Since yesterday was the 2017 presidential inauguration (as of when I am posting this article on 1/21/17), I think this is the perfect time to talk about creating a realistic, political system in a fantasy world. I want to address different complexities of creating a political system that many writers either ignore or do not take enough time developing.

However, saying that a country is a democracy does not mean it is anything like America. It could be similar to Soviet Russia, which is controlled by a dictator under the guise of president. If you chose a democracy for your world, that does not mean you cannot play with the details of how the government works.

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Similarly, socialism is where a central government controls all goods of the people, redistributing it to be more equitable. At least, that is the theory, though historically all socialist governments have simply become dictatorships eventually. Saying this, these would be two interesting governments that are found a lot in history but rarely in fantasy books.

What is a crime in your world? Now, when thinking of this question, do not always think too predictably. For example, in America and most democratic countries, crimes like murder, assault, rape, etc. are crimes. However, depending on your government, things that we may consider good might be illegal. Like in Communist China you cannot say certain things. In your world, magic may be illegal (this is something I see in many fantasy novels).

I find this is actually something ignored in modern fantasy books. As America becomes less religious, so do the books it produces. However, what most writers seem to ignore is the importance of religion is every society and what laws or taboos might be broken.

Honestly, governments are extremely complex systems. I may say that a certain government is a democracy, but most governments cannot be purely defined. They adapt with time. Change. Creating a realistic, good fantasy government is not as simple as figuring out who rules and going from there. It is a complex understanding of how government works. So, look at examples. This article is a starting point to get you thinking, but it is not the end-all to solve your problems.

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I loved Biology - always have, and always will. Unfortunately for me, years of fruitless research whittled away what little joy I had left in what I did. Escapism came in the form of reading isekai works, where the stresses of real life seemed so far away.

Luckily, I was summoned to a fantasy world of magic, dragons, and other mythical beasts. I didn't even need to deal with the Demon Lord threat, since it seemed that my summoning was a mistake, and all they needed was the Hero who was coincidentally summoned together with me! There was no revenge subplot, no hidden trap directed against me, and they even paid me compensation for their mistake. At long last, I could finally do what I ever wanted to do - experiment for the fun of it!

With my new class as a [Biologist], none of this fantasy world's mysteries will be left untouched. Even if the Demon Lord himself comes knocking, nothing will stop me from researching every nook and cranny there is to discover of the magical biology of this world!

This is now my favorite story on RR and I have read a great many stories over the last few years. I cannot overstate my appreciation of the application of specialized real world knowledge to a fantasy type (gamelit type is even better) setting.

The application of specialist expertise makes this story great. After reading many (hundreds) of stories, mostly focused on the same modern nerd stuff the author favors, I have developed a bit of a bipolar (think magnets not minds) set of preferences. I am repelled by stories that do not have some interesting world building, regardless of how great the prose and the characters, if the plot is standard and the world is typical I will dislike it.

Something about this story is just so much more passionate and natural than most of the isekai / system-world stories you can find, on this site or otherwise. I think it's mostly that the author is clearly truly interested in the subject material of the intersection of magic and biology, and has a deep working understanding of the latter that really brightens the research done in the fic. The MC's successes feel very realistic and yet groundbreaking, because they're so much more based in reality than your typical Alchemist isekai story. In particular the use of slimes as a \"basic\" research tool is a stroke of genius on the author's part. Kudos to this story, a must-read if you're the type to find an obscure scientific article and just binge-read the whole thing, and very good even if you're not.

Something about this story is just so much more passionate and natural than most of the isekai / system-world stories you can find, on this site or otherwise. I think it's mostly that the author is clearly truly interested in the subject material of the intersection of magic and biology, and has a deep working understanding of the latter that really brightens the research done in the fic. The MC's successes feel very realistic and yet groundbreaking, because they're so much more based in reality than your typical Alchemist isekai story. In particular the use of slimes as a "basic" research tool is a stroke of genius on the author's part. Kudos to this story, a must-read if you're the type to find an obscure scientific article and just binge-read the whole thing, and very good even if you're not.

There are a lot of isekai novels on this site. Many of their protagonists have unique [Classes] with rare [Skills], think [Sword Knight] or [Slime Mage] or [Necromancer], or [Whatever]. The bad ones degenerate into some weird power fantasy where the only vaguely interesting thing is seeing a blue stat page update. The good ones manage to use the tropes of the genre in at least a little interesting way.

But this novel is special. Not only do we see a well though out protagonist, it's clear that the author knows his way around a Biology lab. It's got a solid grounding in the real world, with a clear, well thought out application into how science would work out in another.

You have to like science. Its basically a bio nerds dream. I'm not a bio nerd so a lot went over my head but I know enough to suss out intent and was thoroughly amused. One thing I hope the author includes is him teaching at least one person in this world the philosophy of science, theory, test, discard or prove, new theory etc. Imagine the mechanical or metallurgical advancements.... and that's the hook of this story, a giant what if.

I was wondering if anyone had any ideas for locations that could be in a fantasy world and I thought to ask this subreddit. The webcomic that I'm working on has become very world building based, and I want a vast amount of possible locations for my characters to explore on their journey. I was also wondering what types of places you might find in a city, specifically? Like different types of venders for example. 2351a5e196

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