Can you confirm if your browser and the 1Password extension are fully up to date? Are you experiencing trouble filling on all websites, or a specific one? If there's a specific site, can you provide us with website's URL?

Those are the versions. I believe I installed opera and 1password a few days ago. New to Opera, and mostly loving it other than 1password issue, and I posted a couple feature requests like being able to split tabs like you would split windows on a monitor, and the ability to set On Startup pages by workspace instead of only on the main workspace.

Download Extension Opera Gx


Same 3 items from description of this ticket. 1Password installs and then I have to enter password every time i open opera even if the 1Password app is already unlocked on my mac. Once unlocked it will try to suggest but clicking does nothing. And if i click the extension button i get a generic list of passwords not suggestions for the site i am on. I have had to use the 1 password app to copy paste into opera which is enough to push me back to safari. I have to use 1 password for work and have no option to use a different password manager. Otherwise i love opera!

Whenever I try to download a Chrome extension it says "Download error: Download interrupted with reason: SERVER_BAD_CONTENT". I tried to download the Chrome Extensions addon for Opera but I can't access it and when I open the link it doesn't load. I have signed into Chrome and have synced between Chrome and Opera GX. I am running Opera GX on Windows 10 and version LVL5 (core: 102.0.4880.85). What do I do?

An Opera extension contains a manifest file which defines metadata like the name of the extension, its author, etc. It also lists the various API permissions we want the extension to have. It will also typically have a background page or background script, which is responsible for communicating with the browser UI. Apart from that, it could have a content script which deals with changes to web pages. You could also need some other HTML (and related CSS and JavaScript) files for button popups or an options page.

since this extension is a bandaid, when you get to your desired login page, right-click 'lock icon', ask for auto-fill.

possibly two irrelevant pop up dialogues may occur.

cancel out of them.

the only dialogue box you want is the ALLOW/DENY fill in of your credentials. you did all this work you may as well allow?

It will then access your existing keepassXC database.

How hard would it be to get a Opera Browser extension for Studio/StudioX. I tried using the Chrome extension as you are able to install them and they are supposed to work. However, this is the first Chrome extension that has not worked. It installs just fine but when you try to use Opera it says that it cannot read from this browser.

I would like to use the Opera browser instead of Chrome. The Chrome extension is successfully installed but when I try to use the browser it gives me an error saying that it cannot read from this browser.

In the Easy setup panel, click on a wallpaper to change the look of your browser. If you want to find more wallpapers, click the Get more wallpapers button to go to the wallpapers section of From there, you can browse and install wallpapers created by the Opera community.

Extensions which you add to your Opera browser can be found on the extensions page. There, you can turn extensions on or off and adjust their settings. You can open your extensions page by clicking on the Extensions icon (cube icon) towards the bottom of your sidebar. Alternatively, you can get to the extensions page through the main menu:

@Tergin Hi, there is already a fix for this. I think in Opera you have to wait for the extension version 2023.10.1 (which was released two days ago but is at the moment not yet available in every browser).

The solution on the first link that is suggested by N0rbert at the comments section of the original post did not work. However, this Opera extension here worked pretty well, even without having to install Chrome extension for Webex. I just selected Windows10+Chrome from the extension, and now I am able to connect to the Webex from Opera on Ubuntu machine.

I tried to install KPW in Opera GX but when I try to open the extension it request for the main password, even if I have not logued into Kaspersky previusly, then when I try to put my main password, it says that is not correct (is the correct password), what can I do to solve it? KPW wo rks fine in Opera but not in Opera GX

Kaspersky Password Manager lets you install extensions for all installed browsers during the initial setup of the application. When you install a new browser supported by Kaspersky Password Manager, the browser will appear in the Browsers section, and you can install the extension for the browser. You can also install browser extensions manually.

To use Zotero with the Opera browser, first install the Install Chrome Extensions Opera extension, which allows Opera to run Chrome extensions. Then, install the Zotero Connector for Chrome. You can then use the Zotero Connector normally.

Click on the shield icon on Opera next to the address bar, this will allow you to block ads using Operas native system. To get the best ad & popup blocking including stopping trackers, use the Ghostery Ad Blocker. This is an adblocker free of charge that leverages the most advanced adblock technology, blocking ads, stopping popups, bypasing consent banners, and more. Improve your browsing experience with our free ad blocker extension for Opera.

Q4 - What is your proposed solution?

I used the extension in Opera GX for a while before the browser lock was added. The installation of Chrome extensions supports Opera / Opera GX and I had no problems. So Opera / Opera GX would only need to be added to the list of supported browsers, no other changes would be necessary.

Opera has been the most go to browsers for people like us who likes the features this browser offers. If you can add this to opera, then can have users from those 300 million monthly active users of opera browsers.

I've been using Opera as my default browser for a while now and I've found it to be an enjoyable and easy experience. And like almost every browser I've used, Opera offers extensions that broaden the feature set of the browser.

Thankfully, most good browsers make it possible to pin extensions to the toolbar so they are easily accessible -- Opera is no exception. And with some extensions, I want them front and center so they can be used without having to hunt them down.

What you'll need: The only things you'll need for this are an updated version of the Opera browser and at least one extension installed. Make sure you're using Opera with the new UI, as the process might not work for the older version. I'll demonstrate this on release number 100.0.4815.54. It doesn't matter what operating system you use, but this feature is for the desktop version only.

It's time to pin your extensions. At the upper right corner of the Opera window, you should see a small 3D-looking box. That's the Extensions button. If you click that, you'll reveal the Extensions popup, which should list the extensions you have installed. In each extension listing, you'll see a small thumbtack icon. Click the thumbtack for the extension you want to pin and you'll then see an icon appear for that extension in the Extension "pill" in the toolbar.

If you click the icon for the extension you just pinned, you can now (easily) interact with it. If you don't pin the extension to the toolbar, you have to first click the Extension icon and then click the extension you want to interact with.

This is only one extra click but for those extensions you interact with frequently, pinning them is the more efficient option. Of course, if you pin too many extensions, you'll wind up with a cluttered toolbar, so pin wisely.

Congratulations, you've just made Opera slightly more efficient. Keep the extensions you access most often pinned and you'll save yourself quite a few mouse clicks or trackpad taps throughout the day.

Objective:  To assess over 3 years of follow-up the effects of maintaining or switching to ocrelizumab (OCR) therapy on clinical and MRI outcomes and safety measures in the open-label extension (OLE) phase of the pooled OPERA: I/II studies in relapsing multiple sclerosis.

The digital world has moved beyond simple text and graphics. Today, user experience is paramount, and this extends to the browser environment as well. If you often find yourself navigating through the harsh glare of websites, you're not alone. This is where Night Eye, an innovative browser extension that activates dark mode across virtually any website, comes in handy. Let's explore how you can install and effectively use Night Eye on your Opera browser to drastically improve your browsing comfort.

Navigating to Night Eye: Upon clicking 'Extensions,' you'll see a list of all extensions currently installed on your Opera browser. Among these, find 'Night Eye.' This page is the control center for managing all the extension's settings.

This post explains how to add the Internet Download Manager (IDM) extension to the Opera browser. The post provides step-by-step instructions for ensuring IDM is integrated into Opera, and for installing the IDM Integration Module extension in Opera.

Internet Download Manager is a popular tool for downloading files from the internet. By adding the IDM extension to your browser, you can easily download files with IDM directly from your browser. The process of adding the IDM extension to Opera is straightforward and can be completed in just a few steps. 2351a5e196

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