Customize Azure Storage Explorer to meet your needs. For example, use the Azure Data Factory extension to move data from other cloud storage services, such as AWS S3, to Azure Storage. Add the Azure App Configuration extension to your storage explorer to manage your application settings and feature flags in one place.

My employer uses dropbox as a shared drive, and has done so successfully for several years. However I've just started, and have run into an issue where many files are not openable via the windows file explorer folder.

Download Explorer 8 For Windows 10


I recently started using WSL2, and I've noticed that it starts running every time I open the file explorer in Windows. I'm guessing this is because WSL2 lets you access your Linux filesystem from the file explorer.

Is there some way to prevent this behaviour? I'd be fine not to have my Linux filesystem show up automatically in the file explorer. Thanks in advance, and my apologies if similar questions have been asked here before.

All of a sudden a week ago I could no longer access admin via chrome " uses an unsupported protocol." and unable to access shares from windows explorer. (see screenshot attached)

Then enter \\ into the file explorer address bar. Be careful to use the correct slash direction - using // will launch your default browser, and give you the same unsupported protocol error. You should see the share list, and then be able to click on the various shares.

The Windows file explorer window in my PC doesn't show and pop up anymore in my Windows 10 computer. It does highlight on the Windows taskbar where I can see that that window is opened and also, I can hover over it with my mouse cursor and then its little explorer window icon pops up on the task bar but that's it, the big window itself doesn't show up or is accessible anywhere. 

I have all latest updates of Windows 10 installed. What I tried already: I uninstalled a couple of apps which I think I had installed around the time this problem started happening. And I also updated all my drivers with my paid/premium driver update software. But all with no success. 

I never had this kind of problem before and I don't know what else to do. 

I could uninstall all remaining apps on my PC one by one and see if that fixes it but those are still quite a lot of apps and then I would need to re-install them later again. Not sure if I should do that.

I got it solved. 

I hit alt+tab until the Windows explorer window was the front-most window. Then I hit alt + pressed Space, let go of both and hit M, then used the arrow keys to move the explorer window back on-screen. Because I had 'Extended desktop' in my Windows' Display settings, it was off-screen.

It went off-screen because I used to use a second monitor but then later on I didn't use the second monitor anymore and turned it off but you can still accidentally click and drag open windows on to it.

So I used the arrow keys to get the window on the visible portion of the screen. Thanks!

Mostly, explorer doesn't seem to recognize SAS programs. The icon next to a program is generic. When I right-click on a program in an explorer window, it doesn't give me the option to open in SAS (if I try open-with, it batch-submits rather than opening a SAS session). I can't right-click within an empty folder and insert a new SAS program, either. None of these are preventing me from getting any work done, but they do introduce some inefficiencies.

The PDF Shell component in Acrobat and Acrobat Reader allows you to see the thumbnails of PDF documents in Windows explorer, on both 64-bit and 32-bit versions of Windows. By default, this feature is OFF. You can enable it using a specific setting available in the preferences.

I have the same issue, I uploaded a video file through windows explorer (the installed app with the mounted drive) and it permanently corrupted the file, even if I download it back by the other provided means (thru web browser, or even with the portable app)

Pretty strange behavior, I'm using 2015 and just noticed that if I fill in those fields through the Autocad application properties they DO NOT show up in explorer (the "Summary" tab doesn't even show up) but we have a program we use to programmatically fill in those fields and those DO show up (the "Summary" tab does show when done this way).

and what if, for example, there are two tabs with the same name, is it possible to look at the activity somehow?

I want to explain why I need it

I want to use the windows context menu to call the program and have it immediately pick up the selected files

For the Mac file system, open a window, go to Finder, choose View-Show Path Bar. The complete path will appear under the window in every view selection. A click on any item in the path takes you there, and one can also open in a new window by right-clicking any item. The setting is sticky, so all new windows will show the path bar. This feature has been here for a very long time. ff782bc1db

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