In case you'd like to export a complete archive of your Fitbit account data, I'd recommend reviewing this help article. Please note that you're not able to export your activities by exercise type. However, you can share this great idea in the Feature Suggestions board. That way, our developers can take it into consideration for new updates or product development.

The types of data available and the size of the dataset make All of Us unique. This data resource combines rich biomedical data with physical activity monitoring that is more extensive and detailed than any previous dataset. This will allow researchers to start asking questions about activity and health that couldn't have been asked before," explained Amy Price, Ph.D., a neuroscientist in the Division of Medical and Scientific Research at All of Us.

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In the two and a half years since the Fitbit data became available, hundreds of researchers have already started using it. As of July 2023, about a quarter of the 5,771 projects on the Workbench used Fitbit data. In addition, Fitbit data from All of Us participants have been used in several peer-reviewed publications, including in major scientific journals, such as Epidemiology, Nature Medicine, and JAMA Network Open.

The wearable data currently available in the Workbench come from individuals who already owned a Fitbit device. This group of participants is about 80% White, and only 6% are Hispanic or Latino. The lack of diversity of this sample limits how easily findings can be generalized to other groups. To expand the number and diversity of participants with Fitbit data, the program has created the WEAR study, which provides free Fitbit devices to invited participants from underrepresented communities.

For now, Master encourages researchers to explore the trove of existing Fitbit data in the Workbench. They can learn from other researchers by exploring projects underway in the Research Projects Directory and team up with colleagues at their home institution or other institutions on the cloud-based platform.


I trusted the description here: "Restarting your tracker doesn't delete any data."

Obviously this is not completely true. I can't tell if the issue with the device caused not to track the last night. But also the menu settings where affected. I changed the trainig entries and after the "restart" it seems to be back to default.

Usually I would not mind loosing one night sleep tracking but this night was especially interessting for me as I would be interessted how bad the sleep quality in a hotel room really was.

Anyone has similar experiences? Is that something that happens every now and then?

2) I've never had a restart lose any data or affect menu settings. Factory reset, however, which might be same thing as erase, also described in the section you linked to, will change menu settings back to as they came from factory. In my opinion, factory reset is much overused, seldom fixes problems, and sometimes causes more problems.

3) When I have problems syncing, my steps are (1) simple restart fitbit, (2) reboot phone, (3) if won't sync then, wait an hour or 2 and try again. Sometimes it just doesn't sync when we want it to, but will a while later without going through a bunch of gyrations that might just cause problems.

@CharlieHathaway the process for downloading data has changed recently. It used to be a fairly simple process that downloaded data in a format suitable for loading to Excel but now it is much more complicated and not so easy to get into an XLS format.

I am aware of the changes they made to the download and I am ok with that. Previously I could download either a CSV file or even better an XLS file which gave me exactly what I needed to save a precise history of my FitBit use that assisted in show my Doctors the info that they were interested in. The new JSON format gives me a bunch of pieces with all the data that I need but not in a format that I could bring to my Doctor to show him anything unless I brought him 400 pages or print out that he would not even look at. There is probably a way to convert these JSON files into something meaningful which is what I am looking for.

@CharlieHathaway, I appreciate your participation in the Forums and for sharing your experience with us. Please note that as @SteveH mentioned, our team has recently changed the way the data gets exported from our servers. At this moment, please keep an eye on this thread, that our team will keep updating with new information about this situation.

That doesn't appear to be a solution for the Charge 2. I want to have access to my data and export so I can put it on a spreadsheet. I get the weekly updates so I know the data is available so it should be available for me.

I appreciate your participation in the Forums and for sharing your question with us. Please note that in order to export your Fitbit account data, first go to your Personal Settings in the online Dashboard. Then, click on Data Export and follow the on-screen instructions.

The problems are, my data must be available to me without having to request it. My data should also be available in a usable format, CSV is fine for Excel, I don't know what I am supposed to do with JSON files.

Solved? Hardly. The old data download was far superior, in my opinion. This morning, to my chagrin, I realized that the old method is no longer available. I requested a download, followed the instruction in the email, but nothing would open. When I went to try it again, I recveived a message that I can only request one download in a 24 hour period.

This is our personal data and should be readily available without jumping through hoops. I think it fair to ask for a different solution in the next 30 days or I will have to look at another option to get access to my data. I have made the request before, and there is no email available, this narrows my options but doesn't close the book.

It's pretty weird that you were able to export it before but not now. In this case, please try using another browser and try again. As mentioned by our team, if you have a large amount of Fitbit data it can take up to a few days to generate your account data archive. Check the status of your request in your Data Export account settings.

I have the same problem as mentioned in the first post. I want to download my data, so I requested it and confirmed the e-mail. I watch the status going from 0% to 86% in about a minute, but then it stopped updating. I let it sit for a while, only checking the status every hour but nothing happend.

I have this problem as well. AND I cleared the FitBit cookies in my Chrome browser. I did this several times and logged out of the dashboard several times. Nothing new happened. I usually get my archived data within an hour but this has happened to me before. At that time I ended up contacting Premium support for another problem and in the chat I asked about the archive problem. After waiting 2 days for a support return email, it cleared up almost instantly after I mentioned in my return email. Do I have to keep going through the rigamarole of contacting support and then having the Premium support person email me some days later and then responding myself? I am pretty disgusted. I like to keep my data archive up-to-date on my own computer - my data is very important to me and I like to export the archive at least once a week. Note that I also cannot even cancel and restart. It makes me wait 24 hours even after I have cleared cookies. I agree with SunsetRunner that this is a FITBIT problem - NOT a user problem. And I pay for premium as well. I think that they must have stock answers on a computer somewhere that reply to things like this - I know that other companies do the same - no-one knows anything REAL or they prefer not to have anyone "in the know" active in support problems. It is so sad.

I have the same problem. My account is only a few weeks old, so I don't have a lot of data yet. I tried to export the data several times, but each time the export got stuck at 90%. In the support chat they asked me to remove my cache and cookies, which I did, but didn't help. They told me that I should wait 7 days, but I think that is not true because with my previous account (which had a lot more data) I only had to wait less than an hour. I tried it now 4 times, and I waited everytime for 24h.

My guess is that you are logged into a different Fitbit account than the one that has all of your historical fitness data. You can log out of the App by clicking the account button at the bottom right-hand corner and then clicking the "Log Out" button at the bottom of the page.

Hi, @Sminyard80 , your data is stored on the Fitbit servers, not on your phone, so your data should still be there. From what you have said about the email, it sounds like you made an error entering your email when you were doing the setting up of your new phone -- either you entered a different email address or made a typo entering it. I think your best bet would be to start over, if possible, making sure to use the same email you originally used for your Fitbit account.

I'm having the same trouble. I got a new phone (iphone 6s) and when I logged into the account my fitbit wasn't paired. After pairing it, I'm still missing over a year's worth of data. I have only ever had one account, and I know I'm logging in correctly. Any ideas how to get the data back?

Note that when you change your mobile device it should not requested to pair your tracker again. So this confirms that perhaps there is a variation on your email address. This will also explain why your previous data is missing. When you pair a tracker to your account it should appear paired in other devices as long you keep using the same email address. ff782bc1db

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