I have a note in my survey and I was wanting to change both the size and the color of the text. I see from the documentation that this is possible, but how would I format it so that I can control both the size and the color?

Can there also be the same font-size/theme control for the sidebar and note list as for notes? On a hi rez monitor to me these are sadly tiny and unreadable (without straining). Plus more more readable for me is to have the notes in a dark theme and sidebars in a light theme. Such control is possible for instance in the Atom IDE and is the way I have it set up.

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Alternatively if the app could respond to cntrl+/- like in browsers that would be enough. I could dial it up then dial back the note font size. This is an electon built app (like Atom) right? so built from javascript so that shouldn't be too much trouble he said lightly. BTW Atom can change the font size of elements manually but vscode has enabled cntrl +/- across entire interface. Anyway to change UI/tab/tree view font size?  Issue #2530  atom/atom  GitHub

You can search for userchrome.css in these forums to find examples of people customizing the app to their liking. The class of the sidebar is just side-bar with some other classes for the elements inside.

Here is an example that re-colors the side-bar and note-list

I find that the default font size in notes of 16pt is too large and I often want to set the default smaller. What's more when in a note and manually selecting a different font size as soon as you move to a new line the font size returns back to 16pt, infuriating.

Evernote, please add this feature. I am getting fed up with the laborious manual font size changing that I have to do to keep my notes looking as I wish. Internet searches will find many others with this same frustration.

Thanks @PinkElephant, I think I achieved what you described by using the "Update 'normal' text to match" button with my desired font size, as in the image below.

And I shall go and upvote the 'general style' change request post - I still think a feature that would be very helpful for EN users.

@PinkElephant After looking at a few pages of search results I cannot find a particular master feature request post which refers to the default style feature request, so I've just upvoted various requests that seem to relate to the feature I request. Seems to be a high volume of low upvote count posts in this forum, guessing Evernote don't allocate the resource to pay much attention to this content or the management of it. A shame as this is exactly what they should be looking at and paying attention to if they wish to maintain a quality product and business. Shame their senior decision makers won't ever read this.

Thanks for your help @PinkElephant and the presumably unpaid moderation time that you put into trying to manage the content on this forum.

So a possible workflow, could be to select the text, hit the hotkey, and let Templater surround your selected text with the formatting of your choice. Do however note that once you surround something with HTML-tags, it will change other behaviour like inline fields, or other markdown formatting.

The font size for all the notebooks and notes in the left panel are too small to comfortably see. The same is the case for items in the note list. I know how to change the font for the content in each individual note but can't figure out how to do it in these other instances. I am running on a HP Windows 10 and have the Evernote Plus subscription. Does anyone have any thoughts? Thank you.

Absolutely! I also need the font size in the left panel (note list in particular) to be larger. I do not want to set the overall Windows font size to be any larger. Evernote needs to have this option.

Overall I think people want more customization to their Evernote and want to make it look the way that works for them. Different size fonts, different layouts for ShortCuts, or note views, more color options etc. I am all for it as well. I use it all day long and it is the app that I spent the most hours according to RescueTime everyday.

I'm new to Evernote...well, back to Evernote having used OneNote for years. Why? The simplicity of PDF OCR and notes searchability. Why might I switch back? Your menu sizes are too small and uncustomizable. It's great to have the Note itself respond to the scroll wheel, but the sidebar and editing icons are minuscule...so much so that I showed the interface to 2 colleagues and a UI/UX researcher who, without knowing/using Evernote, swore up-and-down that I was missing some obvious customization command because "there's no way anyone would design display fonts so small, as a default." I see this string has comments dating over 5 years. I run a software company so if you're not going to make this change due to some UI/UX philosophy, please share it so we can all make our decisions accordingly. If you are planning to address, please share that as well.

Love your product but like others have noted, this 'display font size inflexibility' and display default font size is too small and really kills the user experience of the product. I've gone from being excited within each note to dreading any task that involves formatting of a note or accessing/navigating notebooks in the uncustomizable left pane.

+1 for the over-40 crew that struggles with the UI. As a practical matter, I'll need to start managing my notes in sublime-text where I can modify anything in the UI I want and just sync the notes across machines with google-drive. Even as I write this I'm wondering what keeps me in evernote. I'm sure after a long think I'll come up with something, but if I can't read Evernote and I can read Sublime-text in whatever font and size I like, well there isn't much thinking to do.

Yes! PLEASE! More important than any of the new bells and whistles. As a general principle it would be great if Evernote staff did a thorough review of usability before they embark on any feature changes.

Adding my voice. I would like the display font size for the navigation panel and note list to be increased in size. Changing my display settings in Windows 10 doesn't appear to have any effect. Even if you just have Normal and Larger would be an improvement. Thanks!

I add my voice to the general request: Make Note Title Size adjustable! The Desktop versions (I use Mac) should have this. It is ridiculously small. Otherwise Evernote co is pushing us to the Web versions which can be size controled. HGH

Seriously, 3 years later and Evernot still hasn't addressed this issue??? So to increase Evernote to a viewable size we have to change settings in Windows and make everything else on our devices way too big??? Is this a joke? Is there really no UI customization to increase accessibility for older users???

I am not an expert on internet businesses and have not crystal ball. As I thought my note made clear, this is an impression, or a guess if you wish. I haven't seen any significant feature changes in years, and this internet search makes clear that there are questions about how well the company is doing, but I hope they will succeed. I'm a long-time premium user and have found many aspects of Evernote admirable. At the same time, they have never been very responsive to appeals to give users more choice in configuring the interface and organizational structure, from font sizes to folders.

I believe the list of note titles at the left of the screen will be substantially larger in the next version of Evernote. I've signed up for the beta but haven't been able to see it yet; on the other hand, that's my impression from the various "Behind the Scenes" videos.

For me, the issue is that the drop targets are too small and finicky. If I want to drag a note to a new notebook, or drag it to a tag, I have to slow way down and very carefully place it. I would like to make the font bigger to allow more slop in my motions. Same thing dragging tags the other direction.

Also, as others have pointed out in this thread, previously, we don't want to blindly increase the font sizes across all of our programs. Nor, all the text within Evernote. We need more specific control.

Thanks for the suggestion. But, I couldn't find the file 61.json. And, my Username\Appdata\Local\Programs\Evernote-client folder is blank. I have "Hide protected operating system files" unchecked. In the ...\Evernote\resources folder is a subdirectory called app.asar.unpacked. But, that doesn't have any *.json files that I could find.

For editing your 61.js on windows you need to unpack and pack the "..\AppData\Local\Programs\Evernote\resources\app.asar" which should be done through "github.com/ctxis/beemka" as it injects the "asar" files and regular "npx asar" will not work properly because it misses some node_modules and signature creation, this tool might be reported as trojan by your antivirus (shall be false positive) so use at your own discretion.

Yes, please add the ability to have monospaced fonts. This feature is very needed. Monospaced fonts helps keep character columns aligned, especially when ensuring that a list of words or strings need to have the same character lengths.

I am aware of how to change the font size within a note, and I am very happy with the display of notes in map view (it is easy to make them larger or smaller as required). But I cannot see any easy way to change the size of the text in the note view on the right hand side, which I find uncomfortably small. Ideally I would click in the pane where you add text and press Cmd-+ and the text would be bigger, but this does not happen. Am I missing something? e24fc04721

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