I am trying to create a simplified disaster recovery disk but the error "the server name or address could not be resolved" is coming. What i am soppoesed to do can any one plz help. The error snapshot is attached.

I planning to limit access on port 3306 on the firewall however could you please help me to understand what they are trying to do. Are they just trying to connect to the MySQL server. Where I can look for some more details.

Download Failed The Server Name Or Address Could Not Be Resolved

Download File 🔥 https://urluss.com/2y3L8w 🔥

If i set up a vm on hyper-A then try to enable replication to hyper-B i get the following error:

hyper-v failed to enable replication for virtual machine. The server name or address could not be resolved (0x00002EE7)

If I set up a vm on hyper-B and try to enable replication to hyper-A it works fine.

I can ping both servers from each other

I have tied the "fix" suggested here

The problem I'm having is that on my Win10 computers, when I go to Settings > Update & Security > Windows Security > Virus & threat protection > Check for updates, the updates fail to download. Checking the Windows Defender Event Viewer log I get an error 0x80072ee7 "The server name or address could not be resolved".

I'm not sure why the security intelligence updates shown as not downloaded yet, perhaps the updates isn't up to date. But it's OK if the latest Security Itelligence Update is ready for installation in the disconnected WSUS server. The clients could get the latest version.

But it is so weird that the latest Cumulative Update for Windows 10 2004/20H2/21H1 shown as not downloaded yet. As far as I know, the three Cumulative Updates are the same update which are named C5B235B81AE5ACD9D11FF35EDEE287B663E5861A.cab and located into the same folder. 

It seems that the WSUS can't recognize the updates for a long time. Perhaps we could run the wsusutil.exe reset command again on the disconnected WSUS server. It will reset the metadata.

I had set the fallback order for Windows Defender definitions to the entire piped order as in the example in the GPO, but have since changed it to be just "InternalDefinitionUpdateServer" as in your screenshot. Since doing that I'm not seeing the "The server name or address could not be resolved" error any longer in Event Viewer, but the client computer is still not downloading the definition updates.

The problem is that if your DNS query is passed along a chain of multiple DNS servers and sometimes subject to timeouts, it can take a long time for the name to be resolved and the result returned back to you, and by then your original request may itself have timed out and you see the error you see.

The other two servers in the list are anyres1.fastwebnet.it and anyres2.fastwebnet.it. You could try to move your router at the end of the three, to see if that helps. It will then go to anyres1.fastwebnet.it

As WooJoo stated, you need to tell it a valid server to connect to. If you wanted to use the form $ ssh root@server you can, but you would need to have server as an entry in /etc/hosts or your dns server (which is not the case or you would not have had an error), or an entry in a file called config located typically at /home/username/.ssh/config.

What threw me for a loop was the text "The server name or address could not be resolved". I could PING the IP address of the Orion server just fine and DNS was resolving the IP address and hostname of the Orion server just fine. Also, just in case, I used telnet to do a port check for 17778 too which was successful - so I knew this wasn't a network\firewall connectivity issue.

we checked domain accounts support and it works just fine in our case. I also did what you described - added whole group and then my own account separately and it still allows to install Agent using my domain credentials. Also error that you get - "The server name or address could not be resolved" is different from what you should get in case of authentication issue. Can you open a support case and reference this thread? To provide some information try to run Agent installer from commandline using "msiexec /i SolarWinds-Agent.msi /l*v log.txt". Go through installer, try to use your AD account and once it fails close the installer. This will generate "log.txt" in the folder from which you run installation. This log may provide some helpful information what went wrong. You can check the log that it does not contain sensitive information - it will contain your username and hostname of target machine. Password is logged as "*****".

This article discusses the different methods of host name to IP address resolutions used by Microsoft Windows clients. The sequence of methods is different than the sequence used to resolve NetBIOS names to IP addresses.

On a network using the TCP/IP protocol, it is necessary to convert names of resources to IP addresses to connect to these resources. Microsoft Windows clients will follow a sequence of methods in attempting to resolve a name to an address, stopping the search when it successfully matches a name to an IP address.

There are two main sequences used in almost all cases: NetBIOS resolution and Host name resolution. Clients connecting to resources on Microsoft servers, typically through Windows File Manager or Network Neighborhood, most often use NetBIOS name resolution.

For additional information, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

Host name resolution resolves the names of TCP/IP resources that do not connect through the NetBIOS interface. The most common example of this is a Web browser such as Microsoft Internet Explorer. Other examples include Internet applications such as Ping, FTP, and Telnet. Many modern database and mail applications that connect using Winsock, the Microsoft Windows implementation of TCP/IP sockets, also use host name resolution. Examples of these types of applications are Outlook and Exchange.

When troubleshooting name resolution issues, it is important to narrow down whether the application is resolving a NetBIOS name or a host name.

NOTE: In the context of this article, the term "client" does not necessarily refer to a workstation. A Windows NT server will take the role of client when it requires access to resources that require host name resolution.

Host name resolution generally uses the following sequence:

169141 NetBIOS and hostname resolution for MS-Client and LM 2.2c

When resolving names the client will skip methods for which it is not configured. For example, if there is no hosts file on the system, then it will skip step #2 above and try a query to a DNS server. If no DNS server IP addresses are entered in the client TCP/IP configuration, then the client will skip to the next step in the sequence after DNS.

The method for changing host name resolution order differs among operating systems and versions. These are documented in the Resource Kits for the specific operating systems, as well as in the Microsoft Knowledge Base.

For additional information, please see the following articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

Problem: Client is unable to resolve a host name.

Troubleshooting steps:

If a client cannot resolve a host name, then it is best to verify the Host name resolution sequence listed above that the client should be using. If the name does not exist in any of the resources that the client uses, then you must decide to which resource to add it. If the name exists in one of the resources, such as a DNS server or a Windows Internet Name Service (WINS) server and the client is not resolving the name correctly, focus your attention on troubleshooting that specific resource.

Also, confirm that the client is trying to resolve a host name and not a NetBIOS name. Many applications have multiple methods that they can utilize to resolve names, this is especially true of mail and database applications. The application may be configured to connect to resources using NetBIOS. Depending on the client configuration the client may bypass host name resolution. From there it will be necessary to either change the connection type to TCP/IP sockets or to troubleshoot the problem as a NetBIOS issue.

Problem: Client resolves a name very slowly, or fails to resolve a name and takes a long time to report a failure.

Troubleshooting steps:

Having DNS servers configured in a client's TCP/IP configuration, but the server is not available to the client usually causes this. Because the TCP/IP protocol assumes an unreliable network, a client will repeatedly attempt to connect to a DNS server before abandoning the attempted query. The client will then attempt to query a second DNS server if one is configured and take the same time to fail. Only then will the client step through to NetBIOS name resolution as described above.

There are three ways to approach this issue.

If the host name is correctly entered in a host file, it will be resolved before the client attempts to query DNS. This solution works well if DNS servers are temporarily unreachable and there is a small number of host names that need to be resolved . Manually configuring Hosts files for numerous clients may be prohibitive. -or-

If DNS servers are available, but the DNS Server addresses in the clients TCP/IP configuration are incorrect, then correcting these addresses will allow the clients to contact the DNS servers immediately. Even if a DNS server reports that it cannot resolve a name, this will happen much faster than if the client cannot reach a DNS server at all. -or-

If DNS servers are configured on the client, but these servers are permanently unavailable, then remove the IP addresses of the DNS servers from the client configuration. The client will then bypass the DNS lookup without delay. -or-

If records in the DNS database are missing or incorrect, then there will be a delay as DNS servers query other DNS servers before reporting that they cannot resolve the name. This will usually cause a delay of just a few seconds. 2351a5e196

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