I've had this issue since IL but thought it was still being looked at, saw the thread for this error was closed as "fixed" though, so I thought I'd report I still have this happen. I've attached some pictures. This happens on all saves as well so I don't know how helpful sending you the save would be, I can if you need it though. The face looks as it should in "Everyday1 Not Tanned" and "Everyday2 Tanned", the other one is the bugged face.

I also had this problem! Once my male mermaid Sim got a tan and after he changed clothes, suddenly his whole face looked distorted (just like your Sim in the screenshots) with huge eyes. The only way I could get rid of the bug was to delete that certain outfit and create a new one.

Download Face Warp

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Meet various templates and features with a professional face photo editing program!

Change your face with the fun warp feature.

With this app, your face will be more beautiful, cute and fun.

You can change the size of individual facial parts such as eyes, nose, and mouth as well as the overall shape of the face.

Also, make your own face fun by pasting other people's faces naturally.

Various beauty filters as well as hair color conversion function and background conversion function!

All face-related functions are included.

This model is basically an exercise in extensions use. All of the surfaces in the final assembly will be curved in at least one direction. Having flat surfaces make up the propeller would make it stand out like a sore thumb.

See for yourself:

11261216 281 KB

Video blogs and selfies are popular social media formats, which are often captured by wide-angle cameras to show human subjects and expanded background. Unfortunately, due to perspective projection, faces near corners and edges exhibit apparent distortions that stretch and squish the facial features, resulting in poor video quality. In this work, we present a video warping algorithm to correct these distortions. Our key idea is to apply stereographic projection locally on the facial regions. We formulate a mesh warp problem using spatial-temporal energy minimization and minimize background deformation using a line-preservation term to maintain the straight edges in the background. To address temporal coherency, we constrain the temporal smoothness on the warping meshes and facial trajectories through the latent variables. For performance evaluation, we develop a wide-angle video dataset with a wide range of focal lengths. The user study shows that 83.9% of users prefer our algorithm over other alternatives based on perspective projection. The video results can be found at _face_correction/.

The list of restrictions goes on, but the first step for Ethiopia to emerge from its time warp of repression must be to bring an end to its sweeping crackdown on freedom of expression and immediately release all detainees being held solely for expressing their opinions.

As I browse through the amazing Spark AR creator filters, I came across one that was so hilarious, that I just couldn't put the phone done. This Instagram filter is called "Funny Mirrors". It has a collection of 8 different mirror-like distortion effects. Some of those effects work only on the face, while others on a larger portion of the frame itself.

Remember those stores or pedestrian malls where artists can draw a cartoon version of you? Well, you can use these filter to create a hilarious cartoon-style version of yourself, or if you are with a friend, this IG face filter can work on two faces simultaneously.

OK, this IG filter review will be full of crazy pictures. Some of the results you might find funny, entertaining and beautifully artistic, others might look horrid or ugly. It's kind of different than having a cartoon-style image than seeing real faces of people get distorted in such a weird way. This is why I was also thinking that this can be a great idea to pass some of those filters through a cartoon/comic style filter. This will help turn your pictures into a funny cartoon-style artwork like the one that is drawn by cartoon artists, kind of.

For those of you who just want to enjoy distorting and morphing your friends, this filter offers plenty of options to do just that. Try the different filters by tapping on the screen, move your smartphone and rotate your face around until you get something that makes you laugh and share it with others.

although there are only 8 distortion effects available, you can achieve many different results, depending on the face shape, hairstyle, facial expressions, etc. You'll find out that you can play with this filter for a long time. I do find it more interesting as an artistic digital tool more than just a filter that can produce hilarious images. This is why I recommend everyone who is into digital art to experiment with it.

One thing to keep in mind is that the face image can be pixelized as the filter also enlarge parts of the image, depends on the filter being used. Because this is still digital image manipulation. Obviously, for the targeted audience, this isn't an issue and even for digital artists, as you can see, depends on the image processing you intend to do, sometimes it really doesn't matter. In fact, some of the stretchings even created fine lines that look great after applying some other filters on it.

We all have different levels of expertise when it comes to makeup. Personally, I'm pretty good at doing my everyday face, but am pretty clueless at anything beyond that. Others, however, are more creative (and daring!) and go for more show-stopping looks. We've been seeing plenty of these polarizing trends pop up on social media lately, and Twitter user and makeup artist @lexusmperezz has just created a look that has the whole Internet shook.

That sounds like it's natural motion blur. If the original footage was shaky, at certain moments the movement of the camera makes every element apper blurry (due to motion blur). While stabilizers are getting smarter, pretty much all they do is re-position and re-scale the frame to counteract the camera movement. Some, as the Warp Stabilzer go as far as actually bending (warping) the footage, but as far as I know, no stabilizer gets rid of motion blur -though should be technically possible-. That's part of the footage itself.

Thanks for your reply but I did check the original footage and it's not blurry at all. I suspected the reason is that a person was passing by the interviewees before that happened, and it confused the Warp Stabilizer VFX making the faces a bit shaky/blurry? Should I not apply this effect for this part or is there any other ways to solve please?

You could try applying it with a method other than "subspace warp" to see if the blur is caused by the warping. Also uncheck "perspective" and see what it does by just re-positioning and re-scaling the frame. If you post both screenshots (frame without stabilizer and with stabilizer) I'd be able to help better!

Ok, I have checked the video and it is motion blur, just like I explained. I have checked the same frame on both videos and the faces are just as blurry. The difference is that on the original video, in the part where the camera is stationary while they are about to eat, there is violent a "bump" or "shake in the camera every now and then (and in those frames during the bump the footage is blurry). In the stabilized video, you don't see the bump/shake because that's what the stabilizer has corrected, but the natural blur from that violent motion is still there.

In the era of digital photography and social media, capturing and sharing images and videos has become an integral part of our lives. However, sometimes the captured content may suffer from face distortion, resulting in unrealistic or unflattering facial proportions. Face distortion can occur due to various factors, such as camera angles, lens distortion, or wide-angle lenses.

Fortunately, advancements in image processing, computer vision, and AI have paved the way for effective face distortion correction techniques, allowing us to enhance photographic accuracy and aesthetics. In this article, we will explore the concept of face distortion correction, its significance, and popular methods employed in the field.

In short, whenever the original image is in widescreen format it needs to be displayed as a 2D image with a smaller field of view (FOV) and this always requires some form of projection. However, each projection method has its own set of problems, such as significant changes in aspect ratios or distortions when examining the images at small or large scales. All image projection types can be useful, depending on the application. Perspective projection is useful to preserve straight lines in an image, while only stereographic projection saves shape of small objects. Hence, stereographic projection can be used as a tool to transform a distorted face image into a corrected version.

Mesh warping techniques utilize a mesh grid overlaid on facial regions to manipulate and adjust the facial geometry. By selectively moving grid points, facial features can be reshaped and realigned to their original proportions. This technique allows localized corrections, enabling precise adjustments to specific facial regions while preserving the overall structure.

Deep learning approaches: With the advent of deep learning, neural networks have been employed for face distortion correction. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) can be trained to learn the mapping between distorted and undistorted face images. By leveraging large-scale datasets, these models can effectively correct various types of face distortion.

Face and body segmentation identifies and separates the facial and bodily regions from the background or surrounding objects within each frame of a video. This segmentation enables targeted distortion correction specifically on the face and body, while preserving the overall temporal coherence and natural flow of the footage. 006ab0faaa

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