Yuko Tanabe is a major character in The Terror: Infamy, the second season of The Terror. She is portrayed by Kiki Sukezane. Tanabe is a mysterious figure, though her motivations become clear as the series progresses. She is the birth mother of Chester Nakayama, whom she named "Taizo," as well as his twin brother, Jirou Tanabe. She also has a distant ancestor named Chiyo.

Yuko is a Bakemono/yurei, or shape-shifter.[1] Among her powers is the ability to slip in and out of bodies undetected, twisting them into horrible, inhuman shapes, and forcing them to do her bidding.[2] She possesses a terrible hunger, an onnen, that leads her to both seek revenge and try to atone for the mistakes she made in life.

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On Terminal Island, San Pedro, 1919, Yuko Tanabe arrives in the United States from Japan, having been promised to marry Hideo Furuya. He is captured by her beauty, calling her exquisite, and thinks himself very lucky to have her. Things change, however, when she reveals a dark secret: that she is pregnant. Upon learning this, he shouts that she tricked him. She says that they could tell everyone the child is his, but he rejects this notion, saying that he had asked for a bride and not a whore. She begs his forgiveness, but in return, he tosses her outside and shuts the door.

She is forced to live homeless on the streets of California, where she eventually gives birth to twin babies Taizo and Jirou, but is soon separated from one of them. She obtains a small rattle for the amusement of her remaining child and tries her best to feed it, but can barely feed herself. She cries and despairs before finally making a decision. She brings the child to a church and turns it in to a nun, who tells her that she did the right thing, as a child can't be raised on the streets. Yuko wonders just what she is, what a woman is if she can't even raise her own child.

She wanders to a high bridge, accompanied only by a small bag. There, she is approached by a woman, Chiyo, who asks her if anything is worrying her. She tells the woman that she was just reflecting, and the woman tells her that she used to do that too. She used to think that it would be peaceful under the waters, and that troubles and sorrows would wash away with the tide, but to take it from her that pain doesn't need to be washed away, that it will eventually fade. Yuko tells her that she has the wrong idea, that she's only resting before returning home. However, after Chiyo leaves, she grabs the bag, which is weighted with stones and falls backwards off the bridge. Weighted by the bag, she sinks into the depths and drowns.

She awakens in a beautiful home that is clearly built in a Japanese style. Chiyo, the woman from the bridge, is preparing tea. She tells Yuko that she saved her from an accident and to not worry, that the rest will soon fade. As Yuko looks around the house, she notices a design on a sheet, the Yotsu Hanabishi. It's her own family's crest, but Chiyo dismisses it as a coincidence. Yuko considers her surroundings and finds everything to be in perfect order, the grounds tended to by a seemingly tireless gardener. However, it soon becomes clear that all is not as it seems.

Yuko soon finds that events seem to be repeating over and over, though each time the scenario plays out in different ways. She awakes in the bed, is served tea, and explores the grounds. She steps on some sand, only to start being pulled under, as if it is quicksand. She is being pulled under by ghastly, undead arms, but Chiyo extends a rod, pulling her to safety. Realizing that something is very wrong, she asks Chiyo just what this place is. Chiyo tells her that it should be obvious by now - it's paradise. She tells Yuko that she never left the water, she's safe now. Yuko tells her that she's a mother and has to get back, and Chiyo replies that she has what the priests would call an onnen, an insatiable hunger. Yuko replies that she has to get back, and Chiyo tells her that she's dead and that she will now be her mother. Yuko calls her a demon, a Bakemono. Chiyo calls her ungrateful, saying that she chose oblivion when she jumped into the river. She says that she's waited so long for one of her own, and Yuko seeing the family crest, realizes that the woman must be her ancestor. She says they can join together as blood, that this will be their paradise for eternity.

Yuko does not accept this. She grabs the kettle, smashing Chiyo on the head and leaving her bleeding out on the ground. She turns to leave, only to be approached by Chiyo, who tells her that there's no way out. She awakes again and this time works on calligraphy with Chiyo. She has trouble with the lettering, but reproduces the Yotsu Hanabishi perfectly, telling her that she's quite taken with it. She asks Chiyo if she never had a daughter herself, but Chiyo says that she doesn't talk of it. Yuko, however, drags the story out of her - that she did have a daughter, one that was never perfect enough for her. Now, her daughter is in the same hell that she very nearly got dragged into when she stepped on the sand. Yuko asks how she killed her daughter, and she says that it was her daughter's own fault. She had brought it on herself. Yuko observes "And so have you," seeing that Chiyo has stepped into the forbidden hand. The hand grabs Chiyo, and she screams. She begs for Yuko's help. Yuko seems to ignore her at first, but then extends the rod. Chiyo thanks her, calling her "my child." Yuko shoots back that she's not her child, she's a mother. She jabs the rod forward, pushing the woman into the sand until she is pulled under by the clawing hands.

As clouds gather overhead, Yuko races for the house. She finds a wall of roots and branches. She claws at them and eventually emerges... a moldering corpse in a graveyard. It is 1941, over twenty years later, and she has risen from her grave, a yurei, a Bakemono. ("Taizo")

Yuko takes the form of a malevolent spirit, causing Hideo Furuya's current wife, Masayo Furuya, to commit suicide in a gruesome manner. At Masayo's funeral, she takes the form of a strong wind which upends her coffin, spilling her body on the ground. She later blinds Hideo, by possessing him and forcing him to look directly into the sun. Later, she takes the form of a wind that blows out the matches lit by Stan Grichuk, who is intending to burn Henry Nakayama's fishing vessel, the Taro. She then uses the same wind to blow Stan into the water, drowning him.

After being sent to a prison camp, Hideo was tormented by visions of her. She also appeared before Wilson Yoshida at Hidden Gate Farms. He recognized her and attempted to warn Chester of her, but she possessed him and forced him to knock out an American MP, pick up his gun, and aim it a group of American MPs, all of whom were completely oblivious that Wilson was under Yuko's full control and was unable to stop her actions while in his body. Yuko then forced Wilson to keep approaching despite the soldiers' warnings, leading to Wilson being shot dead shortly thereafter, As he died, Wilson again attempted to warn Chester of Yuko after being freed of her influence. Looking on, Yuko cracked her neck as blood streamed from her face. ("All the Demons Are Still in Hell")

She watches in the Colinas de Oro War Relocation Center as Chester and Luz have a conversation together. She later takes control of Hideo, causing him to storm into a mess hall and attempt to strangle his son, Toshiro Furuya. Hideo is sent to a stockade, but a soldier possesed by Yuko releases Furuya and drags him into a forest by the camp and leaves him alone. She then appears in front of him and she asks him if he remembers her and what he said to her. He says he doesn't so she reminds him that he said she was exquisite, he then begs her to spare him and his son. Telling him there's only one person she wants, she seems to kiss him, but bites his tongue off, leaving him to collapse and die on the ground, badly bloodied.

In the morning, a group of children play baseball. When one child hits a ball into the woods, another child goes to retrieve it and sees Yuko. He follows, sees Hideo's body and the blood all over his face, and screams. Chester encounters a couple of guys talking about the incident, how it might be a yurei. One says that the kid saw a woman in a kimono, but the other thinks that he saw nothing, that their own army is killing them. Later, Luz seeks a new doctor after a bad experience with Dr. Kitamura of the camp. She is told by Asako Nakayama of a midwife in the new barracks. She seeks the services of this midwife, who, unbeknownst to her, is Yuko. ("Gaman")

In the hopes of escaping her influence, Chester Nakayama took a job as a translator with the U.S. Army and was sent to Guadalcanal. While stationed there, he many times experienced a strange wind and saw things in the corner of his eye that he thought might be a yurei. He also encountered Sergeant Crittenden, a U.S. army sergeant who had been captured by the Japanese and muttered phrases such as "Kill white devils," and later took a flamethrower and killed a number of U.S. soldiers, later committing suicide in front of Chester. Whether or not, though, Critteden's actions were due to Tanabe's influence was unclear.

Back at the Colinas de Oro camp, however, Tanabe was clearly still at work. She continued to serve as Luz's midwife. Feeling Luz's belly, she told her that her baby was happy and gave her a rattle as a gift. Later, when Luz expressed that Chester's father Henry hated her no matter what she did, she told her that Henry felt forgotten, leading Luz to make a gesture of peace by naming the child after him. Rather, one of the children, as Tanabe also informed her that she was pregnant with twins.

Later, when Luz's water broke and it was time for her to deliver, Tanabe took possession of Dr. Kitamura's nurse, Nurse Hasegawa in order to oversee the delivery. Kitamaura, however, delivered the babies stillborn, making no real effort. Later, during the Japanese commemoration of the dead, Obon, Tanabe donned the mask of a girl to walk through the crowd and pay a visit to Dr. Kitamura. She took possession of him, calling him a murderer, and forced him to cut himself open with one of his own medical instruments as if he was giving himself a C-section, killing him. As she did so, she took off the mask, revealing her true face - a grisly visage of dead flesh. ("The Weak Are Meat") 152ee80cbc

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