I tried to script a PS to make changes to the Pref.js file; however, the changes do not stick? Is this is expected or done by default is there a way that I can modify the file without going to which single system?

Hi there!

Looking for a way to gather firefox addons and store the data into wmi which will later be inventoried with SCCM. Have it done for google chrome already. Firefox seems to be a bit harder to inventory. There is nothing out there and I've searched in duckduckgo for awhile.

Download Firefox With Powershell

Download Zip 🔥 https://blltly.com/2y4Bf5 🔥

One of the things I found is that firefox has an extensions.json file that has a bunch of useful info in it about the addons. If you look under (%AppData%\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\.default-release) there's an extensions.json file.

So I'm trying to create a Powershell script that will open Firefox, go to my Cisco agent website, and log me into my phone agent queue at 8am (I know there are other ways to do this but I have to use powershell). I can figure out scheduled tasks, and I can get FF to open and direct to the right website, but I am having trouble getting powershell to put in my extension. I'm pretty sure I have the right values for the text boxes. I've run auto log in scripts before and had no problem with IE, am I even able to get this to work with FF? suggestions?

UiPath.Core.Activities.OpenApplication A container that launches a specified application and performs multiple actions within it. Optionally, it can pass a list of arguments to the application. Properties Input Selector - Text property used to find a...

I'm currently creating a deployment image (Win 10 x64). Since I have to use a FOG-Server, I created an Install-user with my powershell script in autostart. The user will be deleted after the script has been executed.Script is working, however, the customer requires Firefox as Standard Browser. As mentioned I'm using an install user, so I can't go over registry and use the HKCU keys. Also, the tablets won't join a domain.

Please follow my directions as we go along. Please do not do any changes on your own without first checking with me. 

If you will be away for more than 3 consecutive days, do try to let me know ahead of time, as much as possible. 


Please only just attach all report files, etc that I ask for as we go along.

1.'Could not load protection driver'. Click 'OK'.

2.'Could not load DDA driver'. Click 'Yes' to this message, to allow the driver to load after a restart. Allow the computer to restart. Continue with the rest of these instructions.

We have implemented the new SAML authentication method and successfully integrated with Shibboleth as our IDP, but it appears something is broken within the FireFox browser only - Edge and Chromium work just fine. Other sites attached to the IDP work fine as well, so it appears specific to PSUniversal.

In this approach, we need to apply dispose pattern by enclosing each call to HttpClient constructor, GetStreamAsync and FileStream methods with try-finally block. It is optional to put catch block if we want to handle the exception specifically.

In this approach, we copy and paste our C# code to PowerShell, then enclose it with Add-Type -TypeDefinition in order to add it to PowerShell session. Then, we will be able to call the method to download the file from PowerShell.

Creates a new profile in the profile_dir directory, but do not start the application. The profile will be named profile_name in the profile manager. Note profile_name and profile_dir are quoted together, and are separated by exactly 1 space (as with the previous syntax, profile_name must not contain spaces).

Note: Since Firefox 9, this does really mean what its name implies on all platforms. i.e. instances created with this parameter do not accept or send remote commands, see bug 650078. That means that such instances won't be re-used. Also when using this argument a new instance is created in any case.

Note: profile_name is case sensitive. If you don't specify a profile name then the profile manager is opened instead.You must use an upper case P on Linux with versions older than 7.x, as there lower case invokes purify mode (memory and leak detection). Other platforms accept both upper and lower case.

It would be nice if Windows Server 2019 came with Microsoft Edge Browser, but it still comes with good old IE 11, and on a Windows Server, you have to jump through hoops to let IE download anything due to its default security settings.

First I tried downloading Microsoft Edge Browser with IE on Windows Server 2019. I got the following prompt: Do you want to allow this website to open an app on your computer?, then when I click Allow it says:

Finally before event attempting to download Firefox on Windows Server using IE, I though maybe I can just write a powershell script to download it, and bypass IE all together. It turns out this was quite a simple and successful endeavor. Just open up a new PowerShell session and run:

This powershell command will download the latest Firefox web browser and save it as firefox.msi in the current directory. You can then just run firefox.msi and you'll be on your way with a legit browser.

You could use the same technique to download Chrome or Edge on Windows Server 2019, you would just need a URL to download it first. Then swap the URL in the powershell script to point to the browser you want to use. No need to even open Internet Explorer on Windows Server.

There is more than one way to test the performance of web browsers like Chrome, Firefox, or IE, but regardless of how you do it, you need a consistent workload that makes the browsers comparable. Unless you are testing with synthetic benchmarks (which come with a plethora of problems of their own) you need a way to automate browsers opening tabs and loading URLs. This article presents a simple solution to do just that.

After rebuilding a few VMs the other day I noticed on doing a new install of Windows 10 it seemed impossible to download & install firefox using Microsoft Edge Browser.

It seemed windows was blocking execution of any exe downloaded via Edge.

This seems to be the area where many people come unstuck. Mozilla do not provide an .msi installer for Firefox, despite this being requested for several years. Fortunately Firefox can be silently installed from the command line with some switches. We can utilise Powershell to execute the install on startup, after performing some initial checks to make sure that Firefox is not already installed.

A limitation of this script is that the configuration files will be copied on every boot of the computer (whilst they are very small, this is still undesirable). I will leave it up to you to solve this within the script, but how you solve this needs to take into account how you will handle configuration changes (e.g. your homepage address changes).

; The full path to the directory to install the application. The security

; context the installer is running in must have write access to the

; installation directory. Also, the directory must not exist or if it exists

; it must be a directory and not a file. If any of these conditions are not met

; the installer will abort the installation with an error level of 2.

; InstallDirectoryPath=c:\Firefox\

I know how to create a login script. I have created a batch file to make firefox default, but does anyone know how to run the command without creating a requires elevation (admin privileges) prompt, since it has to start firefox.exe?

Use your preferred method for setting registry entries (with your server and client systems you can do this directly in group policy without scripting, or you can use a batch script to import the registry key, or you can use Powershell to edit the registry directly. Take your pick). For editing the user portion of the registry (HKCU rather than HKLM) elevated permissions are not required.

UPDATE: Why my own MacGyver solution was brilliant in its horrible way, the folks over at World of VS have taken up the challenge and created a proper Visual Studio extension that you should use. I'll chat with them and get some details and maybe a write-up of how they did it. So, while I encourage you to enjoy my tale below, go get the World of VS Default Browser Switcher now!

Folks spend time hunting around the Tools|Options dialog in Visual Studio looking for setting. They eventually realize it's not in there at all, but instead you have to right-click on an ASPX page within a Web Project and click "Browse With..."

Where is this browser information stored? That was my first question. Remember that your computer is NOT a black box. Even good programmers make this mistake and they "flip this switch and hope that light turns on" without confirming that the switch and the light are connected with good wire and they know how electricity works.

I fired ProcMon up set it to only show the devenv.exe process, and I took a chance and set 'contains browser' for the path. If this didn't work I'd open the flood gates and start sifting a bit. I could also have said 'highlight' things with the word browser if I liked.

I've seen folks attempt to change this with various extensions in Visual Studio and using automation calls within Visual Studio, but to the best of my knowledge, this feature has been in here for years and years and there's no way to get at it programmatically. e24fc04721

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