In a dystopian 2023, robot Sentinels hunt and kill mutants and humans who either possess the genetic potential to have mutant offspring or try to protect them. In Moscow, they attack X-Men survivors: Kitty Pryde, Colossus, Blink, Warpath, Bishop, Iceman, and Sunspot. The mutants sacrifice themselves to buy Kitty enough time to send Bishop's consciousness a few days into the past to warn the others of the coming attack and ensure their survival.

At a ceremony where Nixon unveils the Sentinels, the three search for Raven. Lehnsherr appears, activates the Sentinels, and barricades the White House with the RFK Stadium. During the battle, Lehnsherr impales Logan with rebar and throws him into the Potomac River. Nixon, Trask, and a disguised Raven retreat to the White House Bunker. However, Lehnsherr rips the bunker out of the building with the intention of killing everyone inside. In 2023, the X-Men make their last stand as an onslaught of Sentinels attacks the temple. Many mutants perish while trying to buy more time. In 1973, Raven reveals herself and subdues Lehnsherr with a plastic gun, saving Nixon and his cabinet. She attempts to kill Trask but Xavier telepathically convinces her to spare him, leading the public to believe that a mutant saved the president. As a result, the Sentinel program is decommissioned, altering the timeline and erasing the dark future of 2023 from history. The mutants in the past depart separately; Trask is later arrested for selling military secrets to foreign governments.

Download Film X-men Days Of Future Past


20th Century Fox saw X-Men: First Class as the first film of a new X-Men trilogy.[47] Donner compared the franchise plans to the darker, more mature content of the Harry Potter film series.[48] Early reports said Matthew Vaughn and Singer were returning to direct and produce the sequel, respectively.[49] While still attached to the project as a director, Vaughn said, "First Class is similar to Batman Begins, where you have the fun of introducing the characters and getting to know them, but that takes time. But with the second one, you can just get on with it and have a rollicking good time. That's the main difference between Batman Begins and The Dark Knight".[50] Describing the possible beginning of the film, Vaughn said, "I thought it would be fun to open with the Kennedy assassination, and we reveal that the magic bullet was controlled by Magneto".[51] Singer said the film could be set around the civil rights movement or the Vietnam War,[52] and that Wolverine could once again be featured.[53] Singer also talked about "changing history" in an interview with Empire magazine. He said he does not want people to panic about events in the past "erasing" the storylines of the previous X-Men films, as he believes in multiverses, explaining the possibility of certain events can exist equally in the histories of alternate universes.[54]

Kinberg said the main focus of this film was the future of the X-Men film series. With the use of cast members from the original trilogy and from First Class, they needed to decide the sequels' destination.[17] In preparation for the film, Kinberg studied films about time travel, including Back to the Future, The Terminator, and Terminator 2: Judgment Day. Singer originated a philosophy and a set of rules for the time travel in the film so the story would be as plausible as possible.[17]

According to Kinberg, as they were writing the script, they thought it was more sensible for Wolverine to travel between time periods instead of Kitty Pryde, because of his ageless look and ability to heal rapidly.[17] He further stated of making Wolverine the time traveler, "We made the decision for a lot of reasons ... he's the protagonist of the franchise, and probably the most beloved character to a mass audience".[56] Kinberg and Vaughn considered Bishop and Cable candidates for the role of time traveler.[10] Kinberg said Rachel Summers was in the first draft of the script; she sent Wolverine back to 1973. The character was later replaced with Kitty Pryde, to whom Kinberg gave a secondary power of sending people's consciousnesses into the past.[57] Angel Salvadore, Juggernaut, Jubilee, Nightcrawler and Psylocke were also considered for the film.[58][59][60][61][62]

Production designer John Myhre said his work load was "six months squeeze[d] down in to 3-4 months", given the sets were massive but he did not have the usual time to design and build before principal photography began. The lue underground hallways and Cerebro sets were faithful recreations of the sets seen in the first X-Men, albeit ransacked and damaged to imply the government had raided the mansion.[75] The sets had many hidden "Xs", including the staircase of the X-Mansion. Myrhe said he wanted to embrace the 1970s setting in the same way First Class embraced its 1960s setting,[17] and costume designer Louise Mingenbach also drew heavily from 1970s styles for the clothing seen in the 1973 scenes. Hoult wore corduroys, Jackman a wooden-paneled buckle and a peacock-print shirt, and McAvoy wore a brown leather jacket. Peters wore 1981-inspired clothing; this was Mingenbach's way of showing Quicksilver's irreverence for the exact time and place. In one scene, Mingenbach gave Fassbender as the younger Erik Lehnsherr a fedora as a nod to the one the character wore in the first X-Men film.[13] For the future period of the film, Mingenbach wanted a darker, slightly futuristic and tactical look for the characters. This included changing the suit Patrick Stewart had previously worn as Xavier to battle fatigues.[13]

For the future setting of the film, a set featuring a hillside monastery was built. Myhre was inspired by Chinese temples built on the sides of cliffs. The future set also featured a mixture of architectural styles from China, India, and Indonesia. Part of the set was a big wall, which was inspired by the Great Wall of China.[111]

In the Rogue Cut, Rogue's role is more consequential, and the narrative is more complex: when Kitty Pryde is accidentally wounded after Wolverine's consciousness experiences a phase between past and future from seeing Stryker in 1973, Bobby Drake (Iceman) proposes breaking into the heavily guarded remains of Cerebro at the former X-Mansion, the one place where Xavier's mind cannot reach others from the outside, in order to rescue Rogue, who is being held captive there. Xavier, Magneto, and Iceman succeed in rescuing Rogue, but at the cost of Iceman's life. Rogue uses her power to take over for Kitty in regards to keeping Wolverine's mind in 1973, for the remaining time until the moment history is changed, with a suggestion that Wolverine is aware of the switch as he appears to feel Rogue's presence. The Sentinels are able to find the X-Men through a tracking device inside a Sentinel's hand that was severed from the X-Jet during their escape. In another major scene, Mystique stops at the X-Mansion the night before the Sentinel-unveiling ceremony, revisits her previous romance with Beast, and destroys Cerebro the following morning in order to prevent Xavier from finding her. A new mid-credits scene shows Bolivar Trask imprisoned at Magneto's former prison cell beneath the Pentagon for selling military secrets to foreign countries.

In contrast, Robbie Collin of The Daily Telegraph rated the film two stars out of five and called the plot "a curate's egg, thoroughly scrambled". He concluded, "The film squanders both of its casts, reeling from one fumbled set-piece to the next. It seems to have been constructed in a stupor, and you watch in a daze of future past".[187] Simon Abrams, writing for, gave the film two-and-a-half stars out of four, calling it a "visually driven and paint-by-numbers plot". Abrams was critical of the undeveloped subplots that built up because the film's pacing left little time to develop each element of the story set in the 1970s.[188]

"X-Men: Days of Future Past" is a better than but not substantially different from other superhero movies. It's as visually indistinct and paint-by-numbers-plot-driven as most Marvel Comics-based projects, especially the gaggle of recent Avengers-related films. That creative deficit is a major problem in "Days of Future Past" since it follows characters who travel in time to prevent a future apocalypse. Thankfully, there's just enough right in "Days of Future Past" to offset what's wrong. Director Bryan Singer's confident direction mostly compensates for familiar comic book movie problems, including bald expository dialogue and forgettable action. The storytelling has such momentum that you don't have time to realize that the story lacks urgency.

Unfortunately, the obstacles that stand in Logan's way and the stakes that he's fighting for aren't particularly well-developed. "Days of Future Past" moves so fast that you might think Dennis Hopper posthumously strapped a bomb to it, and yet the relentless forward motion proves a mixed blessing. "Days of Future Past" is the seventh X-Men movie since 2000. As a result, Singer (director of the franchise's three best films) and screenwriter Simon Kinberg are confident enough to bluster through key scenes with just enough one-liners and character-defining action to push things along. But it's still frustrating to see such a propulsive film selectively revisit certain subplots. There are precious few scenes set in the film's dystopian future, and such new supporting characters as Peter "Quicksilver" Maximoff ("American Horror Story"'s Evan Peters) and Bishop ("Intouchables" star Omar Sy) are given as little screen time as the future versions of Xavier and Magneto.

Xavier is the worst character-shaped plot device in this regard. Because he's a telepath who has an established partnership with both Erik and Raven, Xavier already knows what ails Raven, Erik, and even himself. He eventually pumps everyone up slowly, empathetically, boringly. He even gives himself a boost thanks to the power of time travel, communicating from the future to his past self (this scene sadly contains Patrick Stewart's biggest chunk of dialogue). Xavier's speeches stink because they serve to remind you how much meat is missing from the rest of the film. 2351a5e196

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