As of Git 2.0+ you can initialize a git repo without downloading the files. I used this format below to pull a few files from a submodule in my Gitlab CI/CD pipeline without using "git submodule update" so that I could save time/space when building docker images.

The source code is available from here. The repository also serves a pre-commit hook rule called validate-gitlab-ci. Add a .pre-commit-config.yml file to the root of a repository and copy and paste the following into it:

Download File From Gitlab With Curl

Download File 🔥 🔥

From within a test repository, try it out by editing the .gitlab-ci.yml to have some invalid content. Then, try commiting the invalid .gitlab-ci.yml file. The commit should be rejected, preventing it from being pushed to the repository and breaking the CI build!

I realised that most of my bash code is boilerplate so I created a central git repo with a library I `source` at the beginning of all my scripts containing the shared code. It works great when deploying from my Mac but I get permission issues when using the CI_JOB_TOKEN when deploying from the pipeline.

Hi! We are doing a similar thing to test out gitlab ci. I kind of hacked a working system together for this. I created a custom gitlab runner image from gitlab-runner that has docker, docker-compose and rancher-compose installed and they are running and registered with gitlab.

Our current pipeline is defined in 3 stages in .gitlab-ci.yml. The publish stage pushes the built images into the private repo, tagged propertly. The deploy stage is set to manual so if you push the button in Gitlab it runs the deployment phase for that version. The script is just a wrapper around make that issues announcement of start and end and result to slack using curl posting to a webhook. In a previous version, the gozer script also just installed the compose tools that it needed in the runner if they were missing, which can avoid the need for a custom runner image.

This article demonstrates how to configure, and securely access, an Azure environment from within a GitHub and a GitLab CI/CD pipeline, without having to store credentials on the GitHub/GitLab side. The article also briefly explains why BitBucket currently doesn't support that capability.

CI/CD pipelines often have to interact with an Azure cloud environment, e.g. to upload artifacts to a storage account, read values from a Key Vault or deploy resources. Service principal credentials are a well-established way for such access, but have the disadvantage of using secrets and passwords, which have to be managed securely. Using 'federated identity credentials' (also sometimes called 'workload identity federation'), such cloud access can happen without having to store secrets in the CI/CD pipeline.

For those interested in understanding what the azure/login@v1 action on GitHub does under the hood, we can mimic it all in a bash script with curl and jq. This allows us to inspect the security tokens, along the way. Let's tweak the step in the CI/CD to just run a shell script:

Then we use jq -R 'split(".") | .[1] | @base64d | fromjson' to extract the claims portion from both JWT tokens, and write out a Markdown-formatted table with iss, aud and sub claims of both tokens to the file "${GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY}", so that the table shows up in the CI/CD's pipeline output:

A difference you can see above is that token issuance within GitLab is handled differently: You don't need to use curl to request a GitLab-issued token from some token endpoint. Instead, you just specify a id_tokens section, in which you name a desired environment variable (ID_TOKEN_FOR_AZURE in the above example), and the audience for that token, and GitLab stored the JWT token in your environment variable of choice, prior running your job.

Since March '23, Managed Identity support for Azure DevOps is in public preview. When you're running ADO-based CI/CD pipelines on a compute resource (such as a VM) in your own subscription, you can bind a system-assigned or user-assigned managed identity to that compute resource, and from within your pipeline run access all the Azure resources the managed identity has access to.

GitLab is essentially a web-based Git repository that gives you the ability to create free open and private repositories, with issue-following capabilities, and wikis. It is also a complete DevOps platform that enables your team to perform all their tasks in a project, starting from the project planning phase and source code management to monitoring and security. Most importantly, it gives teams the ability to collaborate and build good software.

The merge conflicts from Weblate arise when same file was changed both inWeblate and outside it. There are two approaches to deal with that - avoidedits outside Weblate or integrate Weblate into your updating process, so thatit flushes changes prior to updating the files outside Weblate.

I have a ReadyAPI project and Excel data file in a .zip that I can run from a PC using curl with no problems, it works fine.

But now I have the .zip in our GitLab in its own repo. I have a valid .gitlab-ci.yml file that executes when a make a change in the project.

But I'd like to run that curl command to send my project .zip file to TestEngine but not sure how. What kind of command string should I be using in my gitlab-ci.yml file to do this? How can I pass the .zip in that repo to TestEngine from the GitLab Runner?

Thanks very much in advance!

Thanks for following up. The solution turned out to be onboarding the project to the SonarCloud. Launching the sonarscanner from gitlab onto the non-existing-on-the-cloud repo spits out the above error. When you add it manually, the error goes away.

On GitLab, the CI/CD system takes care of the first requirement for you. The CI/CD process is all driven by a .gitlab-ci.yml file. Lets walk through the .gitlab-ci.yml I used to deploy from GitLab to Fly:

This does two things. It installs curl from the package repository (after making sure its indexes are up to date). Then it uses curl to download the flyctl install script and runs that. Using the script should ensure that the right version of flyctl is installed. This covers requirement two.

For all webhooks, you must define a Secret with a key named WebHookSecretKey and thevalue being the value to be supplied when invoking the webhook. The webhook definitionmust then reference the secret. The secret ensures the uniqueness of the URL, preventingothers from triggering the build. The value of the key will be compared to the secret providedduring the webhook invocation.

Generic webhooks are invoked from any system capable of making a web request.As with the other webhooks, you must specify a secret, which will be part ofthe URL that the caller must use to trigger the build. The secret ensures theuniqueness of the URL, preventing others from triggering the build. Thefollowing is an example trigger definition YAML within the BuildConfig:

Code hosting platforms like GitHub and GitLab provide command-line interfaces that make it possible to interact with their services from the terminal. These CLIs can also manage authentication to their respective services, ensuring that Git functionality in each editor works smoothly.

You can migrate code from an existing TFVC repository to a new Git repository within the same account. While migrating to Git has many benefits, it is an involved process for large TFVC repositories and teams. Centralized version control systems, like TFVC, behave different than Git in fundamental ways. The switch involves a lot more than learning new commands. It is a disruptive change that requires careful planning. For more information, see Import from TFVC to Git.

If two interceptors return an extensions field with the same name, the latter one will overwrite the one from the previous one i.e. if interceptors A and B both return foo in the Extensions field of the InterceptorResponse, the values written by B will overwrite the ones written by A. To prevent this, it is recommended that each cluster interceptor write to its own top level field i.e A returns and B return in the InterceptorResponse.

The entire payload is exposed as an extra variable from Tower. To view the payload information, go to the Jobs Detail view of the job template that ran with the webhook enabled. In the Extra Variables field of the Details pane, view the payload output from the tower_webhook_payload variable, as shown in the example below.

The GitLab configuration file .gitlab-ci.yml contains the definition of the build steps, including extracting the cucumber specification from Xray, running the automated tests and submitting back the results.

The GitLab configuration file .gitlab-ci.yml contains the definition of the build steps, including synchronizing the Scenarios/Backgrounds to Xray, extracting the cucumber specification from Xray, running the automated tests and submitting back the results.


If all has been configured correctly, I should see a new job being executed that corresponds to the job template with the configured webhook. I should also see a job that has been kicked off, updating my project which will pull in the latest changes from my GitLab project.

The continuous integration offering from GitLab, an AWS Partner Network (APN) Advanced Technology Partner with the AWS DevOps Competency, provides a rich set of features for automating how new code is incorporated into your software and how new versions of your software get built and deployed.

Sourcegraph will automatically link accounts from multiple external auth providers, resulting in a single user account on Sourcegraph. That way a user can login with multiple auth methods and end up being logged in with the same Sourcegraph account. In general, to link accounts, the following condition needs to be met:

Consider the following .gitlab-ci.yml where we set three stages and the upload_package job is run only when all jobs from the test and build stages pass. When the UPLOAD_TO_S3 variable is non-zero, make upload is run. 2351a5e196

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