These improved maps will mean direct benefits for consumers. Users now have a one-stop-shop to search for their address and find information about which internet service providers claim to offer service at the location, the broadband technologies they offer, and the maximum download and upload speeds they advertise for each technology. This greater transparency will create market pressures on internet providers to improve their coverage. The new maps will also help policymakers more accurately target investments to expand broadband to unserved and underserved areas and close the digital divide.

This is a beginning, not an endpoint, for the new era of broadband maps. While today marks an important milestone in the effort to create more granular and accurate broadband maps, this work is far from over. To emphasize how much more work needs to be done, we are calling the product we unveil today a pre-production draft. Releasing this early version of the new maps is intended to kickstart an ongoing, iterative process where we are consistently adding new data to improve and refine the maps.

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The long-term success of this effort will depend on consumer and stakeholder engagement. To ensure that the maps are constantly improving, we have set up a system that allows consumers and others to challenge inaccuracies and provide feedback. Individuals who see that the information on the maps does not match up with what they know from their lived experience will be able to submit challenges, or request corrections, directly through the map interface. We will also accept bulk challenges to the reported availability data from state, Tribal, and local governments and other stakeholders who see problems we need to correct in multiple locations. We strongly encourage these parties to partner with us and share their input through the challenge process so we may continue to improve our maps. This crowdsourcing activity is an important part of getting the information we have right.

-On the other hand, pistol starting is so much more freeing--I don't have to stress about saving ammo or health for the next map, since I'm always starting on a blank slate. I can burn all my resources in fights and it's certainly more engaging. Having to enage with the level from the start instead of carrying over 20 rockets and 200 plasma and just facetanking fights has made me appreciate the design of each encounter, and the level's design as a whole. Having to desperately fight to get a SSG, or rocket launcher, or plasma gun, instead of just carrying one over previous maps makes getting each one feel way more impactful.

The only problem I see with this is that I was already struggling to complete maps on HMP in most WADS like Sunlust, the Stardates, AV, Scythe, but I know many WADS don't really support HNTR so I guess I just have to grind and stop being bad at the shooter game.

I think it makes the early encounters of a map much more interesting in most cases, can force you to explore new maps to try and find a foothold, and definitely makes for more of a meaningful progression between weapons. From a standpoint of designing individual maps, it removes a lot of variables and lets you scale fights from milder to more difficult if you choose. Plus I'm never tempted to make early encounters a bit extra hard or withhold ammo just because the player might be carrying over a BFG with 5 shots. I used to play levels pretty mindlessly in Doom 2 and just bang through and it's fun in its own way, but I learned more about design and used much more strategy and routing since I started playing pistol start. In my opinion it lets you engage with the full challenge of each map; sometimes you can notice when the mapper is a genius and appreciate it.

That said, Sunlust is no joke! I mean you go from the IWADs to that, even on HNTR with saves... Damn. It will no doubt teach you something about strategy but don't feel like you need to take the whole thing on at once. I had a hard time beating the first 12 or so maps on UV so far but I grinded each one until I figured them out. Eventually I'll return for the rest but my skills aren't there yet. Map 8 in particular is 100% a strategy map, my favorite in the set. It's punishing on mistakes but it demands clever approaches and good routing more than execution. Every inch of that map is built for a purpose. I didn't think I would be ready for any of Sunlust but I'm glad I tried playing it to get a taste.

For something a little more of a breather (and 2 of the most highly regarded modern megawads), I'd definitely recommend Valiant and BTSX E1 on whichever difficulty you choose. They're both a bit more forgiving and will still help you improve, on top of being a feast for the eyes and a blast to play. Valiant in particular has a number of episodes that all have some shorter maps if you want to skip around a bit. BTSX is probably easier and a little less intense overall but it has its moments, like the final map. Both wads are a step up from Plutonia, but playing on lower difficulties is definitely an option. They're both fairly pistol start friendly.

Sunlust has some beatable maps but it's a great deal harder than those two for sure. Stardates are the same mapper and similar difficulty. Scythe goes from super easy to medium to pretty hard in the last 10 maps or so, particularly 29 and 30 (and I like that wad in general). I think AV is a very important wad but it's not considerate to the player's quality of life at all in the later maps. It still has some very good maps, but in this day and age there's heaps of stuff that's more fun to play.

I have finally beaten Map 06 of Sunlust. Took some routing to figure out. A quick check of youtube shows that the HNTR version isn't that far off from the UV version. Huh. Map 07 went down easily afterwards, though I think I should go back and get all the secrets to do the showcase fight.

I also finally figured out that ZDE apparently can handle any source port, so I gave PRBoom+ a try! It's very weird going from GZDoom with the Beautiful Doom mod, but I've adjusted and I think I'll make this my personal source port of choice--not the least because Beautiful Doom breaks on any WAD with custom stuff and I wanna play Valiant, Ancient Aliens, and whatever other mods that feature custom enemies I want to.

^ Thank you for the suggestions. I haven't actually completed any of the official Doom IWADs yet--let's be real, Doom 1 and 2 are...rough to put it lightly. E1 of Doom 1 is great but E2 drops like a goddamn lead balloon after the first two maps. Doom 2 is just a wonky mess in general. Put them against Sunlust, Valiant, Ancient Aliens, both Scythes and they don't look too hot both visually and gameplay-wise. I haven't even tried TNT or Plutonia, but honestly, I do have them, so I think I will give them a go soon. I've played various wads from Stardate 20X6 to Scythe to Alien Vendetta, but I've never really gotten past map 8 or so of anything. I'd like to finish a megawad eventually, so I'll set my sights on doing that.

Hey that's awesome! I played continuous for awhile because I just found that much more fun and forgiving, and it was the way the original game was designed to be played, after all. For me what actually flipped the switch in my mind was when I got to Rush in the skill improvement thread, which was sort of an introductory slaughter wad. I played through on continuous but I could clearly see that the fights were designed for a pistol start, and that continuous allowed me to sort of brute force through some tricky looking, meticulously designed combat puzzles. It felt like I wasn't actually getting the most out of the design of the wad, so I went back through with pistol starts and haven't looked back since! Now I absolutely love the thrill of searching for your arsenal each and every time you load up the map - you get rewarded for every little find, and it makes starts and ends of maps (getting to use all your ammo) a lot more interesting and satisfying. Plus, most stuff will be designed with pistol start in mind because it's the easiest to balance and test.

The thing is, I only did it once I felt good enough at the game that it was FUN. Sources like the skill improvement thread will tell you that it's designed with pistol start and UV in mind or whatever, but imo it doesn't matter. Whatever makes you have more fun at the game will get you to play more maps and more varied maps, which will naturally get you better at the game. And it's about having fun in the first place, after all. Don't burn yourself out playing pistol start out of a feeling of necessity - ESPECIALLY wads like Sunlust, even on HMP. That gets absolutely insane later on, and while I haven't seen it on HMP, since you said you can't play much outside the iwads on UV I would guess it's going to be a real agonizing crawl for you. But hey, that's only my personal view so maybe you're up for the challenge - I streamed it pistol start on UV knowing it would turn into an absolutely insane challenge at the edge of my skill level, but it was fun to overcome. Good luck on your Doom journey! ff782bc1db

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