I'm currently logged onto my remote server and I need to transfer a file from my local machine to my remote server using SCP but it doesn't seem to be working. I was able to do it using SFTP but I don't know why I am having such a difficult time with using SCP.

If your "local drive" is a linux client, you might just use a remote tar command to print the output to stdout (the default, an explicit option specification would be "-f -")and pipe it to a local tar that reads from stdin (explicit option "-f -" again) like that:

Download File From Remote Server To Local Machine Ssh Linux

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I'm not sure if there is a command you can run to actually have the data zipped up to your local machine during transfer, but can't you just transfer over some things unzipped, enough to where you can then delete the originals on the remote machine, then zip the rest, and send them? Then you can just unzip them at your local machine, put them all together as they were, and re-zip them?

This will depends on what your local system is running, and how you can access the data on the remote system. If the data can be accessed on your local system via a Windows share (SMB), then you can just run a local version of mrview and load the data from that network drive.

Here's an example where I mounted the my_file directory from the remote system to the remote_dir directory on the local system. I copied the remote.txt file to the local system and then unmounted the directory.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) is a multitasking operating system that allows multiple users to connect to it. Two or more users connected to the same server at once? How is this possible? There are two forms of access: physical access (standing in front of the server and a keyboard) or remote access (over a network).

The sshd daemon, which runs on the remote server, accepts connections from clients on a TCP port. SSH uses port 22 by default, but you can change this to a different port. To initiate an SSH connection to a remote system, you need the Internet Protocol (IP) address or hostname of the remote server and a valid username. You can connect using a password or a private and public key pair. Because passwords and usernames can be brute-forced, it's recommended to use SSH keys.

The fingerprint is a unique identifier for the system you're logging into. If you installed and configured the system, you may (or may not) have a record of its fingerprint, but otherwise, you probably have no way to confirm whether the fingerprint is valid. The fingerprint is derived from an SSH key located in the /etc/ssh directory on the remote server. That server's admin can confirm the expected fingerprint using this command on the server:

SSH is a powerful tool for remote access. It allows you to log in and run commands on a remote machine just as if you were sitting in front of it. Many sysadmins use custom prompts for remote machines to avoid confusing a local terminal with a remote one. For instance, you might set the login prompts of remote machines to contain the hostname, use % instead of $, or use a tool like Starship to manage PS1 for you.

I am currently running a jupyter notebook on a remote server that I am viewing in a browser on my local machine. I would like to be able to run Napari in this jupyter notebook and be able to view the Napari viewer on my local machine as well. Is there a way to do this?

I have installed a docker container and it is working, but only on my local machine. I can access it through the specific container IP, but noone else can access this from another computer on the same local network. In other words how do I make my container reachable for other people?

Thanks for your comment, but you have misunderstood the issue. Problem is not accessing container from the host machine, but other computers on the local network. This is because docker-machine assigns an ip to the docker vm that is only visible from the host machine. My question is how can other computers on local network access my docker container.

Hi ,

Am new to docker.am trying to bring up one setup on linux.

Where i have 2 container i.e A and B and i have one proxy server X

I am able to send msges from A to X but am not able to send or ping from X to B.

I want to know how i can achive this.

By Dockert HOSt container have eth0 and eth1 interface

Container A is using eth0 to send packets from A to X and i want to use eth1 to recieve the packet from X

Can you please help me on this?

Server-to-client flow: when an organization first sets up a remote headless server, obtains a link (customized or not) which then can be used by you on Client (for example, your laptop) to connect to the available server.

I am doing mouse RNA-Seq analysis. I want to visualize mapped bam file on IGV. I am having hard time downloading my bam files from linux remote machine to local computer. Can I visualize this directly on remote computer ?

In both the first two cases you need to install IGV of the remote linux machine. Older version are available from most of the main linux repos, so you should be able to install with something like apt-get install igv or yum install igv. Alternatively if you use the (ana)conda package management system on the remote machine, you can install a recent version with conda install igv -c bioconda.

If you are using Windows or OSX on the local machine you will need to install an X server on your local machine. There are several windows X11 servers, that are either intergrated with terminal emulators or stand alone. The VcXsrv server is popular as a standalone solution and mobaXterm integrates a terminal and ssh solution.

Now connect to your remote server with your favourite SSH solution making sure you configure it to forward X11 connections. On the commnad line thats ssh -X. Start IGV on the remote machine and if your X Server is correctly configured, IGV will appear on your local machine.

If the remote machine is a desktop linux machine, you should be able to run a remote desktop sharing daemon on it and then connect to that remote desktop from the local machine. I've successfully used Chrome Remote Desktop for this, but many other solutions exist.

Basically in this solution you make the disk of the remote machine appear like a network drive on the local machine. The most fail safe way to do this is using sshfs, which use can use to connect to any machine that will accept incoming ssh connections.

SCP stands for a secure copy(cp), which means you can copy files across SSH connection between computers. Since SCP uses SSH protocol, tt is a very secure way to copy files between computers as SSH (Secure Shell) is a cryptographic network protocol for operating network services securely over an unsecured network. It is included by default in most Linux and Unix distributions. By default, SCP uses the port 22, and connect via an encrypted connection or secure shell connection. You can also copy files directly from one remote server to another remote server using SCP. SCP is very versatile and can be used on Linux, Mac, and Windows (using WinSCP).

The following syntax will copy all files of a given extension to the remote server. For instance, you want to copy all your text files (txt extension) to a new folder. Here we will use a wildcard asterisk (*) to simplify the task.

The ability to work with WSL and remote Python interpreters have long been the top requested features on our Python Extension GitHub page. We have heard from our Python users many different reasons why they need to work in remote workspaces: in the case of SSH their code needs access to large amounts of data, compute, GPUs, or other resources; with Docker they need to be able to create and switch between development environments with complex dependencies; and with WSL they may need tools and packages that are only available in a Linux environment.

Docker containers are a popular way to create reproducible development environments without having to install complex dependencies on your local machine. This also allows new team members to reproduce your environment by installing docker and opening your workspace in Visual Studio Code.

Once you open a dev container, Visual Studio Code will create the docker image(s) and then installs a light-weight remote server and voil, you are now coding inside of the dev container! The remote server allows Visual Studio Code to run extensions remotely, such that almost all functionality works just like it does in your local environment.

We are working on remote development in Visual Studio for C# and C++ but have no plans to share on Python at this time. You can read more about early previews for other languages here: -productivity-and-collaboration-from-anywhere/

Tried this. Still remote containers not showing up through remote-containers or remote-ssh extension.

Installed the docker extension, and the remote containers became visible, but only a shell can be attached to the containers on the host machine, it gives an error on attaching vs-code to any container.

Any ideas how to proceed?

As access to machines becomes increasingly essential in business, especially with the rise of cloud applications, users have become accustomed to having full or limited remote access, making access machines remotely absolutely necessary.

The occurrence of the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted the necessity for remote access as businesses have had to decentralize their operations and adapt to remote working environments. For this reason, both corporations and individuals have exploited various localization techniques that are available to them.

SSH is the cryptographic network protocol that runs on port 22 and allows you to connect to the shell of a remote machine. On the other hand, SSH tunneling/port forwarding is a mechanism that creates a secure SSH connection between a local and remote computer. Because of its encrypted nature, you can use SHH tunneling to transmit messages that use unencrypted protocols such as IMAP, VNC, or IRC.

This connection enables you to access another server from your local computer. However, you need to know two port numbers and your destination server. For instance, if you want remote access to www.HackerOne.com, your SSH tunnel would be: e24fc04721

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