Programmatically downloading from Dropbox with PowerShell is trivial. With a link to a shared file =0, you just replace by to give =0 and can then use Invoke-WebRequest to fetch that file via a script (as long as the permissions on it are open for anyone to read).

You can download the shared file directly by using the OneDrive API. To do so, you have to convert your sharing URL into a sharing token and pass it to the OneDrive API. This example shows the needed C# code. You can derive the following PowerShell function from it:

Download File From Onedrive Powershell

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I've been tasked with removing OneDrive from our organization, and part of this will be to find any existing OneDrives (there aren't that many) and grab the files out of them for local storage in the user(s) network drives. I already have the code to retrieve the sites and modify the URLs to delete the OneDrive SPO sites - so not a big deal on that front. But what I'm wondering is:

In the O365 admin portal, it's possible to click on a user's OneDrive and select "access this onedrive" to go and get files or help users recover files. Is that possible through PowerShell? And if so, how can I set up a data stream or is there a cmdlet to initiate a recursive file copy?

After you remove Documents from under the control of OneDrive, this symbolic link now redirects to C:\Users\[your_user_name_here]\Documents. This is now your default "Documents" folder, often called your local Documents folder. Windows will want to default to saving to your local Documents folder when you try to save a file using many apps, such as Office. If you want these saved in OneDrive all you have to do is tell the application to save to one of your OneDrive folders.

Your previous Documents folder from OneDrive should still be there, it would be located at C:\Users\[your_user_name_here]\OneDrive\Documents. Making the change to remove Documents from the control of OneDrive does not move any of the files or folders you previously had in OneDrive to the new local Documents folder.

See the following topics to get help with performing backup tasks from PowerShell command line. These topics contain instructions on carrying out tasks with PowerShell and reference for relevant cmdlets.

Indicates that this cmdlet registers an existing app package installation that has been disabled, did not register, or has become corrupted.Use the current parameter to specify that the manifest is from an existing installation, and not from a collection of files in development mode.You can also use this parameter to register an application that the Package Manager API has staged.Use the Register parameter to specify the location of the app package manifest .xml file from the installation location.

Indicates that this cmdlet forces the deployment of all resource packages specified from a bundle argument.This overrides the resource applicability check of the deployment engine and forces staging of all resource packages, registration of all resource packages, or staging and registration of all resource packages.This parameter can only be used when specifying a resource bundle or resource bundle manifest.

Indicates that this cmdlet registers an application in development mode.You can use development mode to install applications from a folder of unpackaged files.You can use the current parameter to test your Windows Store apps before you deploy them as app packages.To register an existing app package installation, you must specify the DisableDevelopmentMode parameter and the Register parameter.In order to specify dependency packages, specify the DependencyPath parameter and the DisableDevelopmentMode parameter.

Specifies that the package being added is a dependency package update.A dependency package is removed from the user account when the parent app is removed.If you do not use this parameter, the package being added is a primary package and is not removed from the user account if the parent app is removed.To update an already installed package, the new package must have the same package family name. ff782bc1db

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