A farmer is a person engaged in agriculture, raising living organisms for food or raw materials.[1] The term usually applies to people who do some combination of raising field crops, orchards, vineyards, poultry, or other livestock. A farmer might own the farmland or might work as a laborer on land owned by others. In most developed economies, a "farmer" is usually a farm owner (landowner), while employees of the farm are known as farm workers (or farmhands). However, in other older definitions a farmer was a person who promotes or improves the growth of plants, land, or crops or raises animals (as livestock or fish) by labor and attention.

Over half a billion farmers are smallholders, most of whom are in developing countries and who economically support almost two billion people.[2][3] Globally, women constitute more than 40% of agricultural employees.[4]

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In the US of the 1930s, one farmer could produce only enough food to feed three other consumers. A modern farmer produces enough food to feed well over a hundred people. However, some authors consider this estimate to be flawed, as it does not take into account that farming requires energy and many other resources which have to be provided by additional workers, so that the ratio of people fed to farmers is actually smaller than 100 to 1.[8]

More distinct terms are commonly used to denote farmers who raise specific domesticated animals. For example, those who raise grazing livestock, such as cattle, sheep, goats and horses, are known as ranchers (U.S.), graziers (Australia & UK) or simply stockmen. Sheep, goat and cattle farmers might also be referred to, respectively, as shepherds, goatherds and cowherds. The term dairy farmer is applied to those engaged primarily in milk production, whether from cattle, goats, sheep, or other milk producing animals. A poultry farmer is one who concentrates on raising chickens, turkeys, ducks or geese, for either meat, egg or feather production, or commonly, all three. A person who raises a variety of vegetables for market may be called a truck farmer or market gardener. Dirt farmer is an American colloquial term for a practical farmer, or one who farms his own land.[9]

In developed nations, a farmer (as a profession) is usually defined as someone with an ownership interest in crops or livestock, and who provides land or management in their production. Those who provide only labor are most often called farmhands. Alternatively, growers who manage farmland for an absentee landowner, sharing the harvest (or its profits) are known as sharecroppers or sharefarmers. In the context of agribusiness, a farmer is defined broadly, and thus many individuals not necessarily engaged in full-time farming can nonetheless legally qualify under agricultural policy for various subsidies, incentives, and tax deductions.

Farmers are often members of local, regional, or national farmers' unions or agricultural producers' organizations and can exert significant political influence. The Grange movement in the United States was effective in advancing farmers' agendas, especially against railroad and agribusiness interests early in the 20th century. The FNSEA is very politically active in France, especially pertaining to genetically modified food. Agricultural producers, both small and large, are represented globally by the International Federation of Agricultural Producers (IFAP), representing over 600 million farmers through 120 national farmers' unions in 79 countries.[11]

Farmed products might be sold either to a market, in a farmers' market, or directly from a farm. In a subsistence economy, farm products might to some extent be either consumed by the farmer's family or pooled by the community.

The word 'farmer' originally meant a person collecting taxes from tenants working a field owned by a landlord.[15][16] The word changed to refer to the person farming the field.Previous names for a farmer were churl and husbandman.[17]

USDA considers anyone who has operated a farm or ranch for less than ten years to be a beginning farmer or rancher. \\r\\n\",\"type\":\"radio\",\"options\":[{\"value\":\"yes\",\"text\":\"Yes\",\"result\":{\"alert\":{\"type\":\"info\",\"header\":\"Resources for Beginning Farmers and Ranchers\",\"content\":\"USDA can help you get started or grow your operation through a variety of programs and services, from farm loans to crop insurance, and conservation programs to disaster assistance.\\r\\n\\r\\n\\r\\nYour state's Beginning Farmer and Rancher Coordinator can help you whether you are currently farming or would like information on getting started.\\r\\nVisit our Beginning Farmers and Ranchers section for information about developing your business plan, finding land and capital, selling what you raise and grow, and more.\\r\\n\\r\\n\\r\\nTo see more beginning farmer and rancher resources, click on the button below. \\r\\n\\r\\nTo explore other topics, go back to the statement above and select \\\"No.\\\"\\r\\n\"},\"button\":{\"value\":\"Explore our resources for you\",\"type\":\"primary\",\"link\":\"\/your-business\/beginning-farmers?utm_campaign=discover&utm_medium=fgbutton&utm_source=bfr\"}}},{\"value\":\"no\",\"text\":\"No\",\"go_to\":\"2\"}]},{\"question_id\":2,\"question\":\"I want to find out how my local USDA Service Center can help me.\",\"description\":\"USDA Service Centers are locations where you can connect with Farm Service Agency (FSA) and Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) employees for your business needs.\\r\\n\",\"type\":\"radio\",\"options\":[{\"value\":\"yes\",\"text\":\"Yes\",\"result\":{\"alert\":{\"type\":\"info\",\"header\":\"Get Support From Your Local Service Center\",\"content\":\"USDA employs FSA and NRCS staff members in 2,300 offices nationwide to provide dedicated support to our producers.\\r\\n\\r\\n\\r\\nFSA provides disaster assistance, safety net, farm loan, and conservation programs and is the go-to agency for many USDA records. \\r\\nNRCS provides financial and technical assistance and easement programs for conservation on working lands.\\r\\n\\r\\n\\r\\nLearn more about working with your local service center.\\r\\n\\r\\nYou can also visit the Risk Management Agency website to \\ufb01nd a regional or compliance office or to \\ufb01nd an insurance agent near you.\\r\\n\\r\\nTo see more information about working with USDA service centers, click on the button below. \\r\\n\\r\\nTo explore other topics, go back to the statement above and select \\\"No.\\\"\\r\\n\"},\"button\":{\"value\":\"Find Your Local Service Center\",\"type\":\"primary\",\"link\":\"\/working-with-us\/USDA-service-centers?utm_campaign=discover&utm_medium=fglink&utm_source=center#find-service\"}}},{\"value\":\"no\",\"text\":\"No\",\"go_to\":\"3\"}]},{\"question_id\":3,\"question\":\"I'm looking for ways to get updates on the latest news and stories from farmers.gov.\",\"description\":\"\",\"type\":\"radio\",\"options\":[{\"value\":\"yes\",\"text\":\"Yes\",\"result\":{\"alert\":{\"type\":\"info\",\"header\":\"Connect With Us!\",\"content\":\"Stay up-to-date on the latest farmers.gov news by reading our blog, subscribing to email updates, or following us on social media.\\r\\n\\r\\nTo see ways to connect with farmers.gov, click on the button below. \\r\\n\\r\\nTo explore other topics, go back to the statement above and select \\\"No.\\\"\\r\\n\"},\"button\":{\"value\":\"Find Ways to Connect\",\"type\":\"primary\",\"link\":\"\/contact?utm_campaign=discover&utm_medium=fgbutton&utm_source=connect#connect\"}}},{\"value\":\"no\",\"text\":\"No\",\"go_to\":\"4\"}]},{\"question_id\":4,\"question\":\"I'm interested in finding USDA farm loans to support my operation.\",\"description\":\"\",\"type\":\"radio\",\"options\":[{\"value\":\"yes\",\"text\":\"Yes\",\"result\":{\"alert\":{\"type\":\"info\",\"header\":\"Learn About USDA Loan Options\",\"content\":\"USDA is here to help farmers, ranchers, and foresters get the farm loan support they need to be successful. \\r\\n\\r\\n\\r\\nUse the Farm Loan Assistance Tool to find the farm loans that might be right for you, check your eligibility, and get instructional help with the application forms.\\r\\nLearn about USDA\\u2019s different farm loan options, including farm ownership loans, farm operating loans, microloans, loans for beginning farmers and ranchers, storage loans, and commodity loans.\\r\\n\\r\\n\\r\\nTo see more USDA farm loan resources, click on the button below. \\r\\n\\r\\nTo explore other topics, go back to the statement above and select \\\"No.\\\" \\r\\n\"},\"button\":{\"value\":\"Explore Our Resources for You\",\"type\":\"primary\",\"link\":\"\/loans?utm_campaign=discover&utm_medium=fgbutton&utm_source=loans\"}}},{\"value\":\"no\",\"text\":\"No\",\"go_to\":\"5\"}]},{\"question_id\":5,\"question\":\"I'm looking for resources to help me manage my operation\\u2019s risk or recover from a disaster.\",\"description\":\"\",\"type\":\"radio\",\"options\":[{\"value\":\"yes\",\"text\":\"Yes\",\"result\":{\"alert\":{\"type\":\"info\",\"header\":\"Risk Management and Recovery\",\"content\":\"Agriculture is a risky business. USDA is here to help you prepare for and recover from the impacts of natural disasters and market volatility.\\r\\n\\r\\n\\r\\nUse our Disaster Assistance Recovery Tool to learn about USDA disaster assistance programs that might be right for you by completing five simple steps.\\r\\nVisit our Protection and Recovery section to learn about programs to help offset losses as well as crop insurance and other coverage options to help manage risk and provide a safety net.\\r\\n\\r\\n\\r\\nTo see more risk management and recovery resources, click on the button below. \\r\\n\\r\\nTo explore other topics, go back to the statement above and select \\\"No.\\\"\\r\\n\"},\"button\":{\"value\":\"Explore Our Resources for You\",\"type\":\"primary\",\"link\":\"\/protection-recovery?utm_campaign=discover&utm_medium=fgbutton&utm_source=risk\"}}},{\"value\":\"no\",\"text\":\"No\",\"go_to\":\"6\"}]},{\"question_id\":6,\"question\":\"I'm interested in using conservation to improve the productivity and sustainability of my operation.\",\"description\":\"\",\"type\":\"radio\",\"options\":[{\"value\":\"yes\",\"text\":\"Yes\",\"result\":{\"alert\":{\"type\":\"info\",\"header\":\"Conservation Concerns and Assistance\",\"content\":\"Conservation in agriculture is vital to maintain the productivity and sustainability of America\\u2019s working and non-working lands. USDA wants to help you improve and preserve your natural resources.\\r\\n\\r\\n\\r\\nUse our Conservation Concerns Tool to learn about conservation issues that might impact the productivity of your working land, then partner with us on solutions.\\r\\nWatch our Conservation at Work video series to learn about the benefits of conservation practices directly from the farmers, ranchers, and forestland owners applying them.\\r\\nIf you're a private landowner, learn about conservation easements that enable you to protect sensitive lands like wetlands, grasslands, and prime farmland.\\r\\nFind out how to get started working with USDA to get conservation assistance for improvements to the land that you own or lease.\\r\\n\\r\\n\\r\\nTo see more conservation resources, click on the button below. \\r\\n\\r\\nTo explore other topics, go back to the statement above and select \\\"No.\\\" \\r\\n\"},\"button\":{\"value\":\"Explore Our Resources for You\",\"type\":\"primary\",\"link\":\"\/conservation?utm_campaign=discover&utm_medium=fgbutton&utm_source=conservation\"}}},{\"value\":\"no\",\"text\":\"No\",\"go_to\":\"7\"}]},{\"question_id\":7,\"question\":\"I'm looking for programs to help my business based on the kind of operation I run or what I produce.\",\"description\":\"\",\"type\":\"radio\",\"options\":[{\"value\":\"yes\",\"text\":\"Yes\",\"result\":{\"alert\":{\"type\":\"info\",\"header\":\"Resources for Different Kinds of Operations and Producers\",\"content\":\"Every agricultural operation is different \\u2014 farm or ranch, rural or urban, small or big, and everywhere in between. USDA offers a wide variety of programs and services to fit different kinds of operations.\\r\\n\\r\\n\\r\\nCertain programs work best for certain types of operations. See our programs for row crops, specialty crops, livestock, and forests.\\r\\nWe also have information and programs to support organic producers, urban growers, small-scale producers, and producers of different backgrounds, including beginning farmers and ranchers and veterans. \\r\\nFor operations that are looking for seasonal or temporary workers for planting, cultivating, and harvesting crops when domestic workers are in short supply, learn more about the H-2A Visa Program.\\r\\n\\r\\n\\r\\nTo see more related resources, click on the button below. \\r\\n\\r\\nTo explore other topics, go back to the statement above and select \\\"No.\\\" \\r\\n\"},\"button\":{\"value\":\"Explore Our Resources For You\",\"type\":\"primary\",\"link\":\"\/your-business?utm_campaign=discover&utm_medium=fgbutton&utm_source=operation\"}}},{\"value\":\"no\",\"text\":\"No\",\"go_to\":\"8\"}]},{\"question_id\":8,\"question\":\"I want to set up a farmers.gov account.\",\"description\":\"An authenticated farmers.gov account can help you manage your USDA business online through a secure portal.\\r\\n\",\"type\":\"radio\",\"options\":[{\"value\":\"yes\",\"text\":\"Yes\",\"result\":{\"alert\":{\"type\":\"info\",\"header\":\"Create a Farmers.gov Account\",\"content\":\"To create a farmers.gov account, you will need:\\r\\n\\r\\n\\r\\nA USDA individual customer record. A customer record contains information you have given to USDA to do business with them, like your name, address, phone number, and any legal representative authority relationships.\\r\\nA Login.gov account. Login.gov is a sign in service that gives people secure online access to participating government programs.\\r\\nIdentity verification. You can choose to verify your identity online on in-person at a USDA Service Center.\\r\\n\\r\\n\\r\\nTo get started setting up your farmers.gov account, click on the button below. \\r\\n\\r\\nTo explore other topics, go back to the statement above and select \\\"No.\\\"\\r\\n\"},\"button\":{\"value\":\"Learn How to Create an Account\",\"type\":\"primary\",\"link\":\"\/account?utm_campaign=discover&utm_medium=fgbutton&utm_source=portal#create\"}}},{\"value\":\"no\",\"text\":\"No\",\"result\":{\"alert\":{\"type\":\"info\",\"header\":\"Looking for Something Else?\",\"content\":\"\\r\\nSee upcoming national program deadlines.\\r\\nRead about heirs' property eligibility.\\r\\nLearn about filing crop acreage reports.\\r\\nFind common forms.\\r\\nExplore ways to get involved in with producers in your community.\\r\\nRead the latest stories on our blog.\\r\\nSend us feedback about the website.\\r\\nStart over.\\r\\n\\r\\n\"}}}]}]}"); const stepperDiv = 'simple-stepper-9'; const options = { print: { showPrintLink: true, printCssFiles:['/themes/farmers_update/assets/css/styles.min.css', '/themes/farmers_update/assets/css/print.min.css'], printPopupPage: '/themes/farmers_update/print-popup.html' } } FGStepper(stepper, options); }); Popular Topics How to Start a Farm New to farming? Veteran looking to start a farm? USDA can help with resources specifically designed for beginning farmers and ranchers. 17dc91bb1f

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