The concept was a quirky pop duo album cover where neither was smiling or looking directly at the camera. I tried to explain it by invoking She & Him, but neither 14 year old knew who I was talking about. It's OK, though, because I was able to create something more or less like I'd envisioned, and they were happy to play along.

I'm kind of aware of the fact that I don't post as frequently on Flickr as I used to. One of the reasons is that I had several albums, with dozens and dozens of photos, and I made the posting of those albums into projects that consumed a fair amount of time. I have several other albums, but there's only one that is both full of photos and full of photos of a high-quality and/or contains lots of photos with highly-interesting content. When the time comes to post that one album, I hope I remember to do it.

Download Flickr Album

Download 🔥 🔥

Meanwhile, here's a little morsel, an album I've had for a while. I don't, in fact, remember where I bought it, but it was pre-Iowa, which means either South Carolina, Florida, or the Missouri triangle as the source of purchase. For some reason, I have the state of Maryland attached to my memory of where these photos might have been taken, and where the school might be. Don't know why I have that memory, as there is no intrinsic evidence to support that association.

Polygonia c-album, the comma, is a food generalist (polyphagous) butterfly species belonging to the family Nymphalidae. The angular notches on the edges of the forewings are characteristic of the genus Polygonia, which is why species in the genus are commonly referred to as anglewing butterflies. Comma butterflies can be identified by their prominent orange and dark brown/black dorsal wings.

Le Robert-le-Diable (Polygonia c-album) est une espce palarctique de lpidoptres de la famille des Nymphalidae. Commun en Europe, ce papillon est connu pour sa silhouette particulire, avec ses ailes trs dcoupes.

I have a simple need that seems to be not so simple. 

To all the experts that are looking forward to pointing out how stupid I am, all I can say is I do indeed feel stupid after reading page after page of instructions, looking for the features that aren't there anymore, and generally going in circles. Yes - I am sure Flickr is well loved by many millions who don't find the features odd and user interface counter intuitive. But I'm just not getting it.

All I need is for family members to view all the albums, and all the photos. Without jumping through hoops or signing up.

I have read in another forum I need to create a Collection, which I got half way through before it stopped accepting new albums, probably because I have 80 of them. Plus the design and presentation of the collection is very clunky and time consuming to browse photos and just unattractive. There must be an easier, better way.

While I am sure Flickr can do great things, the unappealing design with the huge space eating page banners (can these be disabled?), the non intuitive user interface, seemingly arbitrary features that appear then disappear, and settings hidden in an assortment of different places. I have to say, as a returning (thus newer) user, I have indeed hit the wall.

If one of the power users that know flickr inside out can suggest the best solution I would be grateful. Thanks in advance to anyone that can help.

Posted at 3:51PM, 31 January 2016 PST(permalink)

ColleenM thank you. 

While I would greatly prefer to go directly to the albums, this indirect method appears to be the only way to provide access. I will experiment with this and provide instructions to my relatives on how to get back into album view where the photos are organized the way they should be. 

Regarding photo privacy settings, I have been searching for global privacy settings and they don't seem to exist. There doesn't appear to be any menu item for settings or privacy. It appears you can change photo settings one by one, but I have 1000s of photos. I have no idea what my privacy settings are or how to change them. I see the option to restrict various privacy levels but no way to globally change them. 

I would have expected some clearly menu item with settings for changing privacy globally? Sorry to be dense, but the usability of this design has me scratching my head and searching for answers. 

There was an FAQ on this, but when clicked on it is gone. Another forum member advises creating a Collection for global changes, but that can't be right and anyway the collection feature won't hold all my albums without crashing. I see you can change privacy access by albums but what about the photos themselves in the albums? This seems like it should be completely straightforward, but it isn't. I must be missing something here, as certainly this should be an easy to use and understandable feature. 

Again apologies to the flickr fans and power users, the density continues. Another couple of hours have drifted by and I am still struggling with the simplest of functionality. 

Many thanks again to ColleenM for pointing out this workaround.

Posted 96 months ago.( permalink) 

Thanks kmacgray for the help. 

I did see the camera roll gives the ability to change privacy but how do I tell what the privacy of the image is before I change it? It doesn't seem to say, though one can change the privacy roll by roll to be sure.

I have hundreds of Camera Rolls, so I don't want to spend hours re-setting the privacy if I don't have to. 

Regarding the Organizr, because of another users suggestion I have spent hours trying to create a Collection so I can share the Collection and bulk change the privacy. Unfortunately the Organizr seems to crash after the number of albums I have loaded makes it refuse to accept more albums. Reloading the Organixr clears the crash for an album or two. Flickr has also been oddly very slow so this has been very time consuming.

Yes, I agree, I could of course do it in the Organizr by batches say 10 albums at a time to avoid overloading it and causing a crash. But that seems to be a lot amount of work for a simple (one would think at least) change. And perhaps unnecessary work if the privacy settings are ok as is.

Most of all I want to avoid confusing my relatives by technical glitches. And I want them to see all the photos with certainty. Sending them the Photo Stream with directions on how to find the Albums is about the limit of what I can expect that they could do (some being quite aged, yes even older than I am :) 

It seems other users would like to do the same thing I am trying to do, the most simple method of sharing photos. I hate to beat a dead horse, but the old Flickr did this exact thing easily and elegantly.

I will experiment sending the Photo Stream out and see if the privacy settings allow the photos to be viewed, and if the Albums can in turn be viewed. If not, I will brew more coffee and set to work changing the privacy batch by batch.

If there is any other way to do it, I'd certainly appreciate hearing about it.

Grateful thanks to kmacgray for clarifying the options and providing the link.

Posted 96 months ago.( permalink) 

I guess batches were what I was referring to. Thanks for clarifying.

The camera roll doesn't seem to allow a global change, though one can individually click each one of hundreds of "batches" with the shift key. 

After spending considerable time clicking on about 100 batches, about a quarter of them, I went to change the privacy setting and got the following error message: "Zoinks! You can't change settings for more than 500 images at a time" at which time all the images were deselected. Nice.

I will look at the Organizrrrr to figure out if I even need to do anything to the privacy settings. I sent one relative a Photostream to see if there is any hope of them figuring out what to do with it, or if she can see the photos. I sent the Photostream to myself using a different email address and it worked on my iPad, so there is hope. 

Last time I got the famous message "If Dax would put his camera down there might be an album to look at" or something to that effect. 


Thanks for the help, again, kmacgray and ColleenM

Posted 96 months ago.( permalink) 


I'm right there with you regarding this issue. I joined Flickr to share some photos with family and prefer to do it with albums. I don't want to share my whole photostream . I thought this would be intuitive but its not. Here's what I came up with.

I upload all photos as private.

I organize the photos into albums.

I batch edit the album in Orgnizr to family.

I send Flickr invites (not album invites) to family.

The one's who have joined have been able to see my albums. A couple of issues:

When you add or remove a photo from an album you have to remember to change the privacy setting for that specific photo. Since I upload all files initially as private, even if I add a new photo to an album with photos all set to 'family', that photo will remain private. It seems a more efficient way would be to be able set privacy settings for an album but it doesn't look like this can be done.

Also, for non-web savvy family members (i.e. my mom), finding my albums is not that intuitive. They have to find your page either by clicking on your account under one of your photos in their photostream or go to 'people' and search for you. Since this brings them to your photostream, they have to click on your albums page. 

I guess Flickr wasn't built with our preference for sharing in mind, unless I'm missing something.

Now I'm trying to work through how the non-web savvy folks can easily print photos they like and its looking just as gloomy...

Posted 96 months ago.( permalink) 

 Barry Robert Thrash edited this topic 96 months ago.


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