The most common cause of falls in healthy adults is accidents. It may be by slipping or tripping from stable surfaces or stairs, improper footwear, dark surroundings, uneven ground, or lack of exercise.[6][7]Studies suggest that women are more prone to falling than men in all age groups.[8]

Older people and particularly older people with dementia are at greater risk than young people to injuries due to falling.[9][10] Older people are at risk due to accidents, gait disturbances, balance disorders, changed reflexes due to visual, sensory, motor and cognitive impairment, medications and alcohol consumption, infections, and dehydration.[11][12][13][14]

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People with Parkinson's disease are at risk of falling due to gait disturbances, loss of motion control including freezing and jerking, autonomic system disorders such as orthostatic hypotension, fainting, and postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome; neurological and sensory disturbances including muscle weakness of lower limbs, deep sensibility impairment, epileptic seizure, cognitive impairment, visual impairment, balance impairment, and side effects of drugs to treat PD.[17][18]

People with multiple sclerosis are at risk of falling due to gait disturbances, drop foot, ataxia, reduced proprioception, improper or reduced use of assistive devices, reduced vision, cognitive changes, and medications to treat MS.[19][20][21][22]

In the occupational setting, falling incidents are commonly referred to as slips, trips, and falls (STFs).[23] Falls are an important topic for occupational safety and health services. Any walking/working surface could be a potential fall hazard. An unprotected side or edge which is 6 feet (1.8 m) or more above a lower level should be protected from falling by the use of a guard rail system, safety net system, or personal fall arrest system.[24]

The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health has compiled certain known risk factors that have been found responsible for STFs in the workplace setting.[23] While falling can occur at any time and by any means in the workplace, these factors have been known to cause same-level falls, which are less likely to occur than falls to a lower level.[23]

A falling person at low altitude typically reaches terminal velocity of 190 km/h (120 mph) after about 12 seconds, falling some 450 m (1,500 ft) in that time. Without alterations to their aerodynamic profile, the person maintains this speed without falling any faster.[30] Terminal velocity at higher altitudes is greater due to the thinner atmosphere and consequent lower air resistance.

What is the KillZ set to in the World Properties. It could be that your character is falling past that point, which will kill him instantly. If you either move the KillZ down or your level up it should fix the problem.

Objectives:  Previous cross-sectional studies have shown a correlation between falls and fear of falling, but it is unclear which comes first. Our objectives were to determine the temporal relationship between falls and fear of falling, and to see whether these two outcomes share predictors.

Measurements:  Demographics, visual function, comorbidities, neuropsychiatric status, medication use, and physical performance-based measures were assessed. Stepwise logistic regression analyses were performed to evaluate independent predictors of falls and fear of falling at the follow-up evaluation, first predicting incident outcomes and then predicting fall or fear-of-falling status at 20 months with baseline falling and fear of falling as predictors.

Conclusion:  Individuals who develop one of these outcomes are at risk for developing the other, with a resulting spiraling risk of falls, fear of falling, and functional decline. Because falls and fear of falling share predictors, individuals who are at a high risk of developing these endpoints can be identified.

Then I found it, but the icon for the vessel was inside the Mun, I switched to control it, from what it looked like, it was definitely falling through the ground of the Mun. Then along with my Kerbal, it exploded.

I have a similar issue, but not quite the same. I had landed on mun, saved and quit the game. When I loaded the save again the vessel was falling through the ground. I tried loading again and after a few times it stayed on the ground and I could continue.

1) Quickload rescue vehicle

2) In map view, "control" landed craft

3) Exit map view

4) For repeated execution of 1-4, the landed craft is clipped into the ground by a different amount each time:

 - completely underground followed by falling to the planets core

 - significantly in the ground, jumping up high into the air, unrecoverable

 - slightly in the ground, jumping a bit, then stable

I had the same issue, went back to a stranded craft on the Mun surface from the tracking station after sending a rescue vehicle and found the first craft ~4000 m underground. I could still fly it there, though, upon exiting the 'surface' my craft quickly dissassembled (but wasn't technically destroyed). Weirdly enough, when my rescue craft arrived, it gave an accurate waypoint indicator for the craft position under the surface and it wasn't moving as far as I could tell. As soon as I changed to the stranded vehicle, it started falling with normal Mun gravity:

To determine whether hearing loss and falling are connected, Frank Lin, M.D., Ph.D., at Johns Hopkins, and his colleague Luigi Ferrucci, M.D., Ph.D., of the National Institute on Aging, used data from the 2001 to 2004 cycles of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. This research program has periodically gathered health data from thousands of Americans since 1971.

Lin, an assistant professor at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and the university's Bloomberg School of Public Health, and Ferrucci found that people with a 25-decibel hearing loss, classified as mild, were nearly three times more likely to have a history of falling. Every additional 10-decibels of hearing loss increased the chances of falling by 1.4 fold. This finding still held true, even when researchers accounted for other factors linked with falling, including age, sex, race, cardiovascular disease and vestibular function. Even excluding participants with moderate to severe hearing loss from the analysis didn't change the results.

Lin, an otologist and epidemiologist, says among the possible explanations for the link is that people who can't hear well might not have good awareness of their overall environment, making tripping and falling more likely.

Brown, B. (Host). (2022, December 14). Bren with Father Richard Rohr on Breathing Under Water, Falling Upward, and Unlearning Certainty, Part 1 of 2. [Audio podcast episode]. In Unlocking Us with Bren Brown. Parcast Network. -under-water-falling-upward-and-unlearning-certainty-part-1-of-2/

One of my GPIO's is an active high from a CPLD. It goes low when an event occurs from the CPLD. I want to be able to perform an operation every time this GPIO pin is pulled low. What peripheral would be the best to use in this scenario? I have tried TIM, PWM input mode and EXTI interrupt and I really haven't been able to get them to check for a falling edge, I never get out of the ISR for some reason.

I appreciate your response, I had given up on using the EXTI and now am trying to get the same thing done with a timer. I am trying to configure it for a PWM input, to see the falling edge. I also need to set up a timer when the falling edge occurs in my isr and stop when the 2nd falling occurs. 006ab0faaa

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