Item filters can be used to customise the item labels, colours, sounds and effects of dropped items, allowing for a personalised aesthetic and feel.

 You can view popular item filters below. To use one, simply click on the filter name and then click the Follow button. You should then be able to select the item filter available in-game (Options --> Gameplay).

So I just started looking at loot filters, but I'm feeling rather overwhelmed on FilterBlade. All I really want at the moment is something to hide gear unless it has certain requirements, like 6 sockets, or the 3 color connected socket, or specific stat on it. Like when I click on "Chromatic Orb" in the filter it then brings up 4 subcategories and idk what they mean. Like 2x2, 1x3 and 1x4, etc. And giving me options to hide or show for each one. But as far as I've seen a Chromatic Orb is a Chromatic Orb, so idk why there are several options beneath it?

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I've made a very permissive loot filter for lvling on Filterblade.

However it hid too much, especially small rare items like 1h-swords.

So I added yet another class-based rule:

Show all items of rarity Rare or higher.

Small yellow items are now showing as expected.

However, random white items are also showing!

This only happens in-game, using FilterBlade's simulation, they are hidden.

Another issue I have is easy testing of a rule for a specific item.

Often I want to change a rule based on a specific item being shown/hidden in game.

However when I run the simuation it can take a long time for an item with those parameters to drop.

So I end up having to load the filter in game.

I realize Path of Exile throws an error when trying to load the filter.

So it probably just rejects the use of a filter at all, showing everything.

The error is:

Unable to parse parameter for Class rule: No item classes matching "Flask".

I've tried to fix this by manually editing the file and found the following setting at the end of the file:

As soon as you start to manually edit your filter file, don't forget that it works by matching an item to a first suitable group from the top of the file, applying rules and quitting. Therefore, if you have something along the following lines (fictional example):

Greetings, Exile! Today MmoGah wants to briefly introduce the different loot filters in the game for the PlayStation 4 version of Path of Exile to those of you who aren't familiar with loot filters.

Firstly, thanks for BullShifter's original video for this guide! The reason why loot filters are important is that if you don't have one, you're essentially going to see every single item that drops in the game on the ground. Loot filters can help filter out some of the loot that you essentially don't need. Now let's jump into some filters, including Soft, Regular, Semi-Strict, Strict, Very Strict, Uber Strict, Strict Plus, and Constrict.

Soft will not loot out too many PoE Items, just some of the normal white items. If we go forward and get rid of some mobs here, we'll get kind of a better idea of the different things to get filtered out. As you can see, some normal items and a few magic items will also be filtered out. We still have normal flasks that will drop. Now there are multiple different loot filters throughout the game that you can apply, and once we get a decent little loot drop here, we'll go ahead and apply those filters.

Even if the loot filter you have on potentially hides some of the items you want to see, you can always click your left stick inward, and that'll allow you to see all the different items that are being dropped on the ground. So after we go ahead and finish this breach, that'll likely be a good opportunity for us to go ahead and explore the different things we can filter in the different loot filters.

As you can see, we have a decent amount of loot dropping at this point, so this will probably be a really good opportunity to show the different things that the loot filters can essentially hide for you as you progress later on. Now your loot filtering will be dependent on where you are in the game or at least what you'll want to apply for your loot filter. Obviously, as you start the game, you will want a lower loot filter. Something goes on once the Default, or even Soft, necessarily won't be too bad. Right now, we see all the divination cards, blue jewelry, gems, flasks, and some rare items up there.

Let's go ahead and click the left stick to see what is hidden from the Soft. It's just the white items, some of the blue items. If you leave the item filter off, you're going to go ahead and see all of these items, and as you can tell, that's going to be a little overwhelming, and it's also going to hamper your game performance for all of those things to pop up. Under Soft, you can see we have two rare items up here, and they both show.

It hid both of them, and the reason for that likely being is that it just doesn't deem them as very solid rare items. It automatically filters out certain items that the item filter deems as just not a very good item. Again if you want to judge that, you can always click that left stick in and see yourself.

If you are trying to do the chaos recipe or the regal recipe, those might not necessarily be the best filters for you just because as you're running through the game, it will hide a decent amount of rares. So keep that in mind if you are trying to do the Chaos or Regal recipe, you may want to go Semi-Strict / Strict simply because you're going to see more of the rare items that drop.

Very Strict will hide a good majority of all the rares, scrolls, and a lot of augments. It's going to hide your Armors Scraps, so if you don't have many Armor Scraps to upgrade your armor in your inventory, you may not want to use this either. It's essentially for farming through the game if it faster. You're still going to see a majority of divination cards. Obviously, all of our splinters are these six-socket items are still going to pop up. However, if you're trying to grind out four different rare items for those recipes, or if you want to see chromatic items still. You can trade those items in for chromatic orbs. Very Strict isn't necessarily going to be the loot filter you're going to want.

Uber Strict is going to hide all of your low-level PoE Currencies, so if you're only looking for quality items, that's not necessarily a bad route to go. However, if you're not looking to zip through the game and still want to grab those low-level currencies, if you still want to see the gems popping up on your screen, you will want to go ahead and work at a lower-level loot filter the map.

On top of that, though, there are a few options that are slightly modified versions of these different Strict filters, and they're called Constrict. Basically, the big difference between Constrict filters and other normal filters is that you'll still get to see all of your PoE PS4 Currency, for the most part, all of your currency with a few exceptions.

Here is the ending of this loot filters guide. Hopefully, this helps you out with knowing the different filters in the game. You can click to view more useful PoE Guides, and you can also Buy Cheap Exalted Orb here.

Following the Path of Exile 3.13 patch, many players have been looking to lock down the best in loot filtration. For those hoping to make the most of their looting endeavors, the NeverSink loot filter just might be the answer.

Once you reach the Path of Exile end game material, using a loot filter becomes the only practical way to play. With the recent Echoes of the Atlas 3.13 patch update, the Path of Exile end game is a little more lucrative.

Once you have completed these steps, you will have successfully installed and activated your NeverSink loot filter. As there are several variations of the loot filter to utilize, take the time to experiment so that you can find the filter that works best for you. For more, consider checking out our treasure trove of Path of Exile guides to learn all there is to know about this loot-laden adventure.

In Path of Exile, an action RPG reminiscent of the Diablo series, players encounter thousands of item drops throughout their journey. Along in your gameplay you will eventually gather a sheer volume of loot which can be overwhelming. This is where loot filters come into play, this guide will help to use and apply these filters. They help you differentiate between the good loot and the not-so-good, saving you precious time and keeping your screen free of clutter.

Loot filters are a significant tools that can increase the quality of life on your Path of Exile gameplay. They not only hide items you no longer need but also highlight only the valuable items with map icons, beams of light, and fully customizable audio alerts. However, these filters are not readily available in the game and need to be downloaded from third-party sources such as

Yes, using loot filters in Path of Exile is safe. They are widely used by the player community and are endorsed by the game developers themselves. However, always ensure that you download loot filters from trusted sources to avoid any potential issues.

Every class is available from the start excluding Scion. Each class starts in its own section of the passive tree (as seen above). As implied, the passive tree itself is the same between every class, hence its intimidating size. In theory, a Ranger could path to the top right of the tree near the Templar starting region, although this is highly inefficient in practice and usually not worth doing.

For example, let's say you're playing a build that scales Cold damage. You want to convert your Physical Damage to Cold, so you look at grabbing the Cold Damage Mastery that converts 40% of Physical Damage to Cold. Instead of pathing to a specific node on the tree, you just need to allocate points into any Cold Damage Wheel and grab that Mastery. Masteries have more powerful, build-enabling effects than your typical notable passive, hence why they can be accessed from multiple locations in your passive tree. Respeccing a Mastery is the same as any other passive, requiring one respec point either from a Book of Regret (quest reward) or Orb of Regret (currency type). e24fc04721

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