I am managing about 40 iPad 7's using Jamf Now for a healthcare facility so people can communicate with their families during the pandemic. With Apple's help we were able to successfully set up facetime-only managed Apple ID's in Apple Business Manager so patients could connect without the need of an iCloud account. So far so good...

Starting around 2 am this morning I began receiving group facetime calls from a mix of numbers in my contacts and random numbers I didn't have saved. Since then I've received about 7 more calls throughout the day. The calls only ring once or twice before ending. What's even more interesting is that, after going back through the numbers involved in the calls in the "recents" tab of the facetime app, there were more than the 32 total people involved with the highest being 59. The reason I think this happened is that every number was repeated once or twice. This is obviously pretty odd, and I would brush it off as spam or a prank but the fact that the same numbers were registered as being in the same call multiple times and that this caused there to be over the 32 person limit makes me think this is more than that. Anyone else have this issue or know anything about it?

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I'm wondering at what point my daughter will end up in some archive of "children captured from facetime spam calls" and who I will need to sue and how much to sue for? My guess is Apple.com (the company) since my carrier (AT&T) has no control over FaceTime.

The facetime URL scheme is used to initiate a FaceTime call to a specified user. You can use the phone number or email address of a user to initiate the call. When a user taps a FaceTime link in a webpage, iOS confirms that the user really wants to initiate a FaceTime call before proceeding. When an app opens a URL with the facetime scheme, iOS opens the FaceTime app and initiates the call without prompting the user. When opening FaceTime URLs on macOS, the system always prompts the user before initiating a call.

To prevent users from maliciously redirecting calls or changing the behavior of a phone or account, the FaceTime app supports most, but not all, of the special characters in the facetime schemes. Specifically, if a URL contains the * or # characters, the app ignores those characters when they are included after the phone number. If your app receives URL strings from the user or from an unknown source, use the stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding: method of NSString to generate a properly escaped version of the original string before opening the URL.

Note: If the FaceTime app is not installed on the iOS device or Mac, opening a facetime URL displays an appropriate warning message to the user. Prior to iOS 7, the Phone app handled FaceTime calls.

based on the information that I've read from the Apple forums, go into settings>facetime> and turn your iphone cellular calls off. Do this on both devices, this should stop the calls from going to both devices.

This month I got an email from fido that my bill was around $327 and that was $200+ more than what im paying every month. Then, I looked at my bill and it said I got charged for international calls. But, I remember the only calls I made internationally are through facetime. I did not know that fido will charge me for facetime calls and I did not know that facetime cannot be used for free with just data or wifi.

I don't get it!! which wifi I suppose to use?! I pay for the data service that I suppose to receive from fido so why should I be charged for just using facetime over the data ??? I never used international call but I was charged for long distance calls!! It is not fair at all.

I placed the call on facetime. Also I'm connected to my internet. You know when it says facetime on contacts? I clicked that and it says facetime video and not any other calls. Also, I'm not using any third party app like whatsapp or whatsoever. It's just really weird why im getting charged for doing FaceTime calls internationally. My bill just sky rocketed and I wont be able to pay that bill if that's gonna keep going.

Gift certificates can be purchased by emailing facetimetheatre@gmail.com. When ordering a gift certificate, please indicate the recipient of the gift certificate (if possible), the value* you would like to purchase, and the date by... READ MORE

We have been experiencing and odd glitch with one of the members of our team. She is using the built in facetime camera on her Intel MacBook Pro. Periodically during meetings her video feed will flicker, go black and white, and sometimes actually show small frames of other participants' video in her square.

We've tried all the standard system troubleshooting for her camera and the problem persists. Anyone else seen anything like this? Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks!

The effect when her video feed is glitching is reminiscent of a low quality analog video feed, like a closed circuit tv kind of. The strangest part is seeing the other participants' feeds show up in her frame. 0852c4b9a8

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