own fonts to Creative Cloud, as you have already discovered. I thought if you had the CC app on your mobile device, along with Xd, they will sync and show up, but apparently that sync is only for desktop devices (for now). Here's a

Seems the prototype in Android is rendered as the actual elements in Xd (text is actual text), while in the web prototype, everything is converted to static graphics, even text. So for you to see the font on Android, that font will have to be available on the device as well. Otherwise it is replaced with some defaults. I think there was some mention of licensing issues with making used fonts available on the device, but I can't find the thread right now.

Otherwise, I was under the impression fonts available on Google Fonts worked, but Merriweather Sans is available there and you say it doesn't. Maybe you can try installing it from Google fonts instead of fontsquirrel, in case there is some difference in the naming of the font and it can't identify it (this has happened to me before).

As a final "solution", you can just open the prototype link in the phone browser, which should work fine for checking how it looks / works. The other option would be to convert the text to outlines in Xd, but I don't imagine that's in any way convenient

You can add your own fonts to Creative Cloud, as you have already discovered. I thought if you had the CC app on your mobile device, along with Xd, they will sync and show up, but apparently that sync is only for desktop devices (for now). Here's a quote from the help page:

"Can I add fonts to Creative Cloud to use on my mobile devices? 

Currently, adding fonts to Creative Cloud will give you access to your fonts on desktop devices only when you sign in to the Creative Cloud desktop app. This feature will be available to Creative Cloud mobile apps in a future update."

Hi, i'm coming here from Google search results trying to resolve the same problem. Sometimes the app displays fonts and sometimes it doesn't. Usually mutilple restarts will get it to display the same font it refused to display 30 minutes earlier, is that not a bug, not a limiation?

When I view my prototype via the XD mobile app I get fonts missing. I'm using Roboto, something my Android device should find attractive and my prototype is generated from an updated XD on W10 OS. When I preview the same mobile layout on desktop the font is not missing, however I get another font missing message that regards a totally different font that I'm not using in that prototype at all, as I'm only using Roboto for this project.

I don't get any typeface from typekit as I don't like that concept for many reasons. All of my typefaces are installed locally and my licensed fonts are all bought from vendors directly. Seems to me that XD handles type quite instable, as mentioned it gives me a different font missing message when previewed in desktop mode and another when previewed on a mobile. I thought XD embeds all the fonts used in a project automatically for prototype preview? Doesn't seem like it to be honest.

If that's correct it will be impossible to show a hifi prototype on any mobile device, it's not like I can control what typefaces are installed on my mobile device. Are there no way to objectify types in XD so they get rendered as objects instead of fonts? I mean, that's a very dirty and non sustainable way to workaround the issue but at least that get's the autentic type going in the Ui. Other than that I think it's odd that my Samsung Android mobile don't have Androids own "brand type" Roboto installed?

any development on this subject? I convinced my company to use variable fonts for our new responsive website and I have just noticed I can't even look at it on my mobile, the font is missing so there's no way to measures anything visually. I'm absolutely stunned that the fonts are not embedded on live previews...

I use the share link, instead of the XD phone app. Open the mockup in my mobile browser and zoom in/out as needed. Not ideal but it's much easier than installing fonts on your phone for every different project, eff that

Fonts may not be transferred to your device due to any of the following reasons:

- The font is missing on desktop.

- Certain font vendors do not allow for the transfer, display, and distribution of their fonts.

- The font is not supported by Adobe XD on mobile (for example, PostScript type 1 fonts).

even though i would like to use the mobile app this problem is an app killer for me... but its always and option both on iphone and android to publish the app, and share the weblink via mail to yourself and the acces the link in your primary browser, from there you can ad a link to your startscreen, this works well for me... the only thing is that with this option it could be cool to have the option to ad my own app icon to the test app...

Yup I have to agree. It's pretty much useless viewing on mobile if the fonts don't come through. I'm assuming Adobe will simply focus on USB tethering for windows - that should simply display what's on the desktop screen.

I used a particular font in XD and was able to view it on my phone. Now using the same font, I'm trying to view it on tablets and it comes up as missing. Why is it displaying on a phone and not a tablet and is this a problem I can fix?

With the November update the XD app is much better as it gives reasons for font failures now (which is helpful) but if the app is to be of use to designers it must show the prototype as it is on screen otherwise it's value is limited. If you consider that currently the app is plugged into one computer and being looked at literally in a previewing capacity, does this really constitute a breach of conditions for font usage. I would suggest this is a special case as it's not like the app is being locked up with those fonts for usage by anyone. Any further thoughts on this? Or perhaps Chris could you tell us more about postscript failiure if possible? I'm going to try and convert my fonts again now...

Licensing is exactly the reason why we are trying to demo the fonts in out prototype. The client must decide to pay and buy a Font licence or not. And the only way we can suggest the client that the best font is the one he must buy, is by using it in the prototype demo.

This is how this works everywere. So licensing is NOT a good reason to not allowing the installation of custom fonts on the device. If anything, is a good reason to allow it!

 Please add this important feature, or XD will be seriously crippled as a designer tool.

Hey Chris, Thanks for your comments. I tried converting my typeface to Truetype but still the font didn't come through unfortunately. Having checked the fonts restrictions by exporting as a PDF in Illustrator, there are no overriding restrictions... If it can be embedded in a PDF well what could possible be stopping its trandfer? It's only one file - 66k - .ttf. Any other thoughts? Cheers J

I was working on the website, tweaking the color palette and next time I checked the mobile version of the site on my phone I saw the header fonts and button fonts had changed to a serif from Poppins. Poppins is still selected as the main font in my settings and everything appears normal in the dashboard and when viewing this site on desktop but I checked with a friend and she also saw what I am seeing on her iPhone.

All looks good in all break points on the site in Webflow preview and on published site on Macbook Air and iMac. On my Redmi Android phone, though? Nope. Random plain font delivered up instead and looking really pants.

Hi everyone! I am currently developing my graphic design portfolio, and have run into a bit of issue with custom fonts. Although the custom font that I'm using (Brandon Grotesque) looks good on desktop, for some reason, it's not showing up on mobile (specifically iOS). Instead of displaying Brandon Grotesque, it displays a serif font. Any tips or suggestions about how I could fix this?

Hi, I am having issues with a font not appearing on my phone, however it looks as it should on the live site on my desktop and on both squarespace editing views, desktop and mobile. I have gone in a changed it, then changed it back and saved and it still seems to not be working. Here are some pics. The cursive font that says "Vocal Effects" is as it should be and the plain font saying "Vocal Effects" is how it's looking on my phone.

I have just finished designing and coding my new project. But I need it to work well in mobiles. I resized my screen to something like 350~400px width and started coding and adding some media-queries to it. Looks great in redimensioned browsers. I have cut some elements and features and everything was fine... until I tested it with my smartphone

Mee too. Big font size in Android app in Galaxy S21 Ultra phone. My font size in system settings is just 1 notch above center. Be nice to have settings within the app itself so it would not affect other apps. Thanks. ff782bc1db

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