I was browsing youtube and such. Noticed my volume was muted, so unmuted it. Then i notice that when i scroll inside firefox or drag a window around the screen a wierd buzzing noise occurs. Best i can describe it like a farting sound.

KDE mixer shows no playback stream while i generate the sound.

The sound also occurs whenever i move a window, minimize/maximize a window, get the kde log out/shutdown dialogs, use guake (F12). Only common thing i found is when large graphical things happen on the desktop. 

This does not happen when i Xinit using xorg-twm instead.

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We have some Dell laptops at work with Red Hat on them that play the "system bell" at various times, including log out and mistakes in the terminal window. I can't tell if it's coming from the speakers or internally, but I can confirm that my coworkers think it sounds like farting. :rollseyes:

I am on HP Envy, Windows 10 1709 x64, fully updated. I am hearing this slow fart-like sounds at some intervals, even when the speaker is muted. The sound comes and goes and does not interfere when any music is played. At times, during boot, the sound goes a bit prolonged. I have updated all the drivers and have kept most of the electronics away from the laptop. I thought that there might be some enhancements working bad but there are not any. The headphones work fine. The bluetooth speaker works fine. I do have a wireless mouse though. Initially, I thought it was a static but I am not sure. The laptop is out of warranty. Speakers Bang Olufsen with Realtek Drivers. Please help.

Hello, I recently replace the nozzle on my Mini. After running the bed leveling and first layer calibration. The Mini makes a farting sound. It happens right before it does the wipe pass. Any ideas?

This is a totally normal thing that happens all the time. Some people call it queefing or vagina farts (but it's NOT an actual fart!). Queefs happen when air gets into your vagina and then comes back out, sometimes making that familiar farty sound as it passes through the vaginal opening.

As what the title saysWhen I connect my designed preamplifier,which is in a breadboard,unto a power amp kit (Acoustic 50W Mono) with a speaker, there is a farting sound, as if it is a pulsating DC. And if I directly connect my music or mic to the power amp the output of the speaker is fine but very weak since there is no preamp.

one source of the farting sound is low-frequency oscillation, called "motorboating" in the trade. this occurs when there is a feedback path inside the amplifier which couples the output to the input at low frequencies. The most common cause is when the different stages of the power supply are poorly decoupled, so that a power surge drawn by one stage causes the rest of the supply voltages to droop. the upstream stages of the amp then interpret the supply droop as a signal and the process continues. Check your power amp supply wiring against the schematic and make sure the series dropping resistors are the correct value, and that the filter caps are wired with the correct polarity.

The gurgling you hear could be a part of normal digestion. When air and liquid are in your bowels, your intestines move them by contracting. The movement can echo through the stomach and cause sounds.

Over the past two days, I've noticed an "air in the hose" noise while Aston is peeing (sounds just like air bubbles coming out of a coiled garden hose, only quieter) -- normally, I would only hear the sound of urine hitting the grass or whatever it's landing on. Today on our morning walk, it sounded more like fart noises, pretty loud, and only during the stream. No sounds or other indicators of pain from Aston (he keeps peeing through the noise, and output volume/frequency is normal -- doesn't seem like he's trying to avoid peeing). I did check his sheath, and as far as I can see, no crusted discharge that might partially block output, and no redness/inflammation. 

Does this ring a bell with anyone?

Unlike (most) humans she seems unperturbed by this and shows no embarrassment at the occasional "putt-putt-putting" sounds or the ability to clear a room with the S.B.D.'s (silent but deadly's). Since nothing is wrong with her health or diet we embrace a can of Lysol and accept it as part of her Greyhound charm.

Hi all. I'm looking for new shoes currently. I really wanted to like testarossas, but I couldn't get the toebox to be anything but painful. Then I tried on solutions, which were real comfy for what they were. However, the shoe seems to have an air pocket in it somewhere and farts whenever I get on my toes. For example, if my foot goes from un-weighted to edging, as soon as I place weight on that toe the shoe will release a nice little *poot*. 


 Does anyone have an opinion about whether or not I should care about this? I only had about 5 minutes on a demo wall with the shoe, so I can't form any personal opinion. 


 Edit: Should mention I currently us the katana lace, which fits like a glove with no farting. However it's too flat to do some of things I want it to, which is why I've been looking at solutions/testas.

For me testarossas don't, solutions dont, otaki's do. No effect while climbing one way or the other. The sound generally comes as a result of the motion of releasing forefoot pressure then replanting the foot with heel pressure, a very uncommon sequence while climbing, mostly this happens upon lowering off a pitch, ending a pitch, or jumping off a boulder problem. None of which require critical footwork.

Download our free fart sound effects for whatever project you are working on, or just for fun! We have a lot of fun recording our farting sounds and you can imagine why, it always brightens up a dull day. Whether you need wet fart sounds, the loudest fart ever, the longest fart, a big fart, funny farts, options for a fart sound board, juicy farts, a sound for a fart button or a fart sound for YouTube videos, we have lots of downloadable fart sounds to choose from.

Some of our realistic farting noises are real fart sounds and some are fart SFX created using a variety of materials, like putty for example, but the results are always great, producing a loud fart noise for every occasion! Of course the hardest to record has been the silent fart. We have every kind of fart sound download you can imagine.

I recently had a heater go ont he fritz and within a 72 hour period the take went as low as 60 and as high as 100. The issue is solved now and the tank is at the proper temperature, however, the larger of my two RES, stops in the water (with it's head above the water) and makes a farting noise. I cannot tell which end it is coming out of, but, I have yet to notice bubbles. Sometimes his mouth is noticeable open. The only things I am feeding them that aren't a standard staple of the turtle diet are some fresh soy beans, but they've only had a few. They also eat cooked salad shrimp.

I set a virtual machine with a Pentium MMX 233, ISA Sound Blaster AWE32, 128MB of RAM (I typed in 256 and 512, but as the virtual machine starts, it always goes back to 128MB for some reason), an .iso image as a CD-ROM and floppy emulation.

I installed MS-DOS 6.22 and on top of it I installed Windows 95, it installed just fine, along with some drivers and a few games, BUT the virtual machine lags a lot !!! I don't have anything opened up besides the emulator and it lags, the sound stutters and makes horrible farting noises even during the bios screen, it's so annoying.

The difficult part of such heavier OSes is mostly emulating them at full speed. PCem and other emulators that use full CPU emulation(cycle-accurate or not) instead of dynamic recompilation won't easily run at 100% realtime speed. Since it's not running at 100% speed, sound produced is below 100% as well, causing sound to stutter(since the hardware doesn't produce sound as fast as the real audio card renders it, thus the stuttering). Especially at higher clock speeds(say 5MHz and up for cycle-accurate, maybe 10KIPS for a simple inaccurate non-cycle accurate CPU emulator).

The thing is, eventually, when I'm back on my feet, I tend to do quite a bit of public speaking. Usually in rooms of several hundred to a thousand. Having no control of the fart sounds, nervousness over speaking in front of a large crowd, and a microphone, seems like a frightening and funny prospect!

It's more noticeable shortly after surgery and more gas is produced during the healing process. I too am a fart aficionado and laugh like a 12-year-old boy when it comes to farts. My stoma tends to act up when I'm at the dentist's office waiting room. I tend to muffle the farts with my coat so it sounds more like my stomach growling. But it usually only happens when I have a few beers the night before.

I don't know how quiet it is when you're publicly speaking, but I wouldn't worry about the mic picking up the sound. Some ostomates have placed a few sheets of tissue paper over their stoma to muffle the sound of gas. Another thing to consider is not to eat foods that could cause a lot of gas the next day. Like sodas, beer, or even chewing gum. You could also take Gas-X or the equivalent prior to any event. I'm sure you saw the food chart in the "Cramping" post.

Yeah, that'll happen sometimes. Several of my coworkers got to see that first hand about two days after my surgery visiting me in the hospital. Mine honestly doesn't make too much noise anymore, for me it's if I haven't eaten in a while. You'll get used to it, and learn to sense when it's going to happen most of the time. Like Bain said, just muffle it with something, even your hand will work. Yes, I miss farting much more than I would have guessed.

I have done a lot of lecturing in front of large classes of students in college for many years. The inevitable fart can come at the most inconvenient time. Most often, I could sense when it was about to burst forth. In that event, I would try to muffle the sound with my wrist and hand by nonchalantly placing my hand over my stoma. I would also turn my back to the class and face the blackboard and write something that was pertinent. You might not have that choice, however. I think Bain's suggestions are good ones for trying to manage the problem. I would also take an Imodium ahead of time, especially if I was going to attend a meeting where the participants would sit very close to each other. The slowing down of the gut motility lessened the chance of a fart. I read on this site a few years ago that someone suggested eating marshmallows to reduce stoma noise. I have never tried it, however. Good luck! 006ab0faaa

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