"Mulan'' charts a new direction for Disney's animation studio, combining the traditional elements (brave heroine, cute animal sidekicks) with material that seems more adventuresome and grown up. Like Fox's "Anastasia,'' this is a film that adults can enjoy on their own, without feeling an obligation to take along kids as a cover.

Ah, but it isn't as simple as that. Mulan is defying not simply convention, but her family's desire that she abide by the plans of a matchmaker and marry whomever she selects for her. Opening scenes in the film show Mulan botching the interview with the matchmaker (she sets her pants on fire, a nice Freudian touch), and asking, "When will my reflection show who I am inside?" The message here is standard feminist empowerment: Defy the matchmaker, dress as a boy, and choose your own career. But "Mulan'' has it both ways, since inevitably Mulan's heart goes pitty-pat over Shang, the handsome young captain she's assigned to serve under. The movie breaks with the tradition in which the male hero rescues the heroine, but is still totally sold on the Western idea of romantic love. (In an Eastern culture, the ending might have involved an arranged match between Mulan and Shang, which she has earned by her exploits.) Disney movies since time immemorial have provided their leads with low-comedy sidekicks, usually in the form of animals, although teacups and chandeliers are not unheard of. Mulan is accompanied on her journey by a scrawny dragon named Mushu, whose voice is performed by Eddie Murphy. It's a little disconcerting the first time we hear his street-smart lingo (a black dude in medieval China?), but Mushu quickly grows on us. Murphy, working in the tradition of Robin Williams' genie in "Aladdin,'' is quick, glib and funny. He is also offended when people doubt he is a real dragon and refer to him as a lizard.

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If you have the means, I implore you to pay the $30 this weekend to watch MULAN on Disney+. I know the movie is being released on the platform for free in December, but I think it is extremely important that we support this movie with our hard-earned dollars, especially at a time like this when so many studios are paying attention to the few new releases. It is a beautiful film, led by a female director, starring a talented, diverse cast. Show Hollywood we want more of this! I know I will!

WASHINGTON - Today, House Oversight and Reform Committee Ranking Member James Comer (R-Ky.) and Committee Republicans probed Disney over its decision to film a live-action remake of Mulan in China where the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is carrying out a genocide of the Uyghur people while at the same time threatening to boycott Georgia over its pro-life law.

The CCP is systematically working to exterminate the presence of Uyghur culture and religion by incarcerating over a million people in concentration camps in Xinjiang, China. Uncovered evidence also shows the CCP is conducting mass forced sterilizations of women, forced abortions, and utilizing mandatory invasive birth control measures to reduce family size among the Uyghur people. Despite universally-recognized abuses occurring in Xinjiang, China, the Mulan film credits offered special thanks to over a dozen Chinese institutions that assisted with filming, including four CCP propaganda departments that are perpetrating this genocide.

In a letter to Disney's CEO and Executive Chairman, the members call on the company to address its decision to film in Xinjiang and if they signed any contracts with the CCP-run agencies listed in the credits. They also call on Disney to explain the disparity between threatening a boycott of Georgia over pro-life laws while continuing to film in China where Uyghur women are being sterilized.

On September 4, 2020, the Walt Disney Company (Disney) released a new, live-action remake of the film Mulan. Part of the new movie was filmed in China, specifically the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR), where "Uighur Muslims have been detained in mass internment camps." Despite universally-recognized abuses occurring in Xinjiang, the film credits offered special thanks to over a dozen Chinese institutions that assisted with filming, including four Chinese Communist Party (CCP) propaganda departments in the XUAR. These credits include the Turpan Municipal Bureau of Public Security, a CCP-run agency actively facilitating and orchestrating human rights abuses and the genocide of the Uyghur people. Last October, the Trump Administration put the Bureau "on a blacklist forbidding U.S. companies to sell or supply products to them."

The CCP is systematically working to exterminate the presence of Uyghur culture and religion by incarcerating over a million people. Recently uncovered evidence shows the CCP is also conducting mass forced sterilizations of women, forced abortions, and utilizing mandatory invasive birth control measures to reduce family size among the Uyghur people. Utilization of CCP agencies perpetrating this genocide, such as the Turpan Municipal Bureau of Public Security, implicitly supports such crimes. Disney's decision to film Mulan in Xinjiang and use CCP-run entities is inapposite and counters the company's commitment to "provid[e] comfort, inspiration, and opportunity to children and families around the world."

Perhaps more surprising than Disney's decision to film Mulan in Xinjiang is its recent contemplation to put a moratorium on all filming in the state of Georgia. Disney appears to have taken a firm stand against the lives and rights of the unborn in favor of the right of the CCP to commit genocide against the Uyghurs and force sterilizations on Uyghur women. Disney's eagerness to partner with CCP groups engaged in such atrocities while taking jobs out of the state of Georgia is disturbing.

Given Disney's public thanks of the CCP-run entities in its Mulan credits, we request a staff-level briefing by September 21, 2020 to address its decision to film in Xinjiang. The briefing should also answer the following questions:

4. The portrayal of arranged marriages is meant to show that children should not seek to just jump into love and should actually consider what they are doing first (undermined by some aspects of the end of the movie sure). Also, although China still does have arranged marriages with a good deal of frequency, the practice is both changing and falling out of favor. The depiction in the film is reflective of real cultural dynamics.

Thanks very much for this article. I am a white British feminist and I have to say, ever since I saw this film when I was little, I have been ignorant of the racial issues that are (I now see) obviously at play in the film. I am an absolute ardent advocate for intersectional feminism and I think it is so important for voices like yours to critique aspects of our culture (like Disney films) that especially white western people take for granted.

Disney, around that time, had a bit of a renaissance when it came to portraying women of different races and ethnicities. How do you compare Mulan with the presentation of the women and cultures in films like Pocahontas, Esmeralda and Tiana?

Furthermore, although Mulan becomes a leader, she still works together with her fellow troops, or even Mushu. Mulan is not a natural born warrior; the only reasons as to why she goes off to war are to save her father and to bring honor to her family. She evolves into this role, which is one of the satisfying parts of watching the film.

For me personally, watching a (live-action) film set in a different country with actors who can all speak the same language of that country, conversing in English both confuses me and kinda strips away the illusion of an ethnically, culturally and therefore linguistically correct film. Two prime examples of this are The Forbidden Kingdom and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon: Sword of Destiny. With the former, most of the main characters do speak Mandarin to each other, but suddenly when Jackie and Jet both speak to each other, they do so in English bar a couple of lines, as they also do with Liu Yifei. But the question is why? Where is the consistency? It was very bizarre. And technically, considering it was set in ancient, mythological China, the characters would not have known English anyway.

In CTHD2, however, besides the film being extremely underwhelming to say the least, it is entirely in English and dubbed in Mandarin (and I doubt most of the cast did their own dubbing), which looked and sounded annoying and out of place. 90% of the cast are ethnically Chinese or even part-Chinese and therefore can assumedly speak Mandarin or at least Cantonese, but instead of being consistent with the first film by it being in Mandarin, the producers of this instalment decided English would apparently be more appealing to westerners. While that might be partly understandable and seeing as the film was released outside of China on Netflix, the small worry of people not liking it being in English and having to read subtitles should not have been something for them to worry about at all.

On August 13, 2018, Walt Disney Studios announced that production had begun on Mulan.[3] By that time, numerous reports had been released by the U.S. government and non-government organizations concerning the mass internment of Uyghurs and others in camps in Xinjiang.[4] But that did not stop Disney from going to Xinjiang to film Mulan. Nor did it stop Disney from collaborating with the Chinese officials directly responsible for the atrocities at those camps.

On this site, you'll find a bit about me and a bit about my other passions, like reading, watching films, discussing Disney, and generally waffling about nonsense. I also make videos and they can be seen here.

My reassessment has been spurred by two factors. First, renewed attention on the film following the release of the live-action Mulan prompted me to consider how Disney might amend the original storyline. Remakes encourage a reassessment of what is gained and lost. 17dc91bb1f

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