To transfer your blog from to a stand-alone WordPress installation on your hosting account can be done with just a few clicks. To move your site, first login to your WordPress blog at and go to Tools -> Export. Click the Export All button in the Export Content section.

Now you need to import the information from the .xml file to your stand-alone WordPress installation. If you have one installed, login with your admin username and password. If you want to install a fresh WordPress application, check out our WordPress installation tutorial for more information on how to do this. Once you login, select the Tools menu from the left column and choose Import. On the next page, click the Install Now button under the WordPress section at the bottom.

Download File From Url Wordpress


The plugin required for the import will be automatically installed, after which the Install Now button will change to Run Importer. Click that button and on the page that opens click Browse. Then a pop-up will show up and you must navigate and select the .xml file that you have downloaded from your blog earlier. Then click the Upload file and import button.

With CSV import, migrating from WordPress to Webflow is easier than ever. This tutorial will walk through the basic steps to migrate existing WordPress database to a Webflow CMS site and point out resources to help you out.

An XML export will also move your images and other media. However, XML export files contain no actual images or media files. They contain links to images and other media, which will transfer to the new site after you import the XML file to that site. For this reason, the site you exported from must remain publicly accessible until all images are present on your new site.

Domain transfers can take anywhere from five to seven days to complete. If you would like your domain to start working with your new provider sooner than that, you can first change the name servers to the new host before starting with the transfer. Once the transfer is initiated, name servers, DNS records, and domain contact details can only be edited when the transfer is finished.

Do not cancel your domain at any point in this process. If you cancel the domain, you will immediately cease to be the owner and the transfer will fail. Once the transfer completes, the domain will automatically be removed from your account.

If you're missing images but the error doesn't display, it's possible you transferred your domain before importing. Our system can't find files from WordPress unless the domain is pointing to your WordPress site. Point your domain back to WordPress and retry the import.

While running a website on the free version of WordPress has its many advantages, any serious blogger or business will have to eventually migrate their website from to

Other downsides to the .com version of WordPress include limited SEO control, limited analytics, and of course the dreaded branding and ads that are forced upon users. So yes, for anyone serious about running a professional website, migrating from to is a no brainer.

I have a website [link redacted] and i want to migrate this site from wordpress to drupal. Does anybody know how to do that? If yes then please share some easy method to migrate site from wordpress to drupal.

Install the required Drupal modules: Drupal offers several modules that facilitate the migration process. Install and enable the modules that are appropriate for your migration needs. Some popular modules for migrating from WordPress include Migrate, Migrate Plus, Migrate Tools, and WordPress Migrate.

Export data from WordPress: In WordPress, export your content using the built-in export feature. Go to the WordPress dashboard, navigate to "Tools" > "Export," and choose the content types you want to export (e.g., posts, pages, categories). Save the exported XML file to your computer.

Set up migration mappings: Drupal's migration modules use migration configuration files to map data from the WordPress export to the appropriate Drupal fields. You'll need to create these migration configuration files to define the mapping rules. The modules mentioned earlier (Migrate and Migrate Drupal UI) provide tools to help you with this process.

It's worth noting that migrating from WordPress to Drupal can be a complex process, particularly if your WordPress site has a lot of customizations or complex functionality. It may be helpful to consult Drupal migration documentation, seek assistance from Drupal community forums or experts, or even consider working with a professional Drupal developer to ensure a smooth transition.

You can pass a --template argument to the create astro command to start a new Astro project with one of our official starters. Or, you can start a new project from any existing Astro repository on GitHub.

You can continue to use your existing WordPress blog as your CMS for Astro, which means you will keep using your WordPress dashboard for writing your posts. Your content will be managed at WordPress, but all other aspects of your Astro site will be built in your code editing environment, and you will deploy your Astro site separately from your WordPress site. (Be sure to update your domain at your host to keep the same website URL!)

If you want to move all of your existing post content to Astro, you may find this tool for exporting Markdown from WordPress helpful. You may need to make some adjustments to the result if you have to convert a large or complicated WordPress site to Markdown.

Your site should load normally, as long as no other issues occur. Deleting the /jetpack/ folder via FTP will not disconnect your site from If you reinstall Jetpack, your site will automatically show as connected.

Bonus Free Offer: Since a lot of you asked for this, we are now offering a free migration service from to as part of our free WordPress blog setup service. During this guided transfer, one of our expert team members will do the entire migration for you (100% free). This means you can switch from to without any risk.

However, there is one caveat that we noticed. If your image URL starts with, then they will not be converted. If you notice that the image URL has not changed and still points to, we recommend that you use the import external images plugin, which will take care of that.

Yes, you can change your WordPress theme at any time. Another big benefit of switching to is that you get additional customization options and a larger collection of themes to choose from.

We hope this article helped you properly move your blog from to You may also want to see our checklist of the most important things you need to do after installing WordPress and our ultimate guide on increasing your blog traffic.


I signed up with but I realized later that I had made a mistake. I asked them how to transfer from to and they told me that I had to wait 60 days!!

I opened/bought the domain less than 24hrs ago.

I am planning to migrate from to my wordpress website. But I am worried if I will loose comments. Will the XML comes with comments and I can use Jetpack to move the subscribers? Is there a workaround for that?

I plan to switch over my .com to .org (rookie mistake purchasing .com). I got a free year of domain through .com with a paid plan. So I will keep that and sign up for bluehost, but I also have a wordpress email address. Will there be any issues or interruptions with the email address if I switch over as it is important that I keep it?

I have attempted to import my XML files from site to my .org site hosted by bluehost. My export resulted in 3 XML files. I imported all 3 files to the .org location following the instructions. Sadly, I can see that the media has been transferred, but when viewing my new page, none of my old content is displayed. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Hello, please could you simplify this for me. If my current domain on is, would this change to when I migrate to Also, will the date stamps on my post remain as they are after the migration? For example, will a post that was made June 2020 retain that date to change to the date it was moved over to the new site?

If I create a free website with a domain e.g and I want to migrate to Bluehost. How should I register the existing domain name, is it e.g or just And that is because I want to keep my domain name.

I imported my blog from to (and yes it took a few times to import everything), but when I look at the site, all the text is spread out an the images are huge! I checked several posts, and they all look like that.

Normally that critical error message includes other error warnings that would state the specific reason for the error, we would recommend starting by taking a look at our guide below:


I want to migrate my newly formed blog from to .org. I have already bought a domain name and a year plan from a hosting company for my blog. Do I need to buy for hosting again or I can carry on with my previous hosting?

You can transfer your content with the export/import tools if you wanted and it is a personal preference question for if you shut down the old site, your other option would be to follow the redirect option from this article.

However, now I would like to move to the as you suggest, but I want to keep my domain name. I am so confused about how to proceed as I bought the domain name through Can you help? ff782bc1db

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