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I have been using Faststone for years and on Windows it is the best I have found. You can do side-by-side views too and I use that all the time to compare similar photos. Tag photos for deletion, etc. I have mine set to just show the embedded JPEGs in the raw file because that is fastest. I am just checking for things like composition, total goofs, etc. and delete those before importing the rest into Lightroom Classic. Occasionally after getting a photo into Lightroom and looking at the raw I will delete it, but that is rare. Most of my culling happens in Faststone. The program is very fast and rather small.

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I have never found anything nearly as good for Macs. XnView MP is okay, but clunky compared to Faststone. There is still no Apple Silicon version and I have found that it is glitchy using Rosetta 2 and also slow to go through photos. Not nearly as fast, instantaneous, as Faststone on Windows. The XnView MP developer has been saying on his forum for months that he will make an Apple Silicon version, but nothing yet. Very low priority, I think.

I notice the new map viewer takes a performance hit as soon as you start adding more than 15-20 feature layers in one map. I can even have these layers all off by default and still experience issues panning around the basemap. Overall it's slow and laggy.

In Classic, I have some county-wide maps with 100+ layers and it handles it well. I really like what the new viewer provides in grouping layers, so I wish I could migrate these maps into the new viewer.

I don't really see much difference between them when I open the same map with 31 layers in Classic vs beta viewer (most of my layers are Mapservices). Edge seems to utilize my GPU, whereas Chrome doesn't, so get better performance with Edge than Chrome.

I do not, however, see much difference between the new and old map viewers for any given map. The new map viewer, though, does not have the same feature limit of the Classic. So if you have > 10k features in a layer, the map may appear to be taking longer to load, when it's actually loading more features than is possible in Classic.

I am not the poster but I can speak to why they might need 100 layers as we have a single utility map with 250 layers. We are a farming company that manages ranch data, irrigation data, electrical system data etc. and it is not practical for us to manage a map for every company need. Our users are farmers and fieldworkers who are used to doing things on yellow pads and if we told them they had to switch maps for different all their needs they'd go back to yellow pads. Similarly, we have two people managing maps for over 200 employees. It would not be practical for us to manage that in the backend when we can create one map that serves all our needs. We'd rather have a slow map that suits our needs than 20 fast maps that are a headache for users to switch between and creators to manage. I think sometimes ESRI gets so caught creating new programs and softwares that are very interesting on paper but aren't practical in the field.

Aye - My company's big 200-300 layer application is really just a big data repository for the whole state to pull parcels, floodplains, utilities, city limits, etc.... We do have layers grouped by county and users usually only need to access the layers within that county group. There are some cases where a project might fall on a county line but groups make it easy to check on the counties that they need. It starts to bog down the map viewer with that much data (understandably so) when it comes to grouping, renaming, moving layers, but it has gotten a little better through the months and we started making sub region maps vs whole state maps to account for it.

Summary:  AliView is an alignment viewer and editor designed to meet the requirements of next-generation sequencing era phylogenetic datasets. AliView handles alignments of unlimited size in the formats most commonly used, i.e. FASTA, Phylip, Nexus, Clustal and MSF. The intuitive graphical interface makes it easy to inspect, sort, delete, merge and realign sequences as part of the manual filtering process of large datasets. AliView also works as an easy-to-use alignment editor for small as well as large datasets.

Just reviving this thread to see if anyone has any solution for a fast raw viewer that supports HE* raw files.

I've been watching Fast Raw Viewer - but they've been looking at the format for maybe a year now, with no visible progress.

Fast like Windows Photo Viewer (the classic one from Windows 7 and earlier). Every "new" photo viewer that I've used - even the newer one on Windows - is insanely slow/laggy to switch from picture to picture. Classic WPV could switch to a new photo instantly. I'm looking for a software like that for MacOS, that will let me use the right and left arrow keys to go through a folder of pics without lag.

I played around with it for about an hour before feeling comfortable enough to use it to start culling. It is SO MUCH FASTER than Lightroom. My image previews loaded so quickly allowing me to get through my mountain of images fast.

BUT: when I say ./bin your viewer works! Not only that, but I can scroll through my photos with an incredible speed! Never seen that before on a Linux system. Way and way faster than Geeqie or gThumb.

The windows explorer preview is actually handled by an installed app that registers a preview handler with windows. You can verify this by viewing the background processes in the task manager while selecting a file to preview. In file explorer on my computer it takes almost a second to preview a pdf. Adding the pdf viewer (adobe) activex control to my project I can view a pdf in about .5 seconds.

Please, please, please, I don't want this file browser / viewer / manager to have editing capabilities or fancy gimmicks, just the ability to take a mass of very large RAW and affinity files and display them in number of formats, i.e. in grid form, film strip, etc etc very vey fast.

I knew Loc as a Java guy. In Janelia he'd repeatedly extolled the virtues ofJava to me, and since then he'd worked on some incredible Java software,including ClearVolume, a super-fast 3D viewer, and ClearControl, a super-fastmicroscope control library (you might detect a theme there ;). In fact,although I love Python and its ecosystem and what we've built withscikit-image, I've always been intimidated by Fiji and its ecosystem and its10,000 15,000 citations. Was I deluding myself that Python was important inbiology?

So I was both shocked and delighted when Loc casually mentioned that he neededa fast nD viewer in Python, and that we should build it together. Loc had beenpushing the state of the art of deep learning in microscopy (and continues todo so), and, despite the hard work of many to integrate Fiji with the majordeep learning learning libraries (which are Python), as well as the widerscientific Python ecosystem, it remains challenging to use both together. Itmight well remain so, because the build, installation, and dependency toolingis so disparate between the two communities. And so that evening, in Loc'sapartment, napari (lowercase n) was born (though it did not yet have a name).

By late summer/early fall, although internally napari was quite a mess, astends to happen in new, fast-growing projects, functionally it was alreadyimpressive enough that Jeremy Freeman and Nick Sofroniew, from CZI'sComputational Biology division, started paying close attention. Nick, who'dhad similar experiences to mine working with Python and nD images, fell inlove with it, and literally could not wait for us to move it forward. He tookmatters into his own hands.

Soon after that, the StarFISH team atCZI adopted napari as their main image viewer, which again helped usdiscover bugs, improve our UI, and add features. By February, everyone in theproject was using it regularly, despite its warts. We started to think aboutbroadening the group of people with eyes on napari.

As I mentioned at the start, currently, everyone on the team uses napari on adaily basis for their own work. Our workflows actually look quitedifferent, yet napari meets the needs of all of them, in some form or another.Last month we were surprised to find that Constantin Pape, at EMBL, wasdeveloping his own viewer, Heimdall, on top of napari, completely independentlyfrom us. I'm a big fan of Constantin's work, so little has brought me more joythan finding his repo and readingthis comment:

We can click on the little cube icon to switch to a 3D view (or typeviewer.dims.ndisplay = 3 in our IPython terminal). Napari will removeone of the sliders, and display a maximum intensity projection of the volume. ff782bc1db

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