I suspect they are removed only when the build is removed altogether, the question would be if I can keep the build itself and its log and maybe even selected artifacts in the archive, but get rid of the workflow files without losing too much.

In this example, two secret text credentials are assigned to separateenvironment variables to access Amazon Web Services (AWS). These credentialswould have been configured in Jenkins with their respective credential IDs

jenkins-aws-secret-key-id and jenkins-aws-secret-access-key.

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In this example, username and password credentials are assigned to environmentvariables to access a Bitbucket repository in a common account or team for yourorganization; these credentials would have been configured in Jenkins with thecredential ID jenkins-bitbucket-common-creds.

By convention, variable names for environment variables are typically specifiedin capital case, with individual words separated by underscores. You can,however, specify any legitimate variable name using lower case characters. Bearin mind that the additional environment variables created by the credentials()method (above) will always be appended with _USR and _PSW (i.e. in theformat of an underscore followed by three capital letters).

If you need to set credentials in a Pipeline for anything other than secrettext, usernames and passwords, or secret files(above) - i.e SSHkeys or certificates, then use Jenkins' Snippet Generator feature, which youcan access through Jenkins' classic UI.

Another note of caution. Using Groovy string interpolation for user-controlled variables with steps that pass their arguments to command interpreters such as the sh, bat, powershell, or pwsh steps can result in problems analogous to SQL injection.This occurs when a user-controlled variable (generally an environment variable, usually a parameter passed to the build) that contains special characters (e.g. / \ $ & % ^ > < | ;) is passed to the sh, bat, powershell, or pwsh steps using Groovy interpolation.For a simple example:

Credential mangling is another issue that can occur when credentials that contain special characters are passed to a step using Groovy interpolation.When the credential value is mangled, it is no longer valid and will no longer be masked in the console log.

You can change the port by specifying the --httpPort option when you run thejava -jar jenkins.war command. For example, to make Jenkins accessiblethrough port 9090, then run Jenkins using the command:

java -jar jenkins.war --httpPort=9090

You can change the directory where Jenkins stores its configuration with the JENKINS_HOME environment variable.For example, to place the Jenkins configuration files in a subdirectory named my-jenkins-config, define JENKINS_HOME=my-jenkins-config before running the java -jar jenkins.war command.Use the Windows commands:

If you are running Jenkins in Docker using the official jenkins/jenkins image you can use sudo docker exec ${CONTAINER_ID or CONTAINER_NAME} cat /var/jenkins_home/secrets/initialAdminPassword to print the password in the console without having to exec into the container.

I'm trying to run a jar file using a bat command with jenkins. and I want to popup the cmd and execute the jar file. but the problem is jenkins execute commands inside its console. Then i inserted "start" command and hoped it'll work coz it creates a separate cmd to run the jar. here is my bat code

Thanks Guys, May be your solutions too will do the trick. Finally what I did is i created a socket program and executed server myself. Then scheduled jenkins to execute the client.(Server in my environment & client in jenkin's environment) When client connects to the server it executes the bat file. Now everything works fine.

I'm Using Jenkins and Tomcat7. if i deploy a single war file in tomcat using Jenkins it's working fine. I tried to deploy multiple different war file in tomcat one by one. first war file was deployed successfully, after that i can't deploy another war file in same tomcat folder.But i want deploy multiple .war file of different application in single tomcat folder using Jenkins.

NOTE: The Credentials of Deploy war/ear to a container must have manager-script role so that can deploy your war files to your webapps folder in tomcat

Now having some problem with the intermediate files I need to maintain in Jenkins. During the deployment execution my glue ant task is running from the workspace/ folder. At this time I need to create several intermediate files that are this particular build specific.

If you need these files for deployment based upon the build, I would store them as build artifacts in Jenkins. These are stored in http://$JENKINS_URL/$JOB_NAME/$BUILD_NUMBER/artifact/... where ... is the directory structure of your workspace. For example, I tend to build everything in my Java projects under target and store my artifacts under the target/archive folder (Makes it easier to save all of your artifacts if they're under a single folder) If I have a file foo.txt stored as an artifact, it's URL would be:

You may also decide (if you're using Ant anyway) to zip up or create a tarball of all of your artifacts in one easy to grasp file. That's what I do. Actually, there are usually three files in my target/archive directory:

Since you are using Orchard you want to make sure that only the Orchard.Web project gets published so do not use DeployOnBuild=true. This will attempt to deploy every web project in the solution, which is a lot for Orchard. Instead follow the guidelines here to see how to deploy only the web project:

I currently tried using diff tools like GitHub - Sayi/swagger-diff: Compare two swagger API specifications(1.x or v2.0) GitHub - redskap/swagger-brake: Swagger contract checker for breaking API changes and GitHub - janmonschke/diffsync: Enables real-time collaborative editing of arbitrary JSON objects but I am not sure what diff tools can be used to integrate with Jenkins or what all steps to take to automate the process.

I want to send report files which is in XML format from Jenkins to Splunk server. I am using Jenkins send files to Splunk server option. In Splunk i see that as Jenkins looks for Json format parsing of the files will fail. 

Is there any way to send the files ? 

Can I use curl commands to send the files?

Generally, to transfer data to Splunk from a separate host a preferred method is deploying the Splunk Universal Forwarder on the originating machine. This will allow you to monitor files and directories using forwarder-local inputs and send the contents to your Splunk instance. Find a step-by-step instruction on everything you need to do here. You'll probably want to make yourself familiar with source types as those are used to tell Splunk how to interpret your data and you'll need to set a sourcetype for your inputs. For example, you might have to or want to define how to determine the timestamp of your events.

However, there are many apps and add ons available available on splunkbase.com which can contain predefined sourcetypes and helpful dashboards for analysis and more, from people who have already done what you want to do, or sometimes even straight from vendors. You might want to check out this particular app which might contain what you are looking for (I haven't looked at it, it just came up searching for jenkins).

If it doesn't cover your use case, it might be a good idea to download one of the report files you are interested in onto your local machine and use the Upload method in Settings > Add Data. This will give you a preview of your settings for the file and allow you to configure the sourcetype in the UI. If you have any trouble, feel free to ask further and more specific questions, or check out the splunk slack channels at splk.it/slack.

Jenkins agent was installing itself in C:\jenkins. Project were saved in E:\workspace.

Now inside the C:\jenkins folder there is a workspace folder which is a link to the E:\workspace. This works correctly for builds but confuses the Scanner since all source .cs files get the path from the C: drive.

On a related note: I'd also love it if it could combine kit and SASS files, however I can't see a plugin for these things, however I assume I can just install compass on my build server and then run it via command line in the build process. Is that correct?

My advice: choose a scripting language (Python, Ruby, Perl, whatever you're comfortable with) or build system (SCons and Rake are options) and write a build script. In Python Ruby, and Perl, it's easy to manipulate files (#1) and all have a wide choice of templating systems that will accomplish #2. Then the Jenkins job becomes running your build script on the command line (or executing through a language-specific builder). And the build script can include running any of the tasks that you decide to put in your build (compass, etc). 17dc91bb1f

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