The exist() method returns 1 for the XQuery expression that returns a nonempty result. If you specify the true() or false() functions inside the exist() method, the exist() method will return 1, because the functions true() and false() return Boolean True and False, respectively. That is, they return a nonempty result). Therefore, exist() will return 1 (True), as shown in the following example:

In the following example, @x is an xml type variable (untyped xml) and @f is an integer type variable that stores the value returned by the exist() method. The exist() method returns True (1) if the date value stored in the XML instance is 2002-01-01.

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The following example illustrates the use of the exist() method against an xml type variable. It is a typed XML variable, because it specifies the schema namespace collection name, ManuInstructionsSchemaCollection.

In the example, a manufacturing instructions document is first assigned to this variable and then the exist() method is used to find whether the document includes a element whose LocationID attribute value is 50.

The exist() method specified against the @x variable returns 1 (True) if the manufacturing instructions document includes a element that has LocationID=50. Otherwise, the method returns 0 (False).

The query specifies query() and exist() methods of the xml data type and both these methods declare the same namespaces in the query prolog. In this case, you may want to use WITH XMLNAMESPACES to declare the prefix and use it in the query.

If I get this error, most of the time I want to run a check that only exists on the master but I forgot to tell Icinga2 where to run the check and by default (edit) my director setup (/edit) tries on the client.

We have ink 3D printer so the configuration is custom. I exported config from gcode file that already existed. Then i loaded my model(pic 1) and sliced it (pic2) but when i tried to export gcode it game me an error.

We would need a copy of your saved Prusa Slicer project file. Get to the point where you are having the problem and then File>Save Project As. This will save a .3mf file. A 3mf file contains the model(s) but more importantly all the settings you are using.

Post processing scripts are usually configured in the Print Profile and command an external script to be run on the output gcode. The error message indicates its trying to run a script in c:Program that doesn't exist.

EXIST is a series of scientific events and shared tasks on sexism identification in social networks. EXIST aims to capture sexism in a broad sense, from explicit misogyny to other subtle expressions that involve implicit sexist behaviours (EXIST 2021, EXIST 2022). The third edition of the EXIST shared task will be held as a Lab in CLEF 2023, on September 18-21, 2023, in the Centre for Research & Technology Hellas (CERTH), Thessaloniki, Greece.

The first task is a binary classification. The systems have to decide whether or not a given tweet contains sexist expressions or behaviours (i.e., it is sexist itself, describes a sexist situation or criticizes a sexist behaviour). The following tweets show examples of sexist and not sexist messages.

Once a message has been classified as sexist, the second task aims to categorize the message according to the intention of the author, which provides insights in the role played by social networks on the emission anddissemination of sexist messages. In this task, we propose a ternary classification task:

Sexism comprises any form of oppression or prejudice against women because of their sex. As stated in (Rodrguez-Snchez et al. 2020), sexism is frequently found in many forms in social networks, includes a wide range of behaviours (such as stereotyping, ideological issues, sexual violence, etc.) (Donoso-Vzquez and Rebollo-Cataln, 2018; Manne, 2018), and may be expressed in different forms: direct, indirect, descriptive or reported (Miller, 2009; Chiril et al. 2020). While previous studies have focused on identifying explicit hatred or violence towards women (Zeerak and Dirk, 2016; Anzovino et al., 2018; Frenda et al., 2019), the aim of the EXIST campaigns is to cover sexism in a broad sense, from explicit misogyny to other subtle expressions that involve implicit sexist behaviours. The EXIST dataset incorporates any type of sexist expressions or related phenomena, including descriptive or reported assertions where the sexist message is a report or a description of a sexist behaviour.

To this aim, and following the methodology used in previous EXIST editions (Rodrguez-Snchez et al. 2021), we collected different popular expressions and terms, both in English and Spanish, commonly used to underestimate the role of women in our society. To mitigate the seed bias, we included seeds that are commonly employed in both sexist and non-sexist contexts. The final set contains more than 400 expressions.

I changed the datadir of a MySQL installation and all the bases moved correctly except for one. I can connect and USE the database. SHOW TABLES also returns me all the tables correctly, and the files of each table exists on the MySQL data directory.

However, when I try to SELECT something from the table, I get an error message that the table does not exist. Yet, this does not make sense since I was able to show the same table through SHOW TABLES statement.

I reinstalled my OS (Mac OS El Captain) and installed a new version of mysql (using homebrew). The installed version (5.7) happened to be newer than my previous one. Then I copied over the tables, including the ib* files, and restarted the server. I could see the tables in mysql workbench but when I tried to select anything, I got "Table doesn't exist".

Please check corresponding data file. It is very likely that file name is in lower case on file system but table name listed in "show tables" command is in upper case. If system variable "lower_case_table_names" is 0, the query will return "table not exist" because name comparisons are case sensitive when "lower_case_table_names" is 0.

As I wrote in my original post, I already tried resetting my password. However, entering my email gives me the message "No account exists for this email". I tried this with multiple emails, AND facebook.

Trying to execute serverless info on an existing infrastructure and get Stack with id xxxxx does not exist.

The stack does exist, aws --region ap-southeast-2 cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name xxxxx is showing it!

A quantum error-correcting code is defined to be a unitary mapping (encoding) of k qubits (two-state quantum systems) into a subspace of the quantum state space of n qubits such that if any t of the qubits undergo arbitrary decoherence, not necessarily independently, the resulting n qubits can be used to faithfully reconstruct the original quantum state of the k encoded qubits. Quantum error-correcting codes are shown to exist with asymptotic rate k/n=1-2H2(2t/n) where H2(p) is the binary entropy function -plog2p-(1-p)log2(1-p). Upper bounds on this asymptotic rate are given.  1996 The American Physical Society.

This looks similar to (but not the same as) this one: [CT-2531] [Regression] v1.5.0 cannot run "dbt deps" in Dockerfile - "Error: Invalid value for '--profiles-dir': Path '/root/.dbt' does not exist."  Issue #7511  dbt-labs/dbt-core  GitHub

Polio does still exist, although polio cases have decreased by over 99% since 1988, from an estimated more than 350 000 cases to 22 reported cases in 2017. This reduction is the result of the global effort to eradicate the disease. Today, only 2 countries in the world have never stopped transmission of polio (Pakistan and Afghanistan).

this is the code i am trying to check if a column exist in a dataframe or not if not then i have to give NULL if yes then i need to give the column itself by using UDF and its throwing error for udf not sure what i am doing wrong.kindly help how to resolve error as resultdf dataframe is throwing below error

AnalysisException: Column 'a' does not exist. Did you mean one of the following? [, a.std, a.Dept, a.flag, a.mean, a.salary, a.neg_std, a.new_var, a.ref_date, a.mean20perc, a.neg_mean20perc]; line 1 pos 57;

Auto-exist is a technology built into DAX with the simple goal of avoiding useless calculations. In other words, it is an optimization technique used by the filtering mechanisms of DAX with the goal of reducing the effort of computing values.

The first option does not seem very smart. Because Italy is in Europe, there is no point in returning a non-existing row containing the pair >Italy, North America>. Therefore, DAX uses the second option and it does so by using a mechanism known as auto-exist.

The auto-exist mechanism kicks in when two or more columns of the same table are filtered together. Instead of using the columns as separate filters, SUMMARIZECOLUMNS generates only one filter which filters all the columns with only the existing combinations of values. Therefore, instead of scanning all the possible combinations (in our example this would mean 5 cities times 2 continents for a total of 10 combinations) the engine only scans the five existing combinations. Most of the times this is exactly what the user requested, only retrieved quicker as a table might have many more rows with duplicated values for the columns considered. Moreover, in the unlikely scenario where one wants to retrieve all the combinations, there are other table functions like CROSSJOIN that can generate non-existing combinations of values. 2351a5e196

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