The Flow-Sync Sensor is a simple and economical solution for metering and reacting to actual flow conditions. A proven water saver, it monitors system flow rates and totals, and provides automatic reaction to high or low flow conditions during irrigation. The Flow-Sync is designed for use on pipe sizes up to 4". When installed in conjunction with a master valve, it can be a key source in preventing water waste resulting from line breakage.

Take the Storm Head On

Advanced Hunter Sensors offer the ability to turn controllers into smart controllers. They ensure irrigation works in sync with the weather and that run times are always optimal.

Download Flow Sync


The Flow-Sync Sensor is a simple and economical solution for metering and reacting to actual flow conditions. A proven water saver, it monitors system flow rates and totals, and provides automatic reaction to high or low flow conditions during irrigation. The Flow-Sync is designed for use on pipe sizes up to 10 cm. When installed in conjunction with a master valve, it can be a key source in preventing water waste resulting from line breakage.

This all works great, except in my Git repo my branches are out of sync master is now behind develop because it doesn't have the merge commits that happened from the pull request merging the release branch into develop. But master is also ahead of develop as it now contains merge commits from the pull request to get the release branch into master

We just migrated from kadira:flow-router to ostrio:flow-router-extra and are also still seeing the redirect needs to be done in sync error. We removed arilla:flow-router-helpers and zimme:active-route as well. Curious if you were ever able to resolve this.

Dear team!

I feel lack of understanding of main flows in core Temporal microservices. One of the important flow is sync\async matching.

From my understanding matching engine for perfromance reason try to match produces and consumer as soon as possible on the flight. But if worker comes to matcher with new task and same worker ready to process this task. Then sync match will be done each time? What is the flow for async match then? Or flow is different - worker comes with completed task, history takes next task and gives it to waiting poller - this is a sync match. correct?

matchin_sync13841595 128 KB

In the sync match case, a matching service host receives one or more poll requests when there are no any tasks stored in the DB. In this case, it stores a poll request in an internal poll queue. If no task is added for a duration of the long poll timeout (one minute by default) the poll request is returned empty back to the worker which repeats it.

@maxim Thank you very much for detailed explanation which is greatly supported by diagrams. Is an idea it would be nice in future to link such kind of flows articals with reference to metrics description. In this case metrics which how rate and latency of Sunc and Normal(Async) match!

Thanks a lot!

Setting up workers listen to both workflow and activity task queue. I wonder what could be the reason for lower addworkflowtask latency comparing to addactivitytask in async match? Any lever I can try to make it even?

I do see activity/workflow schedule to start latency improved a bit when boost up task poller. Increase MaxConcurrentActivityExecutionSize also show improvement in async match latency, but what could be the reason for the async match ending high latency? Should those config get increased?

On browser, this is a ridiculously cumbersome 5 step process: click browser icon, login, settings, sync folder, sync button. I fail to understand why the sync button is nested inside a folder. Similar sync flow on android app. This is horrible UX design.

Curious though as to why the auto-sync is not working. As I understand browser based web-vault, extensions, and the desktop app should all use Websockets to relay a change to each client.

While the mobile apps use push notifications.

I'd like to get some clarity on the Flow step "Sync Person to SFDC" and when its necessary to use, vs. allowing the regular MarketoSFDC sync to sync data between the two systems. Particularly as it pertains to Contacts. 

Is that the case? The reason I question this, is because this other article about the Contact object and syncing recommends using this Flow step if you need to manually force a sync of a Contact to SFDC. However, there's no warning message here about creating a duplicate Lead record. Additionally, this community discussion thread suggests that if you try to sync a person to SFDC who already exists, it will not create a duplicate. 

Can someone please clarify this contradiction?

Overall, I am trying to determine when it's the right time to use this Flow step vs. allow data to sync automatically. Should I always include this at the end of my Smart Campaigns that involve data stamping on Lead/Contact fields?

When a campaign updates someone's fields in Marketo, my current understanding is that this doesn't automatically push the data to SFDC until either: A. The standard MarketoSFDC sync occurs (which usually happens every 5-10min), or B. the "Sync Person to SFDC" flow step is used. If a change happens to occur over in SFDC at the same time, then SFDC data takes precedence on the Contact object (article). So does it makes sense to mitigate any risk that the newly stamped data won't make it to SFDC for Contacts and just add this Flow step whenever a campaign contains field stamping steps?

Thanks in advance!

Is my understanding correct that the flow template "Office 365 Calendar sync to Google Calendar" does not exist anymore? I have a flow based on that which stopped working and I wanted to rebuild it from scratch ... however, it's not there

Templates are changing all the time as MS adds new features and deprecates older ones. There isn't a sync calendar anymore, but there is a template to copy new events from O365 calendar to Google calendar. Its about the same thing, but wouldn't handle changes. You can find it here:

Actually, I already tried using the Flow saved in that zip file and got an error even before running. I updated the flow with my information, but when I look at the summary page for the imported Flow, I see the error: There's a problem with the Flow's trigger. Fix the trigger

4. I went back into the Flow and edited it after importing, and in places where the Calendar id's needed to be, there was a string of garbage text. I replaced these with the titles of my calendars (which I copied from a previous flow that worked but was gimped).

Acceptet as the solution! I've spent hours on trying to get this flow to work. 

"The devil is in the details" - and for me it was to choose "Save as..." that made it work. Thanks a lot!

(Im all new to this forum (and Flows) so I dont know how to "Accept it as the solution".... )

One question that i have, am i able to control the new event color using the flow? i would like to set a specific color to all of my new work related events in Google, is it possible? was not able to find it on the flow events attributes.

Zipped template imports perfectly (use new one at the bottom of the post)! I imported updating the settings to mine and ran a test. You need to run the test the first time so it will let you update the calendars to yours. Replaced my existing flow that failed. My only issue is it isn't updating all current calendar events. Is there a way to reset the sync to "reset" the calendar to re-sync everything?

I can't find any rhyme or reason for it. Not all items, just some. Recurring and non-recurring items are susceptible. Most of the flow run history is successful, but when there is a failure, the number (of what, retries?) in this section can be high:

@matthewucsf, No, as I gave up on it back at the time. I did look at the flow history for the one user left using it, and there were no errors showing. I don't recall if the replication problem happened absent an error or coinciding with one. Which have you seen?

A New Dimension in Particle Analysis 

With the SYNC particle analyzer, Microtrac MRB integrates its highly accurate tri-laser diffraction analyzer technology with its versatile dynamic image analysis capability to provide particle characterization practitioners with a unique measuring experience. The patented synchronous measurement technology allows users to make both a laser diffraction measurement and an image analysis measurement on a single sample, in the same sample cell at the same time:

The characterization of particulate systems, once dominated strictly by size measurements, is evolving. Dynamic Image Analysis DIA, which determines important parameters related to particle morphology, provides detailed information regarding the physical properties of materials. These key properties and the resulting manufactured product can change drastically with no significant differences reported in the Laser Diffraction size distribution. Image analysis can rapidly identify problems and significantly reduce troubleshooting time. Particles in a flowing stream, backlit by a high-speed strobe light, are photographed by a high-resolution digital camera to create a video file of images for the flowing particles. 

More than 30 size and shape parameters are acquired for every particle. Although the measurement technology of DIA is straightforward, the data analysis used to identify and solve problems is very powerful. The analyzer software includes filter functions to search, display, and evaluate particles with specific properties or a combination of properties. Data can also be presented in scatter plots, in which each data point represents a single particle image.

The TURBOSYNC delivers a properly dispersed sample to the measuring cell of the analyzer, allowing for consistent and repeatable analyses. A moving sample tray introduces the powder into the measurement system.

Flexibility: Compressed air and flow condition settings up to 50 psi (345 kPa) allow the operator to achieve optimal dispersion, even for highly agglomerated materials. Dispersion conditions can be fine-tuned for measurement of even the most fragile materials.

Small sample volumes: Volumes can be as small 0.1 cm3. This is ideal for applications where the material is expensive or produced in small volumes.

Large sample volumes: The removable tray can hold larger quantities of powder. If required, multiple trays can be processed and combined into one measurement record.

Automatic sampling: The Microtrac MRB FLEX software facilitates the automation of measurement cycles. Simply place the sample in the tray and press RUN. All data is saved on the system PC or can be exported to user networks.

Rapid Measurements: Measurement time is usually 10 - 40 seconds, depending on the properties of the material.

Repeatability: Consistent control of aspiration settings deliver excellent sample-to-sample and instrument-to-instrument repeatability. e24fc04721

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